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Interview with Judith Hurwitz

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Interviews,

Judith Hurwitz

Judith Hurwitz

President and CEO at Hurwitz & Associates

Key Topics:Cloud Computing, Augmented Intelligence (Machine Learning, AI), Hybrid Cloud Management, DevOps
Location:United States

Judith Hurwitz is president of Hurwitz & Associates, a consulting, research, and analyst firm focused on cloud computing, machine learning and AI, security, and manageability of hybrid systems. As a thought leader in emerging technologies, she co-authored 10 books including Cloud Computing for Dummies (Wiley Publishing 2020), Augmented Intelligence: The Business Power of Human-Machine Collaboration (CRC Press, 2020), and Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics (Wiley Publishing, 2015). She holds BA and MS degrees from Boston University where she services on the Dean’s Advisory Board of the College of Arts & Sciences. She advises businesses on emerging technologies needed to support digital transformation.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I have been a consultant, researcher, and analyst for more than 30 years. I have written extensive research and books on a huge variety of emerging technologies. My first job in the technology field was as an editor on a magazine that focused on the evolution from mainframe computers to early distributed computing (servers and PCs). I then worked at International Data Corp. as an industry analyst. After several years, I left to work at John Hancock as an internal business process consultant and software developer. I continued my journey in the technology market as an internal software consultant at Apollo Computer (an early Unix workstation vendor acquired by Hewlett Packard).  I found my way back to the industry analyst world when I joined Patricia Seybold’s Group where I led the consulting and research practice focused on open source and commercial Unix. With this experience under my belt, I started the first of three companies focused on research and consulting on distributed computing, data platforms, and emerging technologies.

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

I am most passionate about how emerging software technologies can solve critical business problems for customers as they figure out how they can transform to deal with competitive threats. I love to be able to take very complicated technology and explain it in ways that make it understandable.  It is clear to me that customers will not buy products that they can’t understand.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

I am influenced by many of CEOs, CIOs, and technical leaders who have created important innovations that have transformed businesses.

Outside of key topics, who else influences you?

I am influenced by business leaders who can look beyond the current hot technologies and anticipate what’s coming next.

How would you describe your offline influence?

I am a veracious reader. I like nothing better than to delve into complex topics that are outside of my comfort zone.  Once I spend the time reading and learning about emerging technologies l like to apply my understanding to others.  Leaders need to understand the impact of these technologies to stay ahead of the competition.  I convey these insights through speeches, webinars, and online engagement platforms. I also write books and guest blogs in addition to writing on my own blog.

What’s your best source of information for getting ahead of a story? What resource do you use to stay ahead of the trend?

I use many social media platforms where I follow thought leaders. I also find that there are many good technical discussions on YouTube that are valuable. Also, vendor conferences, analyst meetings, and technical conferences are important resources.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Consulting to help businesses understand how they can apply software to improving business outcomes.  I also enjoy participating in go to market positioning sessions, podcasts, webinars, white papers, speaking opportunities as well as video interviews.

What brands have you worked with?

A large variety over the years.

Which non-paid activities would you be keen to take part in if the opportunity raised your profile or delivered value to your audience?

I would be happy to provide a quote for content or news article, share or create a social post, and participation in podcasts and videos.

What are your passions outside of work?

I am both a potter and a painter.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?
