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An Interview with Philippe Ruttens

by | Nov 24, 2021 | Interviews,

Philippe Ruttens

Philippe Ruttens

B2B Revenue Marketing Consultant, Coach & Interim Director at Ruttens.

Key Topics:B2B Marketing, Demand Generation, ABM, Revenue Growth, Marketing Automation, MarTech, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Biohacking, Paleo, Healthy Aging.
Location:Antwerpen, Belgium

B2B Marketing consultant & interim manager Philippe Ruttens transforms B2B sales & marketing teams faster into revenue marketing centers of excellence. For the last 25 years, he has been helping international scale-ups, mid-size, and enterprises to grow their brand, leads & revenue in 10+ sectors across Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, UK, and US.

Using his analytical and operational expertise developed at firms like Accenture, World Courier, EY, MasterCard, cleverbridge, and Iron Mountain, he combines his analytical & strategic advice with demand generation plans and quick wins on campaigns & channels. Using data, audit, and dashboards, Philippe coaches CMO/CCOs developing and optimizing Demand Generation, ABM, and Digital Marketing operations to grow revenue faster and with higher ROI.

Outside work, his interests include biohacking, Paleo, Crossfit, Precision Nutrition, travel, movies, and he spends 3-4 months each year working as a digital nomad in Southern Europe.

Based in Antwerpen, Philippe is available on-site or remotely, either as an executive coach or interim manager, more info on Ruttens.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

Through 25+ years working as B2B Marketing (interim) manager or consultant for a dozen companies in 10+ sectors across Europe and globally. I also contribute to blogs, webinars, communities as well as reading many newsletters, practitioners’ tips, trends, etc.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

ABM, Demand Generation, MarTech, Marketing team transformation.

Who influences you within these topics?

Too many to mention but DemandBase, Chris at RefineLabs, various Demand Gen experts, communities like FINITE and Pavilion (Revenue Collective).

Over the last 15 years and still, in 2021, I have witnessed that most B2B Marketing teams are suffering from 5 key gaps:

1. Limited integration and teamwork with their Sales and Business Development counterparts.
2. Poor measurement & focus on sales & buyer KPIs (vs only top-funnel ones).
3. Lack of true Revenue Marketing and Demand Generation skills, with too many marketers staying stuck in their “Marcom, design and branding” comfort zone.
4. Content marketing remains underleveraged in terms of relevance, personalization, lead experience, production agility, and impact on the buyer journey

5. Insufficient customer insights, marketing data & tech-based decision-making.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

To be able to solve these issues, it is key that the CMO or VP Marketing connects all the dots, from Customer Experience to Sales Enablement and Account-Centricity under a data-based, responsive Revenue Growth vision and operations. Equally important is how aligned our Marketing Leads are with their CEO, CFO, CIO, and CCO. Without those crucial elements, the whole Marketing team will never reach their full potential and, even worse, will crash & burn in 2022 due to a lack of measurable impact on their company’s bottom line.

B2B Marketing “teams of the future” need to think Ecosystem and Hybrid, which means three principles:

1. Expand their scope and vision to integrate clients, prospects, contractors, influencers, communities, partners, and even competitors in their go-to-market plan.
2. Build a fluid, on-demand team of core talent mixing freelance/interim senior experts, specialized boutique agencies, and own core talent for execution.
3. Plan, implement, and optimize in monthly & quarterly timeframes as opposed to yearly ones. Think dashboards, sprints, campaigns, and content execution as a core weapon and not just well-formatted slide decks and strategic plans.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

HubSpot, 6Sense, Engagio, ActiveCampaign.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Blogs, webinars, eBook, interview, podcast, panel, workshop, conference speaker

What are your passions outside of work?

Biohacking, healthy food, nutrition, Crossfit, sports, 50+ lifestyle, healthy aging. Also, travel, movies, and live 3-4 months per year in Spain, Portugal, Greece as a digital nomad.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

By Email.

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