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Interview with Johannes Drooghaag

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Interviews,

Johannes Drooghaag

Johannes Drooghaag

CISO/DPO at Wedo, Executive, Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Author.

Key Topics:Cyber Security, Privacy, Agile, Cloud, IoT, Cloud, Edge, 5G, AI, (Digital) Supply Chain and Sustainability

Promoted in Applied Information Technology, Operations Management and Manufacturing, with vast experience in Operational Technology (OT), Information Technology (IT), Leadership Development and Business Development. - CEO Founder Spearhead Management - CEO Founder JD-Publishing - Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Author - Social Media and Digital Marketing Service Provider - Top 10 Global Influencer and Thought Leader for Cyber Security, Agile, Cloud, IoT, Cloud and Edge, 5G, AI and Sustainability In my work I focus on the Human Element and enable people and organizations to maximize the collaboration with technology! Our connected society continues to deploy and connect technology at a higher pace than we can keep up with by using conventional training and education. This applies to private and professional usage of technology. Regardless of being consumer focused or embedded deep into manufacturing facilities, the developers, vendors, service providers and operators must create inclusive secure experiences for everyone who will use the available technology. Unleash the Human Potential!

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

My professional life started in Applied Information Technology, the “mother of digital transformation”. In this capacity I quickly learned to understand the value of making technology secure, sustainable, inclusive and accessible. From there I started on a journey to promote The Human Element, to enable people and organizations to embrace an optimal collaboration with technology. Becoming a father of two bright kids was my starting point of advocacy for sustainability, and stakeholder value over shareholder value. My roots are in technology, my passion is with the Human Element.

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

Secure sustainable inclusive accessible technology that brings value to our society! Business Development by building lasting relationships between solution providers and customers.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

Debra Ruh who is a pragmatic advocate for inclusion and accessibility. Richard Streitz who is able to see solutions in every problem. Tom Raftery and Sheri Hinish who make the challenges and opportunities of supply chain management understandable. Mia Dand, the voice of ethics in technology.

Outside of key topics, who else influences you?

Gary Vaynerchuk who demonstrates that genuine passion is by far the best way to deliver a message. Elon Musk, go for it. Simon Sinek, the master of the Human Element

How would you describe your offline influence?

As Consultant, Trainer, Coach, Speaker and Author, I have daily engagements with my clients which due to the current restrictions are entirely virtual. Making the best of it, we have launched a series of infotainment events like Virtual Lunches (Bring your own food), Virtual Cocktails (Bring your own drinks) and Virtual Roundtables (Bring your own coffee) for and with (potential) clients. Writing (blogs, whitepapers, book contributions and book reviews) and speaking (keynotes, webinars, panels) are my passion and I am grateful for the many opportunities and invitations. The Human Element is of course an important part of me work which is best demonstrated in my keynote and workshops Cyber Security for Road Warriors (and Couch Potatoes).

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Ordered by preference: Blogs and whitepapers, webinars and speaking opportunities followed by video interviews and podcasts.

What’s your best source of information for getting ahead of a story?

My daily routine includes a 2-hour window to analyze trends in news notifications and social media.

What brands have you worked with?

NTT, IBM, Siemens, Huawei, Lenovo, Intel, Microsoft, Packt Publishing, Oglon, EON,

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience?

I would keen to co-create long form content (e.g. blogs, white papers, ebooks, research), provide a quote for content or news article, share or create a social post, speak at or attend an event. I would also be willing to participate in a podcast, webinar or online chat, and create video content.

What are your passions outside of work?

My kids, history and geopolitics, and photography.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Appointments can be scheduled here: