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An Interview with Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout

by | Dec 20, 2021 | Interviews,

Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout

Professor (Dr.) Sanjay Rout

 CEO of Innovation Solution Lab

Key Topics:Healthcare, Medicine, Education, Legal, Future Technology, Business, Entrepreneurship, Journalism, Authorial , Scientific, Coaching, Policy, Sustainability, Impact Research,Consulting, Governance, Psychology, Innovation, Agri-Tech, Energy, CSR, AI, Edu-Tech, Think -Tank, Digital, Startups & others
Location:India & Global

Professor Doctor Sanjay Kumar Rout is an International Researcher, Innovator, Speaker, Author, Legal Expert, Coach, Editor, Reviewer, Journalist, and Policy Expert, Coach. He is well known and highly respected dignitary in the field of Research Development & Innovation work in the major domains of Development Management, Policy Research, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Social Science, Education, Technology, and other Fields. Currently, he is working as Chancellor of MV University (Mexico), Research Director of GIBU University (Liberia), Educational Executive Council member of RKU University. He had worked with various national International organizations in various leadership capacities. Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been a distinguished Researcher, Startup Mentor Innovator, who consistently demonstrates his research work excellence in the field of Research & development, Innovations with greater efficiency, productivity, and quality Innovations & research models., Health, Governance, Technology, Business Management & Academics. He had received many National / International Fellowship & Awards in several categories for his eminent work in Innovation, Management, Research, Sustainability, and Social Development. He had participated various National/international Summits/Conclave/Seminar/Workshop. He had published 100+ research papers & books.

For his work, he had been Honored by many organizations as:

  • Global Influencer in Higher Education Award by CED, GIFT & MSME
  • Top 50 Global Data & Security Future Thought Leader by Thinkers360
  • International AOV leadership Award for Research & Innovation Field
  • World’s Best 50 Future Business & Innovation start-up Thought Leader-2020 by Thinkers360 
  • Pillars of India award by ESN Research
  • Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on COVID-19 Business Impact by Thinkers360
  • Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on Public Relation by Thinkers360
  • Honored as Literary Lieutenant from Story Mirror
  • Start-up Mentor from Startup World
  • Best Innovator MUGU International Foundation
  • Outstanding Global Scientist (Innovation, Author, Policy & Futuristic Speaker) by NCCHWO
  • Best Author Award from Story Mirror
  • Best Young Scientist Award from Global Education and Corporate Leadership Awards
  • Outstanding Researcher Award from Green ThinkerZ
  • Indira Gandhi Gold Medal Award by GEPRA
  • Best Guru Award from GECL
  • Speaker on Public Health at AIDSCON Summit by Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
  • Global Speaker on Research Development at WORM-2020 International Summit by Eudoxia Pvt.Ltd
  • Best Speaker on Artificial Intelligence at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth


 His academic credentials contain different achievements from renowned universities/institutions like—NIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Washington, Imperial College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Several achievements, he holds, Three bachelor's, Three masters, three Ph.D.& D.Sc. (Medicine) , D.Litt (Law) in his academic career. He is a globally certified professional from internationally acclaimed organizations like Google, WHO, BCG, World Bank, Amazon, UNICEF, SAS, UN, European Union, IBM, Asian Development Bank, FAO, Cisco, IRCC, GoI, UNDP & others. And he had worked for various global projects in multiple thematic areas.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

Thinking back my excursion nearly appears to be clear, yet truly, it was more explorative. Over the previous decade in my profession, I have consistently centered around arising advances and item development due to which I have sound fundamental information on how things work. I likewise began my vocation on wellbeing research, sway advancements and strategy that elaborate different coordination and development, which set me towards the way of future developments stages. Continuously chipped away at different center innovation, strategy, and medical services, spaces that have assisted me with acquiring the right information and developing more towards what’s to come.
I have consistently been captivated by the speed of progress in the innovation business and its affecting, and having worked for both Government and organizations, framed my fantasy enterprising endeavor Innovation Solution Lab in 2019. Working with a marvelous, groundbreaking group fuelling my contemplations and interest in Emerging Technologies and Innovation, being in the ideal spot to gain proficiency with the best-in-class advancements.
I love to compose on various Diaspora of future advancement, exploration, strategy, and different regions with having 50+ books. On my excursion, I have been respected by different associations in the past for my works not many are underneath:

  • Global Influencer in Higher Education Award by CED, GIFT & MSME
  • International AOV leadership Award for Research & Innovation Field
  • World’s Best 50 Future Business & Innovation start-up Thought Leader-2020 by Thinkers360
  • Pillars of India award by ESN Research
  • Start-up Mentor from Startup World
  • Best Innovator MUGU International Foundation
  • Outstanding Global Scientist (Innovation, Author, Policy & Futuristic Speaker) by NCCHWO
  • Best Young Scientist Award from Global Education and Corporate Leadership Awards
  • Outstanding Researcher Award from Green ThinkerZ
  • Indira Gandhi Gold Medal Award by GEPRA
  • Best Guru Award from GECL
  • Global Speaker on Research Development at WORM-2020 International Summit by Eudoxia Pvt.Ltd
  • Best Speaker on Artificial Intelligence at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

There are numerous regions that move me around the subject of future developments some center points are sway, well-being, strategy, energy. The fundamental job of people inside our future is shrewd innovation frameworks. I emphatically accept that the chances managed by computerized savvy advances permit us to liberate the administrator from dim, filthy, and hazardous undertakings (and the comparable for mental work prompting pressure, fatigue, burnout, and so on ) and permit us to zero in on human inventiveness, critical thinking, and innovativeness to push the limits of what is thought conceivable.

Who influences you within these topics?

I accept I am especially at the beat of these subjects because of my huge and worldwide organization of driving specialists in scholarly community and industry. Filling in as load up part, scientist, manager at different diaries, think-tank association, business associations, scholarly, gives an ideal point of view on hotly debated issues in my field also. Besides, as an individual from the publication group of the yearly world assembling report gives adequate freedom to shape the field, gain from specialists from the scholarly community, government, and industry, and in the end shape the discussion. I generally search out new and alternate points of view consistently for a 360-degree examination to assemble information and think about them. LinkedIn and other advanced stages are the best places to acquire information on different innovation-related data as there is more substance produced and shared on these stages. I follow forces to be reckoned with on friendly stages and meet new individuals for specialized conversations.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

What’s to come is staggeringly energizing. We are in the period of future technology where robotics, drones, and people begin to collaborate all the more as often as possible and will ultimately combine. This will bring huge efficiencies, scale, robotization, and better decision-production for people. We will at this point don’t have to do unremarkable undertakings. Non-natural cerebrums and other body parts and capacities will be ordinary in the following ten years and incredible advances will be made in EdTech, wellbeing tech, and social tech. In any case, with this incredible development for humankind likewise comes the hazier side – where we will see more prominent reconnaissance, control, and oppressive results because of the utilization of unregulated innovation. Consequently we currently earnestly need to see the development of Ethical Leaders in technology. Creativity is unending and the most inventive brands will keep on pushing the limits. Permitting the ability to work in a manner that breaks the standard of the customary office climate will receive enormous benefits. Regardless of whether it’s adaptability and remote work and empowering hazard taking and disappointment, the conventional office climate is finished.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

It is extremely difficult to pick a couple. I would rather not name explicit organizations yet the trailblazers foster different regions arrangements that are more brilliant, more reasonable, and convey a superior client experience.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I’m genuinely open to working with organizations and different associations as long as there is a shared advantage and worth. I have drawn in with digital recordings, online classes, whitepapers, just as a featured subject matter expert at occasions or in more private interior preparing. Glad to talk about this with a receptive outlook.

What are your passions outside of work?

Family, wellbeing and exercise, generosity, Indigenous, and shamanic shrewdness and practices, hallucinogenics, cultivating, creatures and nature, book composing right now, and being essential for a cognizant local area

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Feel free to reach out via Email , LinkedIn , Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linktree, Website – As an influencer, I am active on most of the Social Platforms.

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