Last week, we published a list of the top individual thought leaders in and around the Big Data and Customer Experience conversation. Using our analysis platform, we analyzed the conversations and interactions around popular customer experience hashtags (#CX, #CXP, #custexp) in the context of the #BigData hashtag in order to surface the most influential individuals on Twitter. This allowed us to map out the network of interactions and visualize the connections between each person to see who has been influencing the conversation (check out the post for a little more background info).
Well, there are also a lot of organizations (brands, research firms, consultancies and associations) out there involved in the Big Data and Customer Experience sector, and we were curious to see how they stacked up against each other – so we’ve done the same thing with them, putting together a network map and ranking of the top 100 to see which companies are driving the conversation and getting their message out there.
Big Data and CX – Top 50 Network Map
Click here for a larger version. Larger, darker nodes indicate a higher degree of influence within the network.
In addition to leading the overall conversation, Oracle has a number of business areas within the top 50 organizations, including @OracleCX (3rd), @oraclesocial (6th) and @OracleAnalytics (34th)**, giving the tech giant a large presence within the debate. Rival IBM comes in fourth via its @IBMbigdata account, while SAP’s @sapcrm account comes in 35th place. Research and analysis firm Forrester, though slightly less influential than Oracle, is more central to the conversation, sitting in the middle of the network with connections to a number of top stakeholders.
**Note: In these situations it is always important to look at whether brand-related accounts (and even seemingly unrelated accounts) such as these may be skewing results through their association, a process we routinely go through for our more in-depth analyses. Though we have left all stakeholders in for the purposes of this list, it is nonetheless interesting to see where related accounts sit within the network map, and the impact they have on the wider conversation.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @Oracle | Oracle | 100 |
2 | @forrester | Forrester Research | 93.14 |
3 | @OracleCX | Oracle CX | 63.8 |
4 | @IBMbigdata | IBM big data | 48.29 |
5 | @Loyalty360 | Loyalty 360 | 48.05 |
6 | @oraclesocial | Oracle Social | 37.54 |
7 | @Verint | Verint | 35.24 |
8 | @customerthink | CustomerThink | 29.79 |
9 | @CXJourney | CX Journey™ | 29.48 |
10 | @thebizcouch | THEBIZCOUCH | 25.5 |
11 | @SDL | SDL | 19.21 |
12 | @KANASoftware | KANA Software | 17.93 |
13 | @Parature | Parature | 17.08 |
14 | @InsideCXM | Inside CXM | 16.78 |
15 | @ConstellationRG | ConstellationR | 16.56 |
16 | @Capgemini | Capgemini | 15.81 |
17 | @vovici | Verint VoC | 15.48 |
18 | @PretiumPress | Pretium Solutions | 14 |
19 | @JPSaunders | JP Saunders | 13.96 |
20 | @CallCenterICMI | ICMI | 13.5 |
21 | @contactpro | Contact Professional | 13.17 |
22 | @NorthridgeGroup | Northridge Group | 12.38 |
23 | @TullioSiragusa | Tullio Siragusa | 10.93 |
24 | @Fonolo | Fonolo | 9.96 |
25 | @NICE_Enterprise | NICE Enterprise | 9.6 |
26 | @CXAlert | CXPro, LLC | 9.49 |
27 | @E2ECustExp | Accenture Sales & CX | 9.31 |
28 | @sdlinnovate | SDL Innovate | 9.3 |
29 | @Teleperformance | Teleperformance | 8.19 |
30 | @decisionmgt | DecisionMgtSolutions | 7.65 |
31 | @CMOAustralia | CMOAustralia | 7.62 |
32 | @confirmit | Confirmit | 7.4 |
33 | @IBMWatson | IBM Watson | 7.38 |
34 | @OracleAnalytics | Oracle Analytics | 7.19 |
35 | @sapcrm | SAP CRM | 6.56 |
36 | @SDLsocial | Social Intelligence | 6.18 |
37 | @24_7_inc | [24]7 | 6.14 |
38 | @qmatic | Qmatic Group | 5.42 |
39 | @TPDashboard | Touchpoint Dashboard | 5.37 |
40 | @Empirix | Empirix | 5.22 |
41 | @SAPNorthAmerica | SAP North America | 5.2 |
42 | @AccentureRetail | Accenture Retail | 5.05 |
43 | @McK_MktgSales | McKinsey Mktg&Sales | 4.98 |
44 | @keepify | Keepify | 4.98 |
45 | @WebhelpUK | Webhelp UK | 4.93 |
46 | @Clarabridge | Clarabridge | 4.85 |
47 | @SDLlocalization | SDL Localization | 4.8 |
48 | @ideolonews | Ideolo | 4.8 |
49 | @EngageCustomer | Engage Customer | 4.63 |
50 | @OracleLatam | Oracle Latinoamerica | 4.48 |
How does your brand compare? Are you moving the needle within the Big Data and CX conversation? Download the full list to find out!

. We’re generally very nice so don’t be afraid.
Big Data and CX
Top 100 Organisations
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