The bulk of the world’s energy mix is made up by fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). These fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which are the fundamental driver of climate change. Carbon emissions are not only causing environmental problems, but health problems as well. The World Health Organisation estimates that 7 million premature deaths are caused each year by air pollution.
Governments are committed to limiting the global temperature to a 2 degrees Celsius rise as part of the Paris climate agreement. To achieve this would require a 75% decline in carbon emissions in industrial countries by 2050. This means the global energy sector is facing massive disruption at a huge pace and scale as the world shifts to less carbon-intensive energy. This will require a significant and concerted effort to transition our energy sources if we are to meet our global climate targets and avoid dangerous climate change.
The challenge facing the energy sector is three fold. Not only do they need to reduce carbon emissions to address the risk of climate change, but they also need to ensure the world has access to affordable and reliable energy supplies, as well as dealing with the rise in global demand for energy which is expected to climb 25% by 2040.
We were really interested in finding out who the top social media influencers, brands and publications around the future of energy were, so we analysed over 238K posts 20th November 2017 – 18th January 2018 mentioning all the topics related to the future of energy – including but not limited to: biomass, clean energy, coal, decarbonization, electricity, energy efficiency, fossil fuels, fracking, gas, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, low-carbon energy, nuclear energy, oil, renewable energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, methane and green energy.
Accounts discussing these topics were then identified, categorized and added to our Influencer Relationship Management (IRM) software, where we created a list based on their future of energy posts over the last 12 months ranked on a combination of the 4 R’s (reach, relevance, resonance and reference).
Below is a list of the top 50 Future of Energy influencers. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @NYGovCuomo | Andrew Cuomo | Democratic Party | 100 |
2 | @GovInslee | Governor Jay Inslee | Democratic Party | 93.58 |
3 | @OregonGovBrown | Governor Kate Brown | Democratic Party | 82.83 |
4 | @MikeBloomberg | Mike Bloomberg | Bloomberg | 74.52 |
5 | @billmckibben | Bill McKibben | | 70.03 |
6 | @bradplumer | brad plumer | New York Times | 69.1 |
7 | @elonmusk | Elon Musk | Tesla | 65.81 |
8 | @ristori20 | Dominique Ristori | European Commission | 65.23 |
9 | @drvox | David Roberts | Vox | 63.63 |
10 | @MarkRuffalo | Mark Ruffalo | Actor / Director / Activist | 62.64 |
11 | @DrSimEvans | Simon Evans | Carbon Brief | 62.53 |
12 | @Ed_Crooks | Ed Crooks | Financial Times | 61.28 |
13 | @IEABirol | Fatih Birol | IEA | 60.97 |
14 | @LeoDiCaprio | Leonardo DiCaprio | Actor and Environmentalist | 55.84 |
15 | @Sustainable2050 | Kees van der Leun | Navigant Energy | 55.71 |
16 | @JavierBlas2 | Javier Blas | Bloomberg | 53.18 |
17 | @algore | Al Gore | Democratic Party | 51.22 |
18 | @AmyAHarder | Amy Harder | Axios | 48.53 |
19 | @JasonBordoff | Jason Bordoff | Columbia University | 47.31 |
20 | @AssaadRazzouk | Assaad Razzouk | Sindicatum | 47.07 |
21 | @taykuy | Taylor Kuykendall | S&P Global Market Intelligence | 45.4 |
22 | @MAC_europa | Miguel Arias Cañete | European Commission | 44.4 |
23 | @jendlouhyhc | Jennifer A. Dlouhy | Bloomberg | 44.36 |
24 | @JoshFrydenberg | Josh Frydenberg | Liberal Party of Australia | 42.9 |
25 | @MassGovernor | Charlie Baker | Republican Party | 42.87 |
26 | @mzjacobson | Mark Z. Jacobson | Stanford University | 41.94 |
27 | @NYCMayor | Bill de Blasio | Democratic Party | 41.64 |
28 | @PiyushGoyal | Piyush Goyal | The Bharatiya Janata Party | 40.31 |
29 | @JayWeatherill | Jay Weatherill | Australian Labor Party | 38.49 |
30 | @dpradhanbjp | Dharmendra Pradhan | The Bharatiya Janata Party | 38.06 |
31 | @MattBeatonEEA | Matt Beaton | EEA | 37.69 |
32 | @StuartLWallace | Stuart Wallace | Bloomberg | 36.1 |
33 | @AriNatter | Ari Natter | Bloomberg | 34.87 |
34 | @MikeHudema | Mike Hudema | Greenpeace | 34.71 |
35 | @LFFriedman | Lisa Friedman | New York Times | 34.65 |
36 | @rkyte365 | Rachel Kyte | UN / SE For All | 34.25 |
37 | @SenSanders | Bernie Sanders | Independent | 33.9 |
38 | @tveitdal | Svein T veitdal | Klima 2020 | 32.21 |
39 | @MLiebreich | Michael Liebreich | Bloomberg | 31.61 |
40 | @emorwee | Emily Atkin | The New Republic | 31.31 |
41 | @JKempEnergy | John Kemp | Reuters | 31.26 |
42 | @cohan_ds | Daniel Cohan | Rice University | 31.08 |
43 | @upendratripathy | Upendra Tripathy | International Solar Alliance | 28.23 |
44 | @CFigueres | Christiana Figueres | UNFCC | 28.06 |
45 | @ErikSolheim | Erik Solheim | UN Environment | 27.59 |
46 | @Jackthelad1947 | John Pratt | Blogger / Activist | 27.31 |
47 | @OilSheppard | David Sheppard | Financial Times | 27.25 |
48 | @energyenviro | Lauri Kinnunen | Energy & Enviro World | 26.87 |
49 | @ShellenbergerMD | Mike Shellenberger | Democratic Party | 26.74 |
50 | @CarlSiegrist | Carl Siegrist | IREC | 26.61 |
Below you can see a network map of the online clean energy conversations showing the number one influencer Andrew Cuomo at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below is another network map of the smart cities conversations amongst the top future of energy influencers, showing the number one brand IEA at the centre. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
TOP 100 Brands
Below is a list of the top 50 future of energy brands. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @IEA | IEA | 100 |
2 | @ENERGY | Energy Department | 94.54 |
3 | @IRENA | IRENA | 82.51 |
4 | @UNFCCC | UN Climate Change | 70.66 |
5 | @NRDC | NRDC 🌎 | 46.36 |
6 | @Shell | Shell | 44.52 |
7 | @SierraClub | Sierra Club | 41.23 |
8 | @ClimateGroup | The Climate Group | 40.85 |
9 | @COP23 | COP23 | 40.42 |
10 | @AWEA | American Wind Energy | 38.97 |
11 | @Total | Total | 38.72 |
12 | @Greenpeace | Greenpeace | 37.82 |
13 | @EIAgov | EIA | 36.63 |
14 | @NREL | NREL | 36.19 |
15 | @ClimateReality | Climate Reality | 35.38 |
16 | @SEforALLorg | SEforALL | 34.63 |
17 | @EIB | EIB – the EU bank | 33.67 |
18 | @RockyMtnInst | Rocky Mountain Inst | 33.08 |
19 | @Energy4Europe | Energy4Europe | 30.2 |
20 | @BerkeleyLab | Berkeley Lab | 29.97 |
21 | @UNDP | UN Development | 29.56 |
22 | @CEMSecretariat | CEM Secretariat | 28.92 |
23 | @ren21 | REN21 | 27.44 |
24 | @ENGIEgroup | ENGIE | 27.07 |
25 | @GreenBiz | GreenBiz | 26.86 |
26 | @exxonmobil | ExxonMobil | 25.48 |
27 | @Connect4Climate | Connect4Climate | 25.34 |
28 | @ToSaveEnergy | Alliance To Save Energy | 25.18 |
29 | @c40cities | C40 Cities | 24.62 |
30 | @argonne | Argonne National Lab | 24.12 |
31 | @C3E_EnergyWomen | C3E Women in Energy | 23.99 |
32 | @ACEEEdc | ACEEE | 23.88 |
33 | @Expo2017_Int | EXPO 2017 Astana Int | 23.66 |
34 | @WBG_Energy | World Bank Energy | 23.56 |
35 | @EBRD | The EBRD | 23.4 |
36 | @EnvDefenseFund | EDF | 23.25 |
37 | @CalEnergy | CA Energy Commission | 23.06 |
38 | @NRGrenaissance | Energy Renaissance | 22.91 |
39 | @ADB_HQ | AsianDevelopmentBank | 22.21 |
40 | @BP_plc | BP | 21.54 |
41 | @GE_Power | GE Power | 21.37 |
42 | @NRDCEnergy | NRDC Energy Team | 20.59 |
43 | @grist | grist | 20.4 |
44 | @350 | 350 dot org | 20.39 |
45 | @EnergyCollectiv | Energy Collective | 20.27 |
46 | @solarimpulse | SOLAR IMPULSE | 20.15 |
47 | @Siemens_Energy | Siemens_Energy | 19.88 |
48 | @EP_Industry | ITRE Committee Press | 19.51 |
49 | @Pembina | Pembina Institute | 19.23 |
50 | @BioenergyKDF | BioenergyKDF | 19.17 |
TOP 100 Publications
Below is a list of the top 50 future of energy publications. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score | |
1 | @CarbonBrief | Carbon Brief | 100 |
2 | @YaleE360 | Yale Environment 360 | 83.58 |
3 | @ClimateNexus | Climate Nexus | 68.89 |
4 | @CeresNews | Ceres | 61.64 |
5 | @BV | Bloomberg View | 58.61 |
6 | @insideclimate | InsideClimate News | 58.57 |
7 | @greentechmedia | Greentech Media | 52.53 |
8 | @EcoWatch | EcoWatch | 48.48 |
9 | @SolarEnergyNews | Solar Energy News | 46.49 |
10 | @TriplePundit | | 39.5 |
11 | @markets | Bloomberg Markets | 38.86 |
12 | @edie | | 37.33 |
13 | @EENewsUpdates | E&E News | 35.61 |
14 | @Sierra_Magazine | Sierra Magazine | 34.36 |
15 | @EURACTIV | EURACTIV | 33.72 |
16 | @WorldResources | World Resources Inst | 32.61 |
17 | @IIGCCnews | IIGCC | 31.93 |
18 | @ABSCBNNews | ABS-CBN News | 28.42 |
19 | @renew_economy | RenewEconomy | 26.35 |
20 | @reNEWS_ | reNEWS | 26.31 |
21 | @Biodiesel_Media | NBB Comm Team | 26.23 |
22 | @EconomicTimes | EconomicTimes | 26.16 |
23 | @WashTimes | The Washington Times | 25.49 |
24 | @physorg_com | | 24.32 |
25 | @biofuelsmag | Biofuels Int | 22.95 |
26 | @IndianExpress | The Indian Express | 22.77 |
27 | @EnergyTomorrow | EnergyTomorrow | 21.01 |
28 | @BiodieselMag | Biodiesel Magazine | 20.62 |
29 | @BioenergyInfo | Bioenergy Insight | 20.38 |
30 | @BBCBusiness | BBC Business | 19.7 |
31 | @Justmeans | Justmeans | 19.64 |
32 | @iaeaorg | IAEA | 18.96 |
33 | @eaEnergyEU | EURACTIV Energy | 18.61 |
34 | @PlattsOil | Platts Oil | 18.17 |
35 | @adbioresources | ADBA | 16.69 |
36 | @OGJOnline | Oil & Gas Journal | 16.55 |
37 | @GineersNow | GineersNow | 16.15 |
38 | @REWorld | RenewableEnergyWorld | 15.43 |
39 | @SustainBrands | Sustainable Brands | 15.16 |
40 | @the_ecologist | The Ecologist | 14.84 |
41 | @EnergyAgNews | Energy.AgWired | 14.38 |
42 | @EUSciComm | EUSciComm | 14.2 |
43 | @NextNewsGenera1 | NextNewsGeneration | 13.69 |
44 | @EnergyDemand | Energy in Demand | 13.27 |
45 | @NYRenews | NY Renews | 13.02 |
46 | @SolarIndustry | Solar Industry | 12.41 |
47 | @Solar___Power | Solar Power | 12.06 |
48 | @ecobusinesscom | Eco-Business | 11.99 |
49 | @SemanticEarth | 🌎 | 11.58 |
50 | @EnergyLiveNews | Energy Live News | 11.56 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around the future of energy.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic), reach (number of followers) and reference (how often they are refenced by other influencers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
The Future of Energy
Top 100 Influencers, Brands and Publications
Download this free report which reveals the top future of energy influencers, brands and publications!