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Interview with Bryan Falchuk

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Interviews,

Bryan Falchuk

Bryan Falchuk

Managing Partner at Insurance Evolution Partners

Key Topics:Insurance, Insurtech, Innovation
Location:United States

Bryan Falchuk is the Founder and Managing Partner of Insurance Evolution Partners, which advises carriers and their partners on how to navigate an evolving industry facing disruption and change. Bryan spent 20 years in the insurance industry, including serving as Head of Claims for Hiscox USA and leading Growth for Insurtech communications solution, Hi Marley. Bryan has also held leadership roles in corporate strategy, operations and distribution at carriers like Liberty Mutual and Beazley. He was a consultant in McKinsey & Company’s insurance practice, and is on the advisory boards of several startups focused on the insurance industry.

Bryan is a best-selling author and public speaker, including several TEDx Talks. His best-selling book series, The Future of Insurance: From Disruption to Evolution, shares case studies of legacy and startup carriers overcoming the barriers to change we all face in the industry to innovate to help Insurance move forward and evolve.

Bryan recently featured in Onalytica's Who's Who in Fintech? report.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I’ve spent over 2 decades in insurance, having worked at large, multinational carriers; specialists; in McKinsey’s P&C Insurance practice and in the Insurtech space. I’ve held several leadership and C-Suite roles, including COO and Chief Claims Officer on the carrier side, and Head of Growth at an Insurtech. This has allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the changes and opportunities facing the Insurance industry and how to navigate them effectively.

What sub topics are you most passionate about?

Within my core industry of Insurance, I am focused on how we, as an industry, can innovate and evolve so that we can continue on our mission of standing by people at their toughest moments, and keeping the risk of those moments from stopping them from living their lives and pursuing their dreams.

Who influences you within these topics?

I try to take in insights from many different people and perspectives across the industry. I value thoughts from leaders at legacy/incumbent insurers as well as those starting new companies to help change the industry. Equally, I try to take inspiration from my home market of the US, but also internationally, looking at what’s going on in places like Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia to see what those market contexts may lead to for new ideas.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

The Insurance industry has always struggled with many constraints like regulation, system issues, internal politics and more. What I’ve found is that, even with these constraints, we can still move ahead, if we’re willing to try.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

I see an industry with many internal and external pressures and opportunities aligning right now, which means we are on the verge of major change from new ideas, new solutions and partnerships and collaborations we haven’t thought of yet. That’s very exciting, but also means we all need to keep our eyes and minds open to change or we’ll get left behind.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

There are players in the startup scene and incumbent scene that are doing very interesting things. Some of the startups I’ve written about, like Branch, Next, Thimble, Beam, Clover Health, Clearcover and others are pushing on the art of the possible. And many incumbent carriers have really invested in driving change, like Nationwide, Zurich, Progressive and more. And then there is a world of solution providers, both old and new, that are enabling so many new possibilities.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I always love sitting down with companies (be it staff, leadership, the board) and/or clients to talk about the change going on now, what’s brewing for tomorrow, and what that means for us as an industry (or them, specifically). This can be in the form of a speaking engagement, webinar, podcast, etc. I also work with many companies as an advisor, helping navigate strategic issues.

What are your passions outside of work?

I am passionate about helping people overcome the challenges they face so they can move their lives forward, and have published books and do coaching in that space, as well. I’m also an avid fitness and endurance sports enthusiast, and make health and wellness part of my day, every day.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

By email or LinkedIn.