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Interview with Shira Rubinoff

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Interviews,

Shira Rubinoff

Shira Rubinoff

President at SecureMySocial, Expert- Human Aspects of Cybersecurity, Advisor to Startups

Key Topics:Cybersecurity, IoT & Startups
Location:NYC and NJ, USA

Shira Rubinoff has been President of two cybersecurity firms, and consults to start-ups, helping them grow and succeed. She is on the Boards of the Executive Women’s Forum and Leading Women in Technology, is recognized as one of the Top 5 Women Cybersecurity & IoT  Influencers globally on socialmedia, and was named one of New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business. Shira is also President and Co-Founder of Tech Incubator, Prime Tech Partners in NYC.

How did you get to become an expert in cybersecurity?

My background is in business and psychology. I became interested in cybersecurity about 15 years ago, initially focusing on the human aspects of information security (which were directly related to my prior experience), and expanding to other areas from there.

I launched two cybersecurity companies over the past 12 years. Currently I am a partner in a tech Incubator in NYC, focussing on innovative firms in the cybersecurity, information security, e-commerce and augmented reality spaces. I also consult to various cybersecurity firms, helping them with branding, social media, and other influencer work online and at conferences. I also consult to other firms in areas related to the human aspects of cybersecurity, improving human dynamics, and general business development, and speak at numerous conferences during the year.

What areas of cybersecurity are you most passionate about?

I am most passionate about the human aspects of cybersecurity, the Internet of Things as it relates to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence as it related to cybersecurity, and augmented reality as it relates to cybersecurity.

Which cybersecurity influencers influence you?

Brian Krebs, Joseph Steinberg, Bruce Schneier and Dan Lohrmann, to name a few

Outside of cybersecurity what else influences you?

Guy Kawasaki – Marketing,  Elon Musk – Artificial Intelligence, Spiros Margaris – Fintech, Michelle Dennedy – Privacy and Compliance, Richard Branson – Entrepreneurship/Business

What are going to be the key developments in the industry in the next 12 months?

I believe the key developments in the industry in the next five years will include the advancement of machine learning and artificial intelligence as being implemented en masse in the cyber world around defense and intelligence. We will also see “smart cities” develop much further than they are today, and the same for “smart homes.” Both of these examples will create major cybersecurity concerns that will need to be addressed – sometimes with technology that we know about today, sometimes with products and services that have not yet been invented.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

While I help companies in many ways, I am most interested in collaborating with companies in two ways:

  1. To do influencer work across social media, podcasts, media briefings, conferences, and speaking opportunities.
  2. To consult regarding  business development, improving human dynamics and executive coaching.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

The best way to contact me would be to send me an email to :