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Interview with Helene Li

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Interviews,

Helene Li

Helene Li

Co-Founder of GoImpact

Key Topics:Fintech, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Finance
Location:Asia Pacific

A seasoned finance industry professional with long tenures in leadership positions at global financial institutions like JPMorgan and BNP Paribas, Helene is a firm believer in applying capital market solutions to accelerate the Sustainable Development agenda. As Co-founder of GoImpact, she and her team are building a platform to mainstream this timely topic and move the agenda from talk to action.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I am a management consultant turned banker. Throughout the market cycles in banking, I have come to witness first hand the need for a more sustainable approach to investing, that is actually the demand of clients. Although ESG, impact investing only become topical trends in the past few years, I have been working with clients and investment professionals on these topics for over a decade.

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

How can we leverage capital for good, and how can we accelerate this by applying technology for good.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

Too many. To name a few whose daily feed becomes a source of information and inspiration for me: Jim Mauros for anything on Fintech and banking, Danielle Guzman for future of work and digital marketing, Theodora Lau for Diversity , longevity and aging, Tamara McCleary on digital transformation, Sasja Beslik and Curtis Chin on sustainability matters.

Outside of your key topics who else influences you?

There are many heroes in life, many of them are unsung and silent. I am always impressed by people who are not afraid to champion the cause they firmly believe in that are rooted in a good sense of values.

How would you describe your offline influence?

I tend to mix speaking engagements with advisory work. These range from advising private investors and family offices, to engaging with financial institutions.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Speaking opportunities, video interviews, podcasts and webinars

What’s your best source of information for getting ahead of a story?

Read and digest information promptly, have a resource library of information aggregators where you can turn to for timely updates.

What brands have you worked with?

Most of the major financial institutions and a lot of family offices here and in Europe.

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience? 

  • Provide a quote for content or news article
  • Share / create a social post
  • Speak at or attend an event
  • Create video content
  • Participate in online chat (e.g. Twitter chat, Crowdchat, Google Hangout)

What are your passions outside of work?

Yoga, meditation

What would be the best way fo a brand to contact you?

Via my email: Or via Twitter and LinkedIn.