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Nature 4 Climate – Leveraging Influencers to Promote Natural Climate Solutions

by | Feb 14, 2020 | Resources,

Current Situation:

Nature4Climate (N4C) is a coalition of NGO’s and Intergovernmental Orgs including among others UNDP, WWF, Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy aiming to increase investment and action by governments, civil society, business and investors on natural climate solutions in support of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

In a very crowded debate around Climate Change and the growing climate crisis, Natural Climate Solutions are a proven way of managing and reducing carbon emissions globally, with the potential for it to be 30% of the solution by 2030, however, NCS accounted for just 1% of the debate when we started working with them in June 2018. The challenge we faced was to drive strong awareness of NCS and consideration for this approach.

James Lloyd – Director at Nature4Climate

We know there is no way to limit warming to 1.5 degrees without nature based solutions for climate change. Increasing ambition to tackle climate change means committing to BOTH a fast and deep energy transition AND massive investment in Natural Climate Solutions. Until very recently – nature had been forgotten as a critical solution to climate change with the potential to be 30% of the solution by 2030. Now, as governments and businesses start to realise the potential of investing in Nature Based Solutions we are seeing things shift. Over the course of the last 18 months, the overall share of the climate conversation has shifted from 1% to 5% discussing Nature Based Solutions.”

Why Nature4Climate reached out to Onalytica

Nature4Climate have recognised the ever-growing importance of leveraging digital influencers to help drive campaign awareness, thought leadership, brand reputation and earned media attention and chose Onalytica to support their communication objectives.

Engaging Influencers helps Nature4Climate achieve the following objectives:

  • Drive influencers to talk about Natural Climate Solutions as a viable option
  • Implement a more socially active stance in the research of online communities
  • Evolve media relations to a wider influencer relations strategy to increase earned media attention with key decision makers, politicians, journalists, industry professionals, academics & researchers and influential activists
  • Amplify the reach of online content
  • Drive engagement & thought leadership of the brand and key spokespeople within the Twitter Community

What solution did Onalytica provide?

Onalytica supported the engagement strategy planning by first:

  • Mapping the community to identify which communities are prominent
  • Identifying the key connectors within the debate and how to build relationships with them to grow the Nature4Climate brand presence and the size of the community active on NCS

Nature4Climate then implemented these tactics supported via the Onalytica platform & workflows:

  • Monitored conversations over time to learn which topics resonated to ensure their content and messaging aligned with what their audience was focused on
  • Used Onalytica alerts to identify relevant content the N4C Handle should amplify
  • Enabled Coalition Assets to be more relevant to the community by identifying top content for them and the digital team
  • Launched the @Nature4Climate account to act as a hub for the NCS conversation and to help it grow through sharing consistent messaging
  • Prioritised Activity around key moments – capitalising off interest in events and the release of research
  • Initially used paid media to help increase awareness around earlier events (such as GCAS), but later moved towards earned influencer activity, which yielded better results once the brand and messaging were established

What were the results?

Onalytica enabled Nature4Climate to grow their issue awareness globally:

  • Natural Climate Solutions’ share of the influencer Climate Change conversation doubled to 10%
  • Natural Climate Solutions’ share of the global social media conversation on Climate Change increased from 1% to 5% (Jul 18-Sep 19)

This was achieved through a focused 4-pronged strategy of:

  • Always-on influencer engagements & being involved in relevant debates
  • Engaging different stakeholders within the network, creating a broader communications partnership to better share consistent messaging around Nature Climate Solutions
  • Increased activity on Nature Climate Solutions, to promote not just the N4C initiative, but each coalition organisation that drove greater content amplification
  • Event-focused activation, where influencers’ engagement is prioritised to promote messaging that relates to Natural Climate Solutions – Eg. #ForgottenSolution during GCAS 2018 and #NatureNow during New York Climate Week 2019

In addition to Influencer Engagement and Outreach support, Onalytica supports Nature4Climate through providing ongoing consultancy, measurement and reporting. This ensures Nature4Climate can measure the impact of their campaigns and hold themselves accountable with regards to progress and the work left to do.

If you want to find out more about Nature4Climate and this campaign head over the

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