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An Interview with Noah Kravitz

by | Aug 4, 2022 | Interviews,

Noah Kravitz

Noah Kravitz

Key Topics:AI, Deep Learning, B2B Technology, SMB, Digital Transformation
Location:Oakland, CA

Noah Kravitz is a content creator and technologist with expertise in AI and related technologies, consumer electronics, and B2B technology (CRM/SaaS/Salesforce and CyberSecurity). He used to review laptops and cell phones for a living. Now, He hosts the NVIDIA AI Podcast and works with various businesses and nonprofits on marketing and comms. Also: Drummer!

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I started writing about personal computing in the late 90s, and that evolved into covering consumer tech and then mobile phones. During the 2000s I was EIC of PhoneDog Media, a network of sites and very popular YouTube channels covering the mobile phone industry. More recently I “hopped the fence” and started working with tech companies I used to report on, and then with Salesforce.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

The intersection of society and technology. Bleeding edge tech. AI, deep learning, mobile phones, consumer tech, digital transformation, SMBs, design thinking, relationship design. Climate change, renewable energy/resources, and creating a better world for my kids’ generation.

Who influences you within these topics?

Everyone I work with and read/listen to. The guests I interview on the NVIDIA podcast, and for my work with Salesforce’s small business marketing efforts, most regularly

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

The tech has far outpaced most companies’ thinking and planning around it. For small businesses, that means figuring out how to make digital technologies work on a small budget with a DIY mentality. For large brands, that means thinking beyond profits to help create a sustainable future. If the equality gap keeps widening and the climate keeps worsening, there’s no future for any businesses. It’s the burden of the biggest brands to put more resources behind technologies with a net-positive societal benefit, even if it temporarily hurts the fiscal bottom line.

Of course, right now we’re in this remarkable moment of challenge and opportunity. COVID has really accelerated things like remote working, reliance on gig workers (food delivery, etc), and digital transformation. How brands set their North Stars and, just as importantly, focus on following them, can really dictate where we all go over the next 5-10 years, in particular.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

In the AI space, we have a choice between harnessing the tech to serve all people by finding better ways to harness renewable energy, distributing wealth and resources, etc, and continuing down the “Arms Race” path we currently find ourselves in. Of course, we’ll always have a mix between no-holds-barred capitalism and other paths. But the future depends on what balance we find.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

I’m biased bc I’ve worked with Nvidia for years now, but I think they’re clearly one of the leaders in AI, Deep Learning, and related technologies. I have huge admiration for Ben & Jerry’s and Patagonia when it comes to corporate ethics. And there are a million SMBs you’ve never heard of finding really cool ways to “make it work” with technology right now.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Podcasts, speaking opportunities, video interviews, product innovation. I think I excel at making complex technologies and ideas relatable, both in writing and across audio and video. I’d like to do more real-time speaking, whether in person or across the video. I’m also, of course, open to more podcasting.

What are your passions outside of work?

Family and friends. Drumming and music. Eating and cooking. Running and basketball.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

By Email

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