Plastic has only been around for 60-70 years but it’s already begun to negatively impact the natural environment and create problems for plants, wildlife and even human population. As plastic is composed of major toxic pollutants, it has the potential to cause great harm to the environment in the form of air, water and land pollution.
Plastic pollution in the sea is set to treble in the next 10 years, and by 2050 the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight. This is a massive problem because the accumulation of plastic in the environment adversely affects wildlife, humans and the environment itself, especially in waterways and oceans. Marine animals are affected through entanglement, direct ingestion of plastic waste, or by exposure to chemicals within plastics that causes damage to their biological functions. Sea birds are affected as well, with studies showing that 90% of sea birds have some sort of plastic in them. Humans are also affected by plastic pollution. In the UK alone, more than 5 million tonnes of plastic are consumed each year, which can disrupt hormone levels.
Plastic reduction efforts have occurred in some areas in attempts to reduce plastic consumption and pollution and promote plastic recycling, but it’s estimated that only 24% of all plastic actually makes it into recycling systems. That leaves a remaining 3.8 million tonnes of waste, destined for landfills. Between 10 and 20 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans every year. More plastic is being thrown or washed into the ocean at a rate much quicker than what it is breaking down. Plastic as a material is photodegradable, which means that it breaks down into smaller pieces when exposed to sunlight, and because the temperature they are exposed to in the sea is a lot lower than that on land, the breakdown process takes a lot longer in the marine environment. It’s estimated that 5.25 trillion plastic particles are currently floating around in world’s oceans.
As this is such an important issue, we were very interested to discover the top influencers, brands and publications discussing plastic pollution on social. What follows is the top 50 in each category, including a network map of the online conversations. There are a wide variety of different influencers that you can engage with so it is good to focus your engagement on certain personas that you feel will best communicate your message to your target audience. Typically industry experts, micro-influencers and everyday influencers are easier to engage than the macro influencers.
Below is a list of the top 50 plastic pollution influencers. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @ErikSolheim | Erik Solheim | UNEP | 100 |
2 | @Dev_Fadnavis | Devendra Fadnavis | Bharatiya Janata Party | 87.78 |
3 | @LewisPugh | Lewis Pugh | Swimmer / Ocean advocate | 65.26 |
4 | @AfrozShah1 | Afroz Shah | UNEP’s Champion of the Earth | 57.5 |
5 | @ZAGrrl | Gail Barnes Ph.D. | Personify LLC | 41.02 |
6 | @KangarooCaught | Rajan Naidu | Environment and Social Justice Activist | 39.37 |
7 | @LeoDiCaprio | Leonardo DiCaprio | Actor and Environmentalist | 36.06 |
8 | @michaelgove | Michael Gove | Secretary of State for Environment | 32.7 |
9 | @MayorofLondon | Mayor of London | | 29.64 |
10 | @deespeak | Dia Mirza | UNEP Goodwill Ambassador | 25.96 |
11 | @BeingFarhad | Shah A Farhad | Environment and Social Justice Activist | 20.76 |
12 | @cathmckenna | Catherine McKenna | Minister of Environment & Climate Change | 20.73 |
13 | @James_BG | James Murray | Editor of BusinessGreen | 20.21 |
14 | @MarkRuffalo | Mark Ruffalo | The Solutions Project | 19.36 |
15 | @VetoPlastic | Karen | Activist | 19.15 |
16 | @PaulPolman | Paul Polman | CEO of Unilever | 19.08 |
17 | @implicitweet | Dianna Cohen | Plastic Pollution Coalition | 18.76 |
18 | @KarmenuVella | Karmenu Vella | Commissioner for Environment | 18.33 |
19 | @PYCousteau | Pierre-Yves Cousteau | Cousteau Divers | 17.85 |
20 | @BiologistDan | Daniel Schneider | Biologist, Diver, Activist | 17.41 |
21 | @mrjonkhoo | Jon Khoo | Interface | 15.95 |
22 | @JackHarries | Jackson Harries | Filmmaker, Photographer, Environmentalist. | 14.99 |
23 | @juliepackard | Julie Packard | Monterey Bay Aquarium | 14.95 |
24 | @ifranhk | Frank Moonalice | Sustainability activist | 14.16 |
25 | @keithpp | Keith Parkins | Deep ecologist, activist | 13.63 |
26 | @kristianteleki | Kristian Teleki | Prince of Wales’ International Sustainability Unit | 12.86 |
27 | @tveitdal | Svein T veitdal | Klima2020 | 12.67 |
28 | @lillyspickup | lillysplasticpickup | Plastic Pollution Coalition | 12.64 |
29 | @wawarah | Rahmah Abdul Hamid | PPSEAWA Malaysia | 12.61 |
30 | @ineeshadvs | Neeshad V S | AYCM Qatar | 12.49 |
31 | @Lara | Lara Setrakian | News Deeply | 12.42 |
32 | @EmmaHowardBoyd | Emma Howard Boyd | The Environment Agency | 12.35 |
33 | @Benioff | Marc Benioff | Salesforce | 12.33 |
34 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | World Communication Forum | 11.92 |
35 | @peteswildlife | peter burton | Wildlife Activist | 11.89 |
36 | @dhruvboruah | Dhruv Boruah | Entrepreneur, Activist | 11.82 |
37 | @MikeHudema | Mike Hudema | Greenpeace | 11.48 |
38 | @HoeZaay | José Covaco | Vlogger / Comedian | 11.25 |
39 | @VisualPersist | Matt Bjerregaard | ReefScan | 11.22 |
40 | @nspugh | nigel pugh | Enviromentalist, Photographer | 10.64 |
41 | @Alex_Verbeek | Alexander Verbeek | Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 10.41 |
42 | @JudiWakhungu | Prof. Judi Wakhungu EGH | Kenya’s Ambassador to France | 10.31 |
43 | @M_Hartl | Dr Mark Hartl | Associate Professor of Marine Biology | 9.82 |
44 | @sherryrehman | SenatorSherryRehman | Senate of Pakistan | 9.53 |
45 | @AdamRogers2030 | Adam Rogers | UNDP | 9.39 |
46 | @BillBruceComms | Bill Bruce | Bill Bruce Communications | 9.34 |
47 | @GeorgeMonbiot | GeorgeMonbiot | Author, environmental activist | 9.27 |
48 | @Stevewal63 | Steve Waldron | SEI | 9.21 |
49 | @JustinR_Freeman | Justin Freeman | Green enthusiast | 8.73 |
50 | @calestous | Calestous Juma | Professor Harvard | 8.66 |
Below you can see a network map of the online plastic pollution conversations showing the number two influencer Erik Solheim at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below is another network map of the plastic pollution conversation showing the number one brand UN Environment at the centre. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
TOP 100 Brands
Below is a list of the top 50 plastic pollution brands. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @UNEP | UN Environment | 100 |
2 | @SkyOceanRescue | Sky Ocean Rescue | 62.87 |
3 | @UN | United Nations | 55.35 |
4 | @Seasaver | Blue Planet Society | 49.61 |
5 | @Greenpeace | Greenpeace | 37.88 |
6 | @sascampaigns | SurfersAgainstSewage | 34.45 |
7 | @mcsuk | MCSUK | 31.76 |
8 | @UNDP | UN Development | 30.58 |
9 | @NatGeo | National Geographic | 27.45 |
10 | @wef | World Economic Forum | 27.13 |
11 | @TEDTalks | TED Talks | 20.51 |
12 | @GreenpeaceUK | Greenpeace UK | 20.21 |
13 | @unwantedplastic | unWANTED plastics | 19.79 |
14 | @2handsproject | Two Hands Project | 19.59 |
15 | @PlasticPollutes | Plastic Pollutes | 19 |
16 | @wwf_uk | WWF UK | 18.47 |
17 | @Tesco | Tesco | 17.69 |
18 | @EU_ENV | EU Environment | 17.01 |
19 | @DefraGovUK | Defra UK | 16.88 |
20 | @BinStrap | BinStrap | 16.61 |
21 | @BBCEarth | BBC Earth | 16.07 |
22 | @nature_org | Nature Conservancy | 15.57 |
23 | @UNDP_India | UNDP India | 15.06 |
24 | @dw_environment | DW – Environment | 14.59 |
25 | @PlasticBank | Plastic Bank | 14.37 |
26 | @plastics2fuel | Waste-Derived-Diesel | 13.91 |
27 | @EnvAgency | Environment Agency | 13.86 |
28 | @WWF | WWF | 13.41 |
29 | @WeAreProject0 | Project 0 | 12.82 |
30 | @BoatPicsLancs | Plastic Free ⛵ Morecambe Bay | 12.8 |
31 | @lonelyplanet | Lonely Planet | 12.69 |
32 | @EHFoundation237 | Ethereal Heart Fdn | 12.55 |
33 | @CGTNOfficial | CGTN | 12.44 |
34 | @WorldBankWater | World Bank Water | 11.97 |
35 | @PolychemUSA | Polychem USA | 11.52 |
36 | @TIPACorp | TIPA-Corp | 11.09 |
37 | @CECHR_UoD | CECHR | 11.01 |
38 | @greenpeaceusa | Greenpeace USA | 10.71 |
39 | @EU_Commission | European Commission 🇪🇺 | 10.68 |
40 | @IUCN | IUCN | 10.54 |
41 | @FastCompany | Fast Company | 10.46 |
42 | @OneLessBTL | OneLess | 10.32 |
43 | @OpenLitterMap | OpenLitterMap | 10.3 |
44 | @versovabeach | Clean Up Versova | 10.09 |
45 | @storyofstuff | The Story of Stuff | 9.6 |
46 | @scrapr_ | Scrapr | 9.34 |
47 | @EU_MARE | EU Maritime & Fish | 9.29 |
48 | @coopukfood | Co-op Food | 9.23 |
49 | @UNESCO | UNESCO | 9.12 |
50 | @sainsburys | Sainsbury’s | 9.05 |
Below is a list of the top 50 plastic pollution publications. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @guardian | The Guardian | 100 |
2 | @BBCWorld | BBC News (World) | 80.02 |
3 | @SkyNews | Sky News | 73.13 |
4 | @nytimes | The New York Times | 60.59 |
5 | @BBCNews | BBC News (UK) | 56.25 |
6 | @BBCScienceNews | BBC Science News | 56.16 |
7 | @TheEconomist | The Economist | 51.3 |
8 | @ndtv | NDTV | 49.39 |
9 | @dw_globalideas | DW | Global Ideas | 48.79 |
10 | @CNN | CNN | 47.12 |
11 | @Independent | The Independent | 46.49 |
12 | @guardianeco | Guardian Environment | 46.45 |
13 | @UE | Unearthed | 44.92 |
14 | @Forbes | Forbes | 44.16 |
15 | @TIME | TIME | 43.74 |
16 | @FoxNews | Fox News | 43.15 |
17 | @BIUK | Business Insider UK | 39.63 |
18 | @mashable | Mashable | 39.5 |
19 | @washingtonpost | Washington Post | 39.38 |
20 | @HuffPost | HuffPost | 39.33 |
21 | @ABC | ABC News | 39.06 |
22 | @EcoInternet3 | EcoInternet | 34.97 |
23 | @XHNews | China Xinhua News | 34.15 |
24 | @AP | The Associated Press | 34.08 |
25 | @EINWasteNews | EIN Waste News | 32.43 |
26 | @LGSpace | Little Green Space | 31.42 |
27 | @NPR | NPR | 30.13 |
28 | @cnni | CNN International | 28.91 |
29 | @FinancialTimes | Financial Times | 28.61 |
30 | @NBCNews | NBC News | 27.17 |
31 | @gmanews | GMA News | 26.41 |
32 | @thetimes | The Times of London | 26.37 |
33 | @htTweets | Hindustan Times | 25.98 |
34 | @bbcworldservice | BBC World Service | 25.5 |
35 | @sciam | Scientific American | 25.46 |
36 | @nowthisnews | NowThis | 25.24 |
37 | @businessinsider | Business Insider | 25.22 |
38 | @guardiannews | Guardian news | 25.02 |
39 | @EcoWatch | EcoWatch | 25 |
40 | @AJEnglish | Al Jazeera English | 24.82 |
41 | @business | Bloomberg | 24.65 |
42 | @Telegraph | The Telegraph | 24.16 |
43 | @verge | The Verge | 23.15 |
44 | @dwnews | dwnews | 22.81 |
45 | @NewScienceWrld | The New Science | 22.57 |
46 | @ajplus | AJ+ | 22.23 |
47 | @BusinessGreen | BusinessGreen | 22.17 |
48 | @the_hindu | The Hindu | 22.14 |
49 | @standardnews | Evening Standard | 21.62 |
50 | @BBCBusiness | BBC Business | 21.43 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands, individuals and publications listed here are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around plastic pollution.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic), reach (number of followers) and reference (how often they are referenced by other influencers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
Tackling Plastic Pollution
Top 100 Influencers, Brands and Publications
Download this free report which reveals the top influencers, brands and publications discussing plastic pollution.