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Interview with Christiaan Lustig

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Interviews,

Christiaan Lustig

Christiaan Lustig

Digital Workplace, Digital Employee Experience, and Hybrid Work Consultant

Key Topics:Digital Employee Experience, Digital Workplace, Hybrid Work

I consult with organisations mainly in healthcare, education, and government on internal digital communications, service, and collaboration. This includes digital workplace and intranet projects, digital employee experience (#DEX), and hybrid work.

I've worked with clients such as energy network operator Alliander, financial solutions provider DLL, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Jessa Hospital, Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences, Landal GreenParks, NATO, the Dutch Research Council, Barco, Noord-Holland provincial government, and global material handling company Umicore.

Christiaan recently featured in Onalytica's Who's Who in Remote Working? report.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I’m fully self-taught regarding the topics that I mentioned. The way I learn best, is through reading about certain topics, writing/blogging about them, and then using what I’ve read and written in my projects. I’ve done this for the past 20+ years both with agencies that I’ve worked with, and through my own business, too.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

The digital workplace as a means to not just communicate with people, but also to offer them services to make their work lives easier and better, and to collaborate in better, more effective, and efficient ways, especially in hybrid organisations. The digital workplace can be a platform through which employees blossom, and come into their own.

Who influences you within these topics?

James Robertson, Sam Marshall, Oscar Berg, Stephen Covey, David Allen, Cal Newport, Daniel Pink, Rick Pastoor, Mark Tighelaar, Lisette Sutherland, Jitske Kramer, Isabel De Clercq, and Tabhita Minten.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

Regarding the shift to hybrid work, organisations should focus on more than simply *where* work gets done.

I believe 7 questions need an answer in order for organisations and individual professionals to reap the rewards of hybrid work (or remote work with hybrid organisation):

  1. Why? What’s my goal, task, or assignment?
  2.  How should I work; which processes or guidelines are there to follow?
  3. What tools, apps, and systems do I need?
  4. Who should I work with, and in which manner?
  5. What are their wants, needs, expectations, and preferences?
  6. When do I work? On which day and at what time?
  7. Lastly: where do I do the work, and the answer to this final question will be informer by the answers to the previous six.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

With more and more organisations moving to hybrid ways of working, the role of the office (or other physical workplaces) will diminish in favour of the digital workplace. This requires other ways of working, too — not a day of endless video calls, but more focused, asynchronous, and written/text-based communications and collaboration. The digital employee experience (#DEX) can (or: should) be the leading principle for organisations in determining how to organise and facilitate work, collaboration, and so on.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I’m open to speaking opportunities, workshops, and webinars, as well as whitepapers, blog posts, et cetera. And, of course, I’d be happy to work with brands/organisations on digital workplace, digital employee experience, and hybrid work projects.

What are your passions outside of work?

I love reading books about history, politics, Christianity, and motor racing (I’ve even written a book on the latter topic), and the odd Stephen King novel, as well. I also like watching science fiction movies and series. Two or three times a week I ride my gravel-racing bike, and I love to meet up with fellow Christians for worship and prayer.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

LinkedIn or email.

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