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Interview with Chris Luecke

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Interviews,

Chris Luecke

Chris Luecke

Podcast Host & Founder at Manufacturing Happy Hour

Key Topics:Industry 4.0, Workforce Development, Podcasting, Content Creation, LinkedIn Strategy, Sales & Marketing Enablement
Location:United States
Chris Luecke is a Podcaster, Marketer, and Content Creator in the manufacturing industry. As the host of the show Manufacturing Happy Hour, Chris interviews leaders in the industrial sector to simplify and explore the latest trends and technologies impacting modern manufacturers. After a 10-year career in automation sales, he now helps manufacturers and other industrial companies create lead-generating digital content and build dedicated customer communities.
Chris recently featured on Onalytica's Who's Who in Industry 4.0? report.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I’ve been podcasting now for almost 5 years and my best lessons have come from interviewing over 100 manufacturing leaders. Not only have I gotten to hear first hand what it takes to overcome some of the biggest challenges in the manufacturing world – from building an unshakeable culture that can survive the unpredictability of a pandemic to the steps it takes to actually bring about transformational change across a manufacturing enterprise – but I’ve also learned the value of building up a strong personal brand and being consistent in the content and value you deliver to a targeted audience.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

Industry 4.0, Workforce Development, Podcasting, Content Creation, LinkedIn Strategy, Sales & Marketing Enablement.

Who influences you within these topics?

As far as content creation, manufacturing, and social media & marketing go, I have a great community of other go-getters within this industry that also deliver killer content on a regular basis. From a broader perspective, I’m always learning from my podcast guests and audience.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

Many are struggling to recruit the next generation of talent. They’re also struggling to make their manufacturing brands “cool” and approachable. Both of these are impacted by the image companies build around their brands. The manufacturing world is full of great technology and it’s an industry that takes on some of the worlds biggest challenges and opportunities. Brands often struggle to showcase their “Why” and the greater influence on our daily lives.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

Manufacturing isn’t going away, but companies will need to figure out how to attract talent from other “sexier” industries like software and tech to manufacturing. Fortunately, the Venn diagram of “tech” and “manufacturing” is starting to have more and more overlap as manufacturers digitally transform their operations through software, augmented reality, and other connected technologies.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

I recently started with a company called Fiix Software and man, this team knows how to tell their story and help their customers in their area of unique expertise. Fiix is a leading computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software company that helps maintenance teams in manufacturing (and beyond!) streamline the way they plan, track, and execute on maintenance task. They’re a leader in this space because they know how to target and speak to their ideal customer audience. Too many brands try to be everything to everyone. The ones that are comfortable narrowing on a select segment of the market – while simplifying their message in a way that clearly solves that customers’ #1 problem – are the ones that are winning.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

If manufacturers are looking for help telling their story, I’d love to connect! Through marketing coaching, podcasting, as well as video and content creation services-for-hire, I help manufacturers communicate their mission and tell their story to their ideal customer audience.

What are your passions outside of work?

Roller coasters, punk rock, and craft beer. I actually run a separate podcast called Pubcast Worldwide that’s focused on craft beer around the world. With that show, I’ve traveled to 5 continents exploring the global beverage scene while interviewing some of the world’s most interesting people.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?


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