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Interview with Jo Peterson

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Interviews,

Jo Peterson

Jo Peterson

VP Cloud & Security Services at Clarify360

Key Topics:Cloud, Cybersecurity, Edge Computing, IoT
Location:Aliso Viejo, CA

Jo is the VP of Cloud Services for Clarify360, an IT consultancy focused on strategic sourcing. An engineer by trade, Jo partners with organizations to navigate the complex cloud, network, and security landscape. She has been named a CRN Woman of the Channel (2016-2019), Oracle Top 15 People to Follow in Cybersecurity, Onalytica Top 50 Female Cybersecurity Influencers, Onalytica Top 50 Female IoT Influencers, Onalytica Top 100 Cloud Influencers, and IBM Top 10 Influencer in Hybrid Multi-cloud Storage. In 2020, Thinkers360 listed her as one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders and Influencers to follow on social media. Jo is a member of the Forbes Technology Council.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

An engineer by trade, I started my career in pre-sales engineering within the telecommunications space. I ultimately moved into heavier consultative roles and, as the technology landscape has evolved, so too has my technical knowledge. In the early days of my career focus was predominantly on legacy network solutions and over time that has changed to include cloud services, security, IoT, and edge computing. My team and I were very early adopters of cloud solutions. We started our practice in 2009 with archival storage in the cloud. Along the way, I’ve had the opportunity to work with large enterprises, fantastic people, and been afforded training and certifications that have advanced my expertise.

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

I’m most passionate about using technology to drive business outcomes for customers. So, seeing technology as an enabler, finding new ways to optimize technology, and more. Cloud, cybersecurity and edge computing are the core topics that get me most excited and bring some of the most impactful solutions to the table for our clients.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

Oh the list is so long, where do I start? In the cloud space alone, I look to insight from Sandy Carter, Tim Crawford, Mike Kail, Ed Featherston, Sarbjeet Johal, Keith Townsend, Mark Thiel, Wayne Sadin and many more. Collectively these folks bring so many meaningful insights from real world engagements to the table. I learn from them every day. I’d highly encourage everyone to follow them on Twitter and any other platform where they post.

Outside of your key topics who else influences you?

Again another long list! I’m most influenced by strong female role models in the tech space. Above all else, I think these women show young women what it looks like to be successful, smart, powerful and most important, kind. They continue to show us what positive female tech thought leadership looks like —Tamara McClearly, Tiffani Bova, Amisha Ghandi, Lorna Garey, Shira Rubinoff, Dr. Sally Eaves—I’m so blessed to call each of them friends.

How would you describe your offline influence?

I am a consultant by trade so work hands-on with client technology solutions. I think that is a unique perspective I bring – I am an actual practitioner. I do a variety of speaking engagements and webinars. I also provide commentary on articles and write blogs and articles. For me, what really resonates is using my platform and voice to give back to young women in the tech space. I strongly believe that you can’t become what you can’t envision or see. That’s why I co created Cloud Girls and speak at non profit events that benefit these future female tech leaders.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Conferences, podcasts, webinars, assets, speaking opportunities, social influencer opportunities, think tanks, independent industry analyst opportunities.

What’s your best source of information for getting ahead of a story?

I use a variety of social media, analyst and industry reports, customer feedback, and vendor insight to gather my information. Also, I believe we get ahead of a story by understanding future tech trends and beginning our education process early. As a life long learner, I’m a huge proponent of becoming certified with a leader in a particular tech space often and early. This is a foundational component to advancing the conversation moving forward.

What brands have you worked with?

SAP Ariba, HP Enterprise, IBM, Intel, SAP Field Glass, Oracle, Rackspace, Alert Logic, Cyxtera, UI Path, Effectual

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience? 

  • Co-Create long-form content (blogs, white papers, ebooks, research)
  • Provide a quote for content or news article
  • Share / create a social post
  • Speak at or attend an event
  • Participate in online chat (e.g. Twitter chat, Crowdchat, Google Hangout)
  • Create video content
  • Participate in online chat (e.g. Twitter chat, Crowdchat, Google Hangout)
  • Write a product review

What are your passions outside of work?

I enjoy reading, traveling, hot yoga, riding my Peloton bike and spending time with family and friends. I volunteer for a great non-profit that finds forever homes for young cats from High Kill shelters.

What business/organisations are you affiliated to?

I am a USAF Veteran and am currently the VP of Cloud & Security Services at Clarify360, an IT consultancy and strategic technology sourcing firm. I am a member of the Forbes Technology Council. I am also affiliated with CloudGirls and the Association for Women in Technology. I serve as a partner council advisory board member to Channel Partners, Zayo Group, and Rackspace.

What would be the best way fo a brand to contact you?
