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An Interview with Raj Kosaraju

by | Nov 4, 2021 | Interviews,

Raj Kosaraju

Raj Kosaraju

CIO at Maxil Technology Solutions Inc.

Key Topics:Big Data, Cloud, Deep Technologies, Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning

CIO who also has interests in entrepreneurial activities and mindsets. Specializes in Cloud Computing, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, IoT & Big Data.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I made a switch in my career when I had opted to learn about Data Science, and my major in Graduate studies was in Statistics and Applied Statistics. I was well acquainted with Big Data, and Data models, understanding how predictive models work and how they can be applied. Just as important, it allowed me to communicate what a predictive analysis means.
 When I studied early on I discovered Kaggle, and it became the go-to place for me to acquire and improve my skills, showcase my success, and network with the relevant ML/DS practitioners. Eventually, my interests and work have moved to some high-impact real-world ML problems, in fields of Data Science and large structured data.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

Artificial Intelligence is something which I am most interested in as it covers many sub-technologies. Specifically, I am more passionate about Machine Learning, Deep Technologies, Virtual realities, Blockchain, Cloud and IoT Technologies, Natural Language Processing, and Platforms.

With the advent of smartphones, mobility has a greater reach than any other technology. It’s amazing to see how different technologies like AI, NLP, AR, and VR are getting integrated to give consumers a personalized interaction, personalized campaigns, personalized news feeds and personalized deliveries, and many more personalized products.

it’s hard to imagine anyone replacing Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Instagram, Youtube, or Amazon anytime soon, even as other apps grow in niche popularity — the enthusiasm of taking bets on consumer startups has leveled off. Combined with those and more reasons are the lineup of investors and fintech are looking at startups focused on a more diverse set of technologies that solve hard problems, which might prove to be the levers of instrumental change.

Who influences you within these topics?

I follow influencers on social platforms and meet new people for technical discussions.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

With transformative technology trends such as big data, cloud computing, and machine learning powering cognitive computing, organizations are looking for solutions that can help them explore this technology for maximum business benefit. Industries such as travel, retail, healthcare, and financial services, which have multi-structural datasets, are more likely to adopt cognitive computing for their organizational needs.

Backed by a pool of technology professionals with extensive domain knowledge, Maxil Technology has exhibited immense dexterity in numerous e-commerce, healthcare, Fintech, and banking projects. All of their undertakings are driven by the singular objective of providing quality solutions and services coupled with superior customer experience. In order to cash in on this thriving market and provide value-based solutions, we optimize cognitive computing offerings through a data-driven approach that accelerates personalized customer experience.” Despite the term issues, artificial intelligence is essential for and in, among others, information management, healthcare, life sciences, data analysis, digital transformation, security (cybersecurity and others), various consumer applications, next-gen smart building technologies, FinTech, predictive maintenance and so much more. On top of that, AI is added to several other technologies, including IoT and big data analytics.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

The tech giants and social media companies: Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Other companies leading in AI include Netflix, Boston Robotics, Hanson Robotics.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I would be interested in collaborating on market research, White papers, podcasts, speaking, video interviews, product innovation, ethical and responsible AI, and existential risk AI topics as well as anything to do with AI, Machine Learning Virtual Reality, Fintechs, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency.

What are your passions outside of work?

My family and friends bring me lots of joy in life, and any activities that we do together. Besides, I love Biking, exploring traveling to new places, meeting interesting people, involve in Tech related activities.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

By Email, and feel free to reach out via LinkedIn and Twitter too  – As an influencer, I am active on most of the Social Platforms.

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