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Interview with Markus Grutzeck

by | May 6, 2021 | Interviews,

Markus Grutzeck

Markus Grutzeck

Owner & CEO of Grutzeck-Software GmbH

Key Topics:CRM, Call Centre, Outbound, Customer Service, Acquisition, Lead Generation
Location:Hanau, Germany

Markus Grutzeck assumed the CRM provider Grutzeck-Software from his parents in 1996. The originally founded in 1979 with the purpose to provide (CRM-)software for marketing, sales and service. Five years ago Markus Grutzeck started with an own management consultancy, named “Die Erfolgslotsen“. He creates systematic & holistic strategies for a systematic and sustainable customer aquisition in colaboration and partnership with his clients. For more than 10 years, Markus Grutzeck is a honorary member of the Contact-Center-Network e.V., an association of companies with products and services related to contact and service centres.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I financed my studies in economics by selling office chairs with a business-partner. So selling was second nature as a student. When I started 1996 at the small CRM-provider Grutzeck-Software, I had to establish the CRM solution on the market, in the beginning with a small budget and other key challenges. I always loved trying to figure out new opportunities in sales, to continually gain my expertise. I focus on approaches which work very well. Failure is a valuable experience for me, whereby you can get the best practice and models for the future.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

Many companies are only well positioned in parts of the customer journey. Potential customers must be enthusiastic from the first contact and become fans of the company and the products. I’m always on the hunt for ideas on how to do this better and to surprise customers and receive positive reviews.

Who influences you within these topics?

One of the key pillars is a broad network of experts with manifold skill-sets. There is a continual forum for exchanging best practice experiences & information. Webcasts & books help us gain our exceptionally broad knowledge. My work as a consultant gives me additional insights into different companies, business models and branches to master the pool of acquisition strategies, defined individually for each of our clients. That’s quite a broad flow of inspiration, I use to create innovative ideas.

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

Corona has shown how vulnerable previous sales strategies are. Anyone who is not clear about their unique selling positioning, who does not really know the needs of their customers and who has no opt-ins for advertising consent, really has a problem. The field service is increasingly less important. Digital channels take this place. An entire industry is being transformed.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

Companies need concepts for digital lead generation. With relevant content marketing that focuses on the benefits for the reader, new customers can be systematically generated. These leads must be qualified via digital communication channels. When the lead is ready, the switch to personal contact takes place. Sales is still a matter of trust in many areas. This is why systematic feedback management is also necessary. Review portals are gaining in relevance.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

HubSpot has a clear strategy in this direction and provides customers with lots of know-how and information.

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

I’m happy to do interviews, podcasts and other things that help to raise my profile and the Grutzeck-Software or Die Erfolgslotsen  brand.

What are your passions outside of work?

I love sport: I’m a coach and player in volleyball and do beach volleyball as well. I like biking and jogging.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Via email or LinkedIn.