Big data has received a lot of attention in the past couple of years from major companies as well as online communities. This is not surprising as there are claims (and proof) that big data can solve big problems and transform entire markets in just years. 87% of enterprises believe Big Data analytics will redefine the competitive landscape of their industries within the next three years. Businesses like GE and Accenture are spending massive amounts of money in studies that involve how the cloud, the internet of things and big data analytics are changing their industries.
The “industrial internet” is projected to be worth around $500B in 2020 made up of the sales of hardware, software and services. If you’re keen to learn more about how big data and the industrial internet are changing entire market segments be sure to grab this report from Accenture and General Electric that contains plenty of insights and data!
Mapping the Debate
At Onalytica we have analysed the online #BigData discussion by looking at over 400,000 tweets from around 80,000 users to present you the most influential individuals and brands that drive this online discussion.
When looking closely at the map we discovered that there is a very engaged community of individuals (red lines on the map) driving the debate. On the other hand the brands seem to be less engaging and that shows that there are good opportunities for brands to create online attention amongst individuals that are interested in big data. Be sure to click the green button below to see this beautiful network map in vector format.
Top 50 Influential Individuals
We looked at all the individuals engaging in the Big Data discussion to give you the Top 50 influencers in the Big Data landscape. Be sure to hit one of the green buttons to download the full top 100 brands and individuals for free, including detailed network map to better understand the debate.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @jeremywaite | Jeremy ☁️ | 100 |
2 | @BernardMarr | Bernard Marr | 70.89 |
3 | @KirkDBorne | Kirk Borne | 52.77 |
4 | @kncukier | Kenneth Cukier | 47.54 |
5 | @kdnuggets | Gregory Piatetsky | 47.27 |
6 | @Viktor_MS | V Mayer-Schönberger | 46.64 |
7 | @ThorOlavsrud | Thor Olavsrud | 35.82 |
8 | @bobehayes | Bob E. Hayes, PhD | 32.91 |
9 | @GilPress | Gil Press | 28.88 |
10 | @IdeaXplorer | JR Reagan | 28.01 |
11 | @NeelieKroesEU | Neelie Kroes | 26.49 |
12 | @JoeFindsTalent | Joe Burridge | 24.98 |
13 | @tamaradull | Tamara Dull | 23.61 |
14 | @setlinger | Susan Etlinger | 22.43 |
15 | @MikeSutcliff | MikeSutcliff | 20.38 |
16 | @jameskobielus | jameskobielus | 19.22 |
17 | @BigDataGal | Lillian Pierson, PE | 17.88 |
18 | @BerinSzoka | Berin Szoka | 17.85 |
19 | @VanRijmenam | Mark van Rijmenam | 17.28 |
20 | @lmclaughlin | Laurianne McLaughlin | 17.11 |
21 | @babgi | Gilles Babinet | 16.05 |
22 | @rahulag80 | Rahul Agarwal | 15.21 |
23 | @JohndeVoogd | John de Voogd | 15 |
24 | @Dana_Gardner | Dana Gardner | 14.62 |
25 | @simonlporter | SimonPorter | 13.98 |
26 | @DiegoKuonen | Dr. Diego Kuonen | 13.94 |
27 | @mjcavaretta | Michael Cavaretta | 13.76 |
28 | @jeffreyfkelly | Jeff Kelly | 13.47 |
29 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | 13.44 |
30 | @TheSocialPitt | David Pittman | 13.34 |
31 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang (王瑞光) | 13.21 |
32 | @ocdqblog | Jim Harris | 12.09 |
33 | @Doug_Laney | Doug Laney | 11.82 |
34 | @philsimon | Phil Simon | 11.69 |
35 | @schmarzo | Bill Schmarzo | 11.2 |
36 | @mgualtieri | Mike Gualtieri | 10.99 |
37 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | 10.29 |
38 | @data_nerd | Carla Gentry | 9.93 |
39 | @mchui | Michael Chui | 9.9 |
40 | @Inhicho | Inhi Cho Suh | 9.69 |
41 | @dcapuan0 | Dave Capuano | 9.38 |
42 | @LouisColumbus | Louis Columbus | 9.35 |
43 | @michelinecasey | Micheline Casey | 8.79 |
44 | @mac_devine | Mac Devine | 8.57 |
45 | @timoelliott | Timo Elliott | 8.27 |
46 | @danielnewmanUV | Daniel Newman | 8.08 |
47 | @Claudia_Imhoff | Claudia Imhoff | 8.08 |
48 | @bakercom1 | Pam Baker | 8.05 |
49 | @merv | Merv Adrian | 7.88 |
50 | @JulieBrillFTC | JulieBrillFTC | 7.86 |
Top 50 Influential Brands
We found a number of well know brands being influential in the big data debate. Companies like Cloudera, IBM, Teradata, Tableau and many more rank among the most influential. We also found institutions such as the World Bank and events such as the World Economic Forum and a certain number of publications like Information Week and Be sure to grab the full report to see who ranks 51-100 and find your brand amongst the top influencers.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @IBMbigdata | IBM big data | 100 |
2 | @BigDataExpo | BigDataEXPO ® | 95.41 |
3 | @CIOonline | | 89.53 |
4 | @WorldBank | World Bank | 82.16 |
5 | @cloudera | Cloudera | 79.73 |
6 | @Teradata | Teradata | 73.65 |
7 | @Accenture | Accenture | 72.17 |
8 | @strataconf | O’Reilly Strata | 59.97 |
9 | @InformationWeek | InformationWeek | 57.91 |
10 | @SmartDataCo | SmartData Collective | 56.89 |
11 | @tableau | Tableau Software | 54.59 |
12 | @TechFTC | Tech@FTC | 52.1 |
13 | @mapr | MapR Technologies | 46.36 |
14 | @Gartner_inc | Gartner | 45.49 |
15 | @Oracle | Oracle | 42.42 |
16 | @hortonworks | Hortonworks | 41.61 |
17 | @ISpeakAnalytics | Accenture Analytics | 40.05 |
18 | @qubole | Qubole | 39.6 |
19 | @Datafloq | Datafloq | 37.63 |
20 | @generalelectric | General Electric | 37.15 |
21 | @worldbankdata | World Bank Data | 36.9 |
22 | @OracleAnalytics | Oracle Analytics | 36.07 |
23 | @cmswire | | 35.99 |
24 | @wef | World Economic Forum | 35.69 |
25 | @DataStax | DataStax | 34.93 |
26 | @forrester | Forrester Research | 32.69 |
27 | @SAP | SAP | 30.28 |
28 | @FTC | FTC | 30.2 |
29 | @splunk | Splunk | 29.78 |
30 | @DZone | DZone | 29.41 |
31 | @CloudExpo | CloudEXPO ® | 28.39 |
32 | @datanami | Datanami | 27.34 |
33 | @HP | HP | 25.86 |
34 | @IBMWatson | IBM Watson | 25.35 |
35 | @Umbel | Umbel | 24.43 |
36 | @MarkLogic | MarkLogic | 24.03 |
37 | @InformaticaCorp | Informatica Corp. | 23.78 |
38 | @Datamation | | 23.52 |
39 | @SiliconANGLE | SiliconANGLE | 23.31 |
40 | @analyticbridge | Big Data Science | 23.15 |
41 | @Wharton | The Wharton School | 22.84 |
42 | @UNGlobalPulse | Global Pulse | 21.98 |
43 | @adage | Ad Age | 21.33 |
44 | @ThingsExpo | @ThingsEXPO | 21.09 |
45 | @ITBusinessEdge | IT Business Edge | 20.91 |
46 | @orange | Orange | 20.06 |
47 | @awscloud | Amazon Web Services | 19.59 |
48 | @Rackspace | Rackspace | 18.8 |
49 | @cloud_comp_news | Cloud Computing News | 18.39 |
50 | @Capgemini | Capgemini | 17.32 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Content Marketing, Wearables, Machine to Machine, Internet of Things …) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers and you can get a free demo at any time by clicking the button below.
Big Data 2015:
Top 100 Influencers and Brands
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 Big Data influencers and brands in the 2015