Digital transformation is the term given to the transformation of business activities, processes and models to fully leverage the opportunities of new digital technologies. The aim of integrating digital technology into all areas of a business is to improve operations and how they deliver value to customers, employees, suppliers, partners and stakeholders. This can often necessitate a cultural change and a change in leadership in order to encourage innovation and new business models.
One forecast by IDC predicted that worldwide spending on digital transformation technologies is expected to rise to nearly $1.3 trillion, an increase of 16.8% over the $1.1 trillion spent in 2017. The manufacturing industry is expected to see a large proportion of this investment. Other industries that are also forecast to see significant investment include professional services and transportation. The industries that are expected to see the greatest level of growth are Construction, Retail and Healthcare.
With efficiency, profitability and improved customer experience at its core, digital transformation is an essential part of every organisation’s strategy. For that reason we were compelled to conduct this research identifying the top social influencers, brands and publications driving the digital transformation conversation. We looked at social topical influence as well as topical authority by analyzing both their social engagement on Twitter and how much influencers were referenced in association with digital transformation on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content.
We were really interested in seeing which topics received the most attention among the digital transformation community, so we analysed all the conversations among the top influencers from 1st January – 8th March 2018 and measured the frequencies of all the keywords used in order to create this word cloud:
Conversations around digital transformation can be broad in nature; varying in content depending on the type of industry being discussed as well as the subject discussing it. Nonetheless, we find there are recurring themes within the social activity of the top brands, influencers and publications engaging on the topic. At the forefront of the conversation are the tools and processes involved in the digitisation of industries; mentions of artificial intelligence and machine learning practices are deeply embedded in discussions and build the foundations for wider debates on the future of digital transformation.
However, there are also themes which are less broad in nature standing out in the top conversations. Bitcoin, for example, has been a prominent topic of focus for influencers as its blockchain technology is seen to have partly solved some of the immediate issues of digital economies. This brings about another key theme that defines the social conversations around digital transformation, which is centred around digital and cyber security. Influencers engage on debates around current data security among tech leaders, organisations and cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure.
Finally, the digital transformation community is defined by its readiness to engage offline as well as online. This is demonstrated by the various events which stand out in the wordcloud; which include the recent CES event which took place in Las Vegas as well as the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting and the Mobile Word Congress.
Below is a list of the top 50 digital transformation influencers. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @satyanadella | Satya Nadella | Microsoft | 100 |
2 | @briansolis | Brian Solis | Altimeter | 95.47 |
3 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang | Constellation Research | 92.21 |
4 | @dhinchcliffe | Dion Hinchcliffe | Constellation Research | 77.25 |
5 | @TheEbizWizard | Jason Bloomberg | Intellyx | 72.34 |
6 | @schmarzo | Bill Schmarzo | Dell EMC | 66.48 |
7 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | PwC | 65.64 |
8 | @Bob_Hetu | Robert Hétu | Gartner | 60.86 |
9 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | Thulium | 56.46 |
10 | @danielnewmanUV | Daniel Newman | Futurum Research | 53.05 |
11 | @timoreilly | Tim O’Reilly | O’Reilly Media | 52.08 |
12 | @antgrasso | Antonio Grasso | Digital Business Innovation Srl | 50.35 |
13 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | Digital Leadership Associates | 49.37 |
14 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | Salesforce | 44.53 |
15 | @JimLundy | Jim Lundy | Aragon Research | 42.88 |
16 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | Adversitement | 39.36 |
17 | @rautsan | Sandeep Raut | NIIT Technologies | 35.89 |
18 | @mkrigsman | Michael Krigsman | CXOTALK | 33.54 |
19 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | iSocialFanz | 33.27 |
20 | @Fisher85M | Michael Fisher | Whitcraft Group | 32.92 |
21 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | Digital Banking Report | 31.7 |
22 | @fgens | Frank Gens | IDC | 31.44 |
23 | @PetiotEric | Eric Petiot | 2 startups | 31.01 |
24 | @psb_dc | Theodora Lau | Unconventional Ventures | 29.15 |
25 | @fjeronimo | Francisco Jeronimo | IDC | 29.07 |
26 | @caspender | Andrew Spender | Gartner | 28.64 |
27 | @cloudpreacher | David Holm | Xplorico | 27.65 |
28 | @marksmithvr | Mark Smith | Ventana Research | 27.07 |
29 | @WSWMUC | Wilko S. Wolters | d2twelve | 26.25 |
30 | @Tiffani_Bova | Tiffani Bova | Salesforce | 25.68 |
31 | @holgermu | Holger Mueller | Constellation Research | 24.76 |
32 | @dez_blanchfield | Dez Blanchfield | Starboard IT | 24.64 |
33 | @matteastwood | Matt Eastwood | IDC | 24.58 |
34 | @KirkDBorne | Kirk Borne | Booz Allen Hamilton | 24.57 |
35 | @LouisSerge | Louis-Serge Real del Sarte | YLFLY | 24.29 |
36 | @jblefevre60 | Jean-Baptiste Lefevre | BNP Paribas | 23.94 |
37 | @bryankramer | Bryan Kramer | PureMatter | 23.77 |
38 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | Margaris Advisory | 23.63 |
39 | @guzmand | Danielle Guzman | Mercer | 23.3 |
40 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore | Gilmore Business Network | 22.14 |
41 | @simonlporter | Simon Porter | The Workforce Institute | 21.88 |
42 | @BrunoGebarski | Bruno Gebarski | Vision 2021 | 21.84 |
43 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | World Communication Forum | 19.54 |
44 | @helene_wpli | Helene Li | BNP Paribas | 19.39 |
45 | @NigelFenwick | Nigel Fenwick | Forester | 19.31 |
46 | @geoff_deweaver | Geoff De Weaver | Geoff De Weaver Inc. | 19.15 |
47 | @adamsconsulting | Diana Adams | Adams Consulting Group | 18.78 |
48 | @jill_rowley | Jill Rowley | Marketo | 18.45 |
49 | @akwyz | Antonio Vieira Santos | Atos | 17.65 |
50 | @sbmeunier | Sebastien Meunier | Chappuis Halder & Co. | 17.22 |
Below you can see a network map of the online digital transformation conversations showing the number two influencer Brian Solis at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below is another network map of the digital transformation conversation showing the number one brand IDC at the centre. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
TOP 100 Brands
Below is a list of the top 50 digital transformation brands. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @IDC | IDC | 100 |
2 | @Microsoft | Microsoft | 80.21 |
3 | @McKinsey | McKinsey & Company | 79.86 |
4 | @McKinsey_MGI | McKinsey Global Inst | 76.05 |
5 | @Five9 | Five9 | 67.66 |
6 | @Gartner_inc | Gartner | 65.39 |
7 | @SAP | SAP | 62.46 |
8 | @forrester | Forrester | 51.8 |
9 | @Accenture | Accenture | 47.99 |
10 | @IBM | IBM | 41.58 |
11 | @DellEMC | Dell EMC | 39.8 |
12 | @Oracle | Oracle | 36.76 |
13 | @IDC_EMEA | IDC EMEA | 33.5 |
14 | @VMware | VMware | 30.58 |
15 | @ipfconline1 | ipfconline | 30.49 |
16 | @SAPLeonardo | SAP Leonardo | 30.3 |
17 | @Cisco | Cisco | 26.72 |
18 | @CloudExpo | CloudEXPO ® | 25.62 |
19 | @UtarSystems | UtarSystems | 23.06 |
20 | @PwC | PwC | 22.72 |
21 | @GE_Digital | GE Digital | 22.27 |
22 | @MSFT_Business | Microsoft in Business | 20.46 |
23 | @constellationr | Constellation R | 20.26 |
24 | @Capgemini | Capgemini | 19.95 |
25 | @HPE | HPE | 17.28 |
26 | @Huawei | Huawei Technologies | 16.85 |
27 | @DellTech | Dell Technologies | 16.72 |
28 | @makeinindia | Make in India | 16.33 |
29 | @MITSloan | MIT Sloan School of Management | 16.18 |
30 | @AccentureTech | Accenture Technology | 14.4 |
31 | @MuleSoft | MuleSoft | 14.27 |
32 | @nokia | Nokia | 14.22 |
33 | @Wipro | Wipro Limited | 14.16 |
34 | @InsightBrief | InsightBrief | 13.37 |
35 | @radius | Radius | 13.34 |
36 | @ThingsExpo | @ThingsEXPO | 13.27 |
37 | @AccentureACTIVE | AccentureInteractive | 13.11 |
38 | @Atos | Atos | 13.09 |
39 | @MIT_CISR | MIT CISR | 13.01 |
40 | @altimetergroup | altimetergroup | 12.56 |
41 | @WiproDigital | Wipro Digital | 12.25 |
42 | @Siemens | Siemens | 12.19 |
43 | @SAPHybris | SAP Hybris | 11.88 |
44 | @Cognizant | Cognizant | 11.75 |
45 | @FinancialBrand | The Financial Brand | 11.69 |
46 | @EYnews | EY | 11.58 |
47 | @TVSNext | TVS Next | 11.34 |
48 | @pega | Pegasystems | 10.9 |
49 | @Appian | Appian | 10.67 |
50 | @Ovum | Ovum | 10.39 |
Below is a list of the top 50 digital transformation publications. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @CIOonline | | 100 |
2 | @mitsmr | MITSloan Mgmt Review | 81.14 |
3 | @ZDNet | ZDNet | 62.84 |
4 | @Adweek | Adweek | 47.64 |
5 | @TechNative | TechNative | 47.54 |
6 | @TechRepublic | TechRepublic | 40.43 |
7 | @EconomicTimes | EconomicTimes | 34.79 |
8 | @stratandbiz | strategy+business | 33.98 |
9 | @MSFTnews | Microsoft News | 33.65 |
10 | @TimesNow | TIMES NOW | 33.24 |
11 | @digitalistmag | Digitalist Magazine | 29.5 |
12 | @Inc | Inc. | 27.1 |
14 | @ComputerWeekly | ComputerWeekly | 25 |
15 | @vmwarenews | VMware News | 19.93 |
16 | @vmblog | VMBlog | 19.86 |
17 | @IoTJournal | IoT Journal | 18.7 |
18 | @awwebinars | Adweek Webinars | 18.06 |
19 | @InformationAge | Information Age | 16.66 |
20 | @cmswire | | 16.23 |
21 | @forbes_india | Forbes India | 15.83 |
22 | @CMO_com | | 13.72 |
23 | @TechNativeWire | TechNative Wire | 13.16 |
24 | @socialmedia2day | Social Media Today | 12.22 |
25 | @fintechna | FINTECHNA | 12.12 |
26 | @EntMagazineME | Entrepreneur ME | 11.36 |
27 | @HPE_News | HPE News | 10.99 |
28 | @ClickZ | ClickZ | 10.78 |
29 | @itknowingness | IT Knowingness | 10.66 |
30 | @orangebusiness | Orange Business Services | 10.18 |
31 | @Irish_TechNews | Irish Tech News | 10.04 |
32 | @cfo | CFO | 9.65 |
33 | @Which50 | Which-50 | 9.32 |
34 | @SAPhightech | SAP High Tech | 9.01 |
35 | @MarketingWeekEd | Marketing Week | 8.99 |
36 | @digitaljournal | Digital Journal | 8.9 |
37 | @TheIoT | Internet of Things | 8.17 |
38 | @CIOInsight | CIO Insight | 8.07 |
39 | @TechEcon | Tech Economy | 7.77 |
40 | @cbronline | | 7.61 |
41 | @whartonknows | Knowledge@Wharton | 7.6 |
42 | @siliconrepublic | SiliconRepublic | 7.27 |
43 | @CStoreNews_ | C-Store News | 6.94 |
44 | @eni | | 6.67 |
45 | @CIOdive | CIO Dive | 6.42 |
46 | @Finextra | Finextra | 6.24 |
47 | @SupplyChainD | Supply Chain Digital | 6.08 |
48 | @elearnindustry | eLearning Industry | 6.01 |
49 | @TheManufacturer | The Manufacturer | 5.63 |
50 | @itworldca | IT World Canada | 5.54 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around the future of energy.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic), reach (number of followers) and reference (how often they are refenced by other influencers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
Digital Transformation 2018
Top 100 Influencers, Brands and Publications
Download this free report which reveals the top digital transformation influencers, brands and publications.