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Interview with Danilo McGarry

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Interviews,

Danilo McGarry

Danilo McGarry

Recognised Industry Thought Leader in Ai, Automation and Innovation

Key Topics:Automation, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning
Location:London, UK

Highlights: Current Global Head of Ai & Automation at Alter Domus. Previously Head of Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning at CitiGroup (3rd largest US bank where I started and scaled the program from scratch, 17th largest Financial institution globally). Also previous senior management of Ai & Automation at UnitedHealth Group (#5 on the Fortune 500, world’s largest healthcare company). Part of the European Union Commission Ai Alliance (Europe’s body that sets rules/regulations around Ai). Published in The Times Newspaper, Bloomberg InfoMoney and other leading publications, Danilo is an experienced international keynote speaker and recognised as a global thought leader in the realms of Ai, Automation, RPA and Innovation. Ranked as top 10 people in the world for Automation by various respected bodies.

Previous companies include: Motorola, JPMorgan, BNP Paribas, Royal Bank of Canada, UnitedHealth Group & CitiGroup

Specialities: Driving business competitor advantage through the use of Ai, OCR, NLP, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence. Helping companies transform through digital transformation programs that use of Automation and Robotics Process Automation. Re-useability analysis, big data management, desktop analytics, manual touch points analysis, Process Mining, Productivity, Efficiency.

Technologies/Vendors worked with: Helped develop in house and off the shelf solutions. Automation Anywhere, WorkFusion, Celonis, Kryon, Taiger, Xceptor, Symphony, BluePrism, UiPath, Signovio, Epiance, Python, Spark, Keras and Tensor Flow.

Commercial/Research: have helped contribute to 100’s of Intellectual Properties (IP) initiatives between different tech partners and royalty based commercial projects.

Leadership experience: circa 15 years Management/Directorship experience in Transformation, Innovation, Productivity, Program Management, Consultancy in Ai, Automation and Innovation.

Industries/Sectors worked in: Healthcare, Financial Services, Oil & Gas, Governments.

Hobbies: Keynote speaking, Writing articles, Coaching, Continual Learning, Philanthropy, Chess, Hiking, Family.

Languages: English (native), Portuguese (business), Spanish (business), French (basic)

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I started in Ai, Automation and Innovation before they were considered to be productivity tools or methods to give companies significant competitor advantages.

As my career progressed I had the pleasure of starting and running major global Ai, Machine Learning and Automation programs in banking, which then over time gained significant attention as the benefits made a direct impact to the company’s bottom line and in improving operational risk. Different research and Ai collaborations that I helped implement also created significant innovation breakthroughs through cost effective but highly effective setups that provided positive ROI in fast turn around times.

Today I have advised or helped shape the product offering of most Ai and Automation off the shelf tech vendors as well as educate millions of people around the world on best practices through lessons that I have learnt.

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

Ai, Automation, RPA, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning, Leadership in these fields is what I am passionate about. Driving tangible results out of research that can benefit companies is one of my biggest passions that helps me create unique solutions to big problems.

AI and Automation is the single biggest business opportunity but also most transformative force that exists in the world today. Leading advisory and research firms predict that AI and automation is going to add roughly anything between $9 to $15.7 trillion in terms of economic growth by 2030. The World Economic Forum has coined “AI” to be the 4th Industrial Revolution. Automation is and will ultimately impact every individual, organisation, government and industry so it is important you stay ahead and learn how and what role you can play in it all.

To me one of the biggest challenges that we will face in Ai is the constant battle between using Ai to push the boundaries of innovation, while also making sure that it is ethical and helping companies and environments stay safe. Innovation can create unknown situations and scenarios that stem outside of the norm, which can pose Cybersecurity and operational risk challenges, which in turn can only be overcome with the correct use of Ai – so it is a constant battle of innovation for good overcoming innovation for bad.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

To me mainly bluechip companies that drive our economies and governments that have the right policies and approach in relation to innovation are the market forces that I pay most attention to.

Leaders of Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning programs in these bluechip companies are the people that I listen to and watch carefully in order to adjust predictions about what is and will happen in the market.

Outside of key topics, who else influences you?

Outside of the box thinkers such as Elon MuskJeff BezosBill Gates and others alike all help me realise that innovation and technology has a much wider impact in the world than we realise or admit.

Again I like to use Innovation through deep routed research setups to solve fundamental problems. People that do the same are who influence me the most. Institutions such as The Alan Turing Institute’s AI is a great force for instance that helps advance world-class research into artificial intelligence, its applications and its implications for society, building on the wealth of expertise and knowledge across our academic network.

How would you describe your offline influence?

I would say that as I have been in this market now for nearly 2 decades and in touch with almost every major market force in the industries mentioned above, that I speak very frankly and confidently about what is happening and what is going to happen at least for the next 3-5 years.

If you look at the testimonials on my website, you will find that many people like how I break down complex technologies and domino effects into simple terms that anyone can understand. In essence I help make Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning accessible to the non technical people who need to know about such topics.

I take part in numerous round table discussions and help many Ai and Automation leaders around the world as well as the technology providers solve every day program issues, so again I believe the sharing of knowledge has allowed me to build valuable relationships in this industry that also is a driving force behind the influence that I have in this space.

Last but not least I think my reputation for being an Ai, Automation program leader that delivers real results (now into 100’s of millions USD$) has also made some of my case studies and the way I manage such teams into a blue print of how companies and governments could improve the way they run their programs (of course I learn every day from other leaders too in this space).

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I am all about educating and sharing lessons learnt, so for me I find podcasts, interviews, thought leadership articles, product innovation and speaking engagements most interesting as it allows me to reach a wide audience.

What’s your best source of information for getting ahead of a story?

To be honest Ai, Automation, RPA, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Machine Learning are all very close knit communities where almost everyone know each other. This is very much an industry of practitioners and who you know in order to stay ahead of the general public knowledge that gets released through the major media outlets. There is also an incredible amount of collaboration in this space too between industry influencers such as myself in order to ensure the industry does well. My own contacts and my contact’s contacts are who and how I stay ahead of trends – they are my information outlet.

The various discussions that I take part in to help those who are having trouble in running their Ai and Automation programs also helps me learn and stay ahead of the curve.

What brands have you worked with?

I have helped develop in house and off the shelf solutions. Extensive experience in working closely with and running programs that utilised the following vendors: Automation AnywhereWorkFusionCelonisKryonTaigerXceptorSymphony, BluePrismEpianceSignovioFireStartBox and UiPath. Close relationships with both the technical and management teams of the named vendors above.

In other capacities previously I have also worked with almost every Private Equity, Research or Advisory house too where they rely on my advice in order to make the right moves in the industry.

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience?

Co-create long form or video content, write a product review. I am happy to provide a quote or share social content. I’m also open to participate in a podcast, webinar, online chat or event.

What are your passions outside of work?

To be honest my passion is anything that helps people think outside of the box, therefore my hobbies and passions are generally quite unconventional. To me it is important to be a problem solver and someone that can see what other’s can’t.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

You can reach me at