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Interview with Greg Jenkins

by | Mar 21, 2019 | Interviews,

Greg Jenkins

Greg Jenkins

Founder & CEO at Greg Jenkins Consulting

Key Topics:Diveristy, Inclusion, Leadership, Team Building, Executive Coaching, Mentoring, Veterans, Public Speaking
Location:London, UK

Greg Jenkins is a dedicated and passionate leader, facilitator, coach and mentor dedicated to helping people and teams achieve higher levels of performance.  Greg completed a successful 28+ year US Army career that ranged from overseas duties in Germany, South Korea and combat duty in Iraq to include several stateside assignments culminating in Washington D.C.  While serving at the Pentagon, Greg teamed up with the Army’s Diversity Task Force, and worked directly with the Secretary of the Army and Army Chief of Staff to help establish the Army’s Diversity program, policies and marketing.

How did you get to become an expert in diversity & inclusion?

My D&I journey began in 2005 when I attended the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).  Although, I would argue that 20+ years of Army work/life taught me the importance of D&I from a leadership perspective.  DEOMI formed the foundation of my D&I education/work, from there I continued to seek out more D&I education, courses, work and volunteer opportunities in support of my D&I career.  I’m a life-long learner and continue to work and learn about the D&I and people and organizations who support such.

Which areas of diversity & inclusion are you most passionate about?

Diversity and inclusion (D&I), those topics fascinate me.  I’m intrigued by the depth and breadth of human beings; intelligence, compassion, insight, ability, languages, invention, resilience and so much more.  I’m also passionate about helping military veterans transition back to civilian life.  The transition process can be very difficult for some and I’m always always to help when I can serve as a coach and mentor.

Which diversity & inclusion influencers influence you?

Howard Ross, Deb Dagit, Margaret Regan, Gloria Cotton, Scott Hoesman, Barbara Frankel, Leslie Traub, GEN Martin Dempsey, Dr. Andre Sayles, BG Belinda Pinckney, Kendall Wright, Ric Lipman, Kizzy Dominguez, Dr. Brenda Sherrer, Julie O’Mara, Luby Ismail, Bob Dils.

Outside of diversity & inclusion who else influences you?

MLK, Gandhi, Rumi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Plato, Thoreau.

How would you describe your offline influence?

I continue to grow a high-value word of mouth reputation of someone that delivers on time and to specification.  I believe in under-promising and over-delivering.  I believe people want value for their time and money and I work hard to provide that value.  I achieve this through public speaking, consulting, mentoring and providing value when and where I can.

If a brand wanted to work with you, what activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

podcasts, webinars, white-paper, speaking opportunities, product innovation, video interviews.

Which brands have you worked with?

USAA, National Guard, US Army, Veterans Affairs, Getty Images, Esurance, FarmerMac, Toyota, MOLEX, AcademyWomen, The Mission Continues, American Corporate Partners, Strategic Alliance for Veteran Integration (SAVI), Inclusion Allies Coalition, The Centre for Global Inclusion, Smithsonian Institution, Service Women’s Action Network, USDA, Chatham Financial, Rollins College, eMentor, Racing Toward Diversity, CVS, DEOMI, Federal Government Experts, Pearn Kandola, Bank of Montreal, Raymond James, Jenkins & Lipman, ProSocial Global, Food Safety Inspection Services,

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience?

Co-Create long form content (blogs, white papers, ebooks, research). Provide a quote for content or news article. Share / create a social post. Speak, attend or volunteer at an event. Participate in a podcast or webinar. Write a product review. Participate in an online chat (e.g. Twitter chat, Crowdchat, Google Hangout). Create video content.

What are your passions outside of work?

Friends, family, yoga, health and fitness, music, reading, learning, art, volunteering.

Which businesses are you affiliated to?

SAVI, AcademyWomen, American Corporate Partners, US Army, Veterans Affairs, Jenkins & Lipman, ProSocial Global, Kparks Consulting Inc., inQuest Consulting, Federal Government Experts, National Guard, Food Safety Inspection Services

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

You can contact me through my website here or via my social pages (links at the top of this blog).