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An Interview with Paige McNamee

by | Oct 12, 2021 | Interviews,

Paige McNamee

Paige McNamee

Reporter at Finextra

Key Topics:Payments, Financial regulation, Fintech, Sustainable Finance, Digital Currency.

Paige is a Reporter for Finextra Research, specializing in payments, digital currency, and regulation.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I worked in a couple of start-ups during university but realised I loved the buzz of the sector’s news and evolution so much that I’d be a better fit writing about them. Moving to London put me smack bang in the middle of fintech action and I’ve been immersed in the sector ever since. Working with Finextra, I’m spoiled by the caliber of industry leaders I get to talk to every single day, and being able to pick their brains means I’m treated to a top-class fintech education.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

While it wasn’t quite enough to push me to practice law, my penchant for regulation is particularly strong, and I adore watching legal minds wrap their heads around new technologies and their impact. The subject of digital identity is another addiction, and alongside understanding what the future of digital currencies will look like, I often find myself asking interviewees for their take on the latest crypto saga – it’s often where the rawest emotion comes out.

Who influences you within these topics?

Research papers and blogs are of course routine sources of insight, but I must credit John Pitts of Plaid (a policy guru), Akhil Rao of Nth Exception (anything and everything payments), and Andrew Smith of (DevOps aficionado) for consistently offering an incisive explanation of complex areas.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

The impression I get from the industry is that regulation across almost all sectors of financial technology remains a blessing and a curse and that there is no such thing as too much collaboration between regulators and market participants. I frequently hear that regulation itself is not only welcomed but when the industry is included by supervising bodies in crafting these tools, it is vigorously encouraged.

On top of this, with such a crowded market it’s essential to have marketing that effectively venerates points of differentiation, and, keeping services as convenient and seamless as possible for the consumer is the only way to keep them loyal.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

Your guess is as good as mine. That said, I hope that the partnership/ecosystem-based model which larger financial institutions are now participating in for increasingly foundational projects persists, encouraging not only better financial experiences but a healthier and more competitive landscape.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

I’m reluctant to name specific brands, however, I’d argue that those who are tapped-in into the long-term evolution of digitized financial services are designing products that are adaptive and interoperable by nature.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Editorial, written and video interviews, research papers, webinars, speaking opportunities, podcasts.

What are your passions outside of work?

Love to travel and I’m constantly working on improving my Franglais.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Email, Linkedin, Twitter.

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