In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a crucial concern for businesses across the globe. With increasing awareness about environmental and social issues, organizations are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainable practices into their operations. This trend is particularly evident in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, where companies are actively seeking sustainable solutions and forging partnerships with like-minded organizations.
Sustainability has become a driving force in the B2B sector, reshaping business practices and influencing decision-making. By embracing circular economy principles, ensuring supply chain transparency, adopting renewable energy and resource efficiency, fostering collaboration, and leveraging digital transformation, B2B organizations can position themselves at the forefront of sustainable innovation. As we move forward, these emerging trends will continue to shape the future of sustainability in B2B, paving the way for a more environmentally and socially responsible business landscape.
Our Who’s Who in Sustainability highlights the top 50 thought leaders and influencers who drove the most engagement across LinkedIn & Twitter over a 6 month period on the topic of Sustainability. Most of these people are industry practitioners and thought leaders who speak at events, write books, articles, and create video and audio content to advance the industry forward.
Who’s Who in Sustainability?
1 Mark Maslin | Mark MaslinDirector & Co-FounderRezatecPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Author |
Total Engagement: 4,001 Average Engagement: 181.9
Total Engagement: 80,719 Average Engagement: 1416.1 |
2 Roberta Boscolo | Roberta BoscoloClimate & Energy LeadWorld Meteorological OrganizationPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 81,777 Average Engagement: 296.3
Total Engagement: 23 Average Engagement: 7.7 |
3 Vojtech Vosecky | Vojtech VoseckyAssociateCircle EconomyPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 65,407 Average Engagement: 695.8 |
4 Erik Solheim | Erik SolheimVice ChairCCICEDPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 9,970 Average Engagement: 398.8
Total Engagement: 43,328 Average Engagement: 902.7 |
5 Kate Brandt | Kate BrandtChief Sustainability OfficerGooglePersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 52,691 Average Engagement: 511.6
Total Engagement: 371 Average Engagement: 28.5 |
6 Dr. Marcell Vollmer | Dr. Marcell VollmerCEOProspitalia GroupPersonas: Social Amplifier |
Total Engagement: 45,242 Average Engagement: 112.8
Total Engagement: 8,719 Average Engagement: 22.7 |
7 Adam Elman | Adam ElmanHead of Sustainability, EMEAGooglePersonas: Event Speaker, Social Amplifier, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 37,247 Average Engagement: 302.8
Total Engagement: 99 Average Engagement: 2 |
8 Mike Barry | Mike BarryDirectorwww.mikebarryeco.earthPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 36,709 Average Engagement: 107.7 |
9 Hannah Ritchie | Hannah RitchieDeputy Editor & Lead ResearcherOur World In DataPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Content Creator |
Total Engagement: 19,990 Average Engagement: 1175.9 |
10 Cedrik Neike | Cedrik NeikeCEO, Digital IndustriesSiemensPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 24,156 Average Engagement: 779.2
Total Engagement: 110 Average Engagement: 36.7 |
11 Alison Taylor | Alison TaylorClinical Associate ProfessorNYU Stern School of BusinessPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 28,433 Average Engagement: 374.1
Total Engagement: 32 Average Engagement: 8 |
12 Johan Rockström | Johan RockströmDirectorPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Author |
Total Engagement: 8,874 Average Engagement: 1774.8 |
13 Jan Rosenow | Jan RosenowDirector, European ProgrammesRegulatory Assistance ProjectPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 22,058 Average Engagement: 237.2
Total Engagement: 3,792 Average Engagement: 180.6 |
14 Zeke Hausfather | Zeke HausfatherClimate Research LeadStripePersonas: Journalist & Contributor, Social Amplifier |
Total Engagement: 19,996 Average Engagement: 740.6 |
15 Gwenaelle Avice-Huet | Gwenaelle Avice-HuetChief Strategy & Sustainability OfficerSchneider ElectricPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 25,011 Average Engagement: 219.4
Total Engagement: 347 Average Engagement: 12 |
16 Ketan Joshi | Ketan JoshiSenior Associate, Net Zero TaskforceGSCCPersonas: Journalist & Contributor |
Total Engagement: 9,589 Average Engagement: 162.5
Total Engagement: 13,079 Average Engagement: 101.4 |
17 Sheri R. Hinish | Sheri R. HinishPrincipal, Global Sustainability Innovation & Ecosystem LeaderEYPersonas: Content Creator, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 22,480 Average Engagement: 171.6
Total Engagement: 321 Average Engagement: 11.5 |
18 Fatih Birol | Fatih BirolExecutive DirectorInternational Energy AgencyPersonas: Event Speaker, Journalist & Contributor, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 10,996 Average Engagement: 458.2
Total Engagement: 3,388 Average Engagement: 178.3 |
19 Dr. Jonathan Foley | Dr. Jonathan FoleyExecutive DirectorProject DrawdownPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Journalist & Contributor, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 9,846 Average Engagement: 140.7
Total Engagement: 6,843 Average Engagement: 180.1 |
20 Paul Polman | Paul PolmanCo-Author"Net Positive"Personas: Author, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 12,260 Average Engagement: 533
Total Engagement: 468 Average Engagement: 21.3 |
21 Antonio Grasso | Antonio GrassoFounder & CEODigital Business Innovation SrlPersonas: Social Amplifier |
Total Engagement: 8,030 Average Engagement: 157.5
Total Engagement: 7,417 Average Engagement: 130.1 |
22 Qiyun Woo | Qiyun WooSustainability ConsultantUnravel Carbon (YC W22)Personas: Content Creator, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 14,631 Average Engagement: 298.6 |
23 Simon Evans | Simon EvansDeputy Editor & Senior Policy EditorCarbon BriefPersonas: Journalist & Contributor |
Total Engagement: 952 Average Engagement: 63.5
Total Engagement: 9,249 Average Engagement: 544.1 |
24 Michael Liebreich | Michael LiebreichCEO & PrincipalLiebreich AssociatesPersonas: Content Creator, Event Speaker, Journalist & Contributor |
Total Engagement: 10,982 Average Engagement: 159.2
Total Engagement: 1,979 Average Engagement: 141.4 |
25 Brendan Wallace | Brendan WallaceCO-Founder & Managing PartnerFifth WallPersonas: Content Creator, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 12,110 Average Engagement: 192.2
Total Engagement: 1,239 Average Engagement: 20.3 |
26 Tijn Tjoelker | Tijn TjoelkerExecutiveClimate CleanupPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 12,611 Average Engagement: 247.3
Total Engagement: 2 Average Engagement: 0.3 |
27 Ali Sheridan | Ali SheridanDirector, Business EngagementFossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty InitiativePersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 11,758 Average Engagement: 213.8
Total Engagement: 819 Average Engagement: 30.3 |
28 Brendan May | Brendan MayFounder & ChairmanRobertsbridgePersonas: Author, Journalist & Contributor |
Total Engagement: 575 Average Engagement: 20.5
Total Engagement: 6,055 Average Engagement: 672.8 |
29 Sally Eaves | Sally EavesDigital Decentralization, Democracy & Security AdvisorCNASPersonas: Event Speaker, Social Amplifier |
Total Engagement: 6,943 Average Engagement: 86.8
Total Engagement: 5,938 Average Engagement: 84.8 |
30 Naomi Sheehan | Naomi SheehanFounder, Advisor & EducatorClimate Communicators LtdPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 10,820 Average Engagement: 270.5 |
31 James Murray | James MurrayEditorBusinessGreen.comPersonas: Journalist & Contributor |
Total Engagement: 190 Average Engagement: 11.2
Total Engagement: 12,713 Average Engagement: 94.2 |
32 Robert Gardner | Robert GardnerCo-CEO & Co-FounderRebalance EarthPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 11,026 Average Engagement: 245
Total Engagement: 8 Average Engagement: 0.2 |
33 Elin Bergman | Elin BergmanCOOCradlenetPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 11,720 Average Engagement: 180.3 |
34 Sarah Daly | Sarah DalyAssociate Director, SustainabilityTurner & TownsendPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 13,127 Average Engagement: 62.5 |
35 Mafalda Duarte | Mafalda DuarteCEOClimate Investment FundsPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 7,313 Average Engagement: 430.2
Total Engagement: 253 Average Engagement: 36.1 |
36 Hans Lak | Hans LakAmbassadorSEVEN SENSESPersonas: Social Amplifier |
Total Engagement: 12,466 Average Engagement: 50.5
Total Engagement: 73 Average Engagement: 0.3 |
37 Michael E. Mann | Michael E. MannDistinguished ProfessorUniversity of PennsylvaniaPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Author |
Total Engagement: 601 Average Engagement: 27.3
Total Engagement: 9,989 Average Engagement: 158.6 |
38 Lion Hirth | Lion HirthProfessorHertie SchoolPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 684 Average Engagement: 114
Total Engagement: 4,949 Average Engagement: 412.4 |
39 Christiana Figueres | Christiana FigueresCo-HostOutrage + OptimismPersonas: Content Creator, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 4,710 Average Engagement: 157
Total Engagement: 1,772 Average Engagement: 295.3 |
40 Olumide Idowu | Olumide IdowuSocial Media ConsultantAfrican Development Bank GroupPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 4,378 Average Engagement: 50.3
Total Engagement: 6,681 Average Engagement: 32.8 |
41 Dr. Richard Munang | Dr. Richard MunangDeputy Director UNEP Africa OfficeUN Environment ProgrammePersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 2,186 Average Engagement: 18.8
Total Engagement: 9,254 Average Engagement: 12.8 |
42 Sasja Beslik | Sasja BeslikChief Investment Strategy OfficerSDG Impact JapanPersonas: Author, Content Creator, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 10,327 Average Engagement: 92.2
Total Engagement: 52 Average Engagement: 6.5 |
43 Mark Z. Jacobson | Mark Z. JacobsonProfessor of Civil & Environmental EngineeringStanford UniversityPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 5,487 Average Engagement: 249.4
Total Engagement: 1,587 Average Engagement: 88.2 |
44 Helene Li | Helene LiCEOGoImpact Capital PartnersPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 8,234 Average Engagement: 104.2
Total Engagement: 1,238 Average Engagement: 38.7 |
45 Prof Peter Strachan | Prof Peter StrachanProfessorRobert Gordon UniversityPersonas: Academic & Researcher |
Total Engagement: 105 Average Engagement: 17.5
Total Engagement: 8,609 Average Engagement: 165.6 |
46 Nigel Topping | Nigel ToppingGlobal AmbassadorHigh-Level Climate ChampionsPersonas: Event Speaker, Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 8,124 Average Engagement: 180.5
Total Engagement: 356 Average Engagement: 10.5 |
47 Steve Varley | Steve VarleyGlobal Vice Chair SustainabilityEYPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 8,324 Average Engagement: 193.6
Total Engagement: 37 Average Engagement: 3.4 |
48 Chris Stark | Chris StarkCEOCommittee on Climate ChangePersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 2,539 Average Engagement: 362.7
Total Engagement: 1,535 Average Engagement: 127.9 |
49 Kara Hartnett Hurst | Kara Hartnett HurstVP, Worldwide SustainabilityAmazonPersonas: Thought Leader |
Total Engagement: 6,333 Average Engagement: 287.9
Total Engagement: 17 Average Engagement: 8.5 |
50 George Serafeim | George SerafeimCharles M. Williams Professor of Business AdministrationHarvard Business SchoolPersonas: Academic & Researcher, Author |
Total Engagement: 3,087 Average Engagement: 441
Total Engagement: 2 Average Engagement: 0.5 |
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About Who’s Who reports
These Who’s Who reports are created using the Onalytica platform which has a curated database of over 1 million influencers. Our platform allows you to discover, validate and categorise influencers quickly and easily via keyword searches. You can read our in-depth report Methodology here.
This Who’s Who list should give you an insight into who is driving the most engagement on Sustainability online. We always want to make sure you are getting the most valuable information available from our lists, so feedback is always welcome!
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