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Interview with Markus Wuebben

by | Jul 5, 2021 | Interviews,

Markus Wuebben

Markus Wuebben

Co-Founder & Managing Director at CrossEngage

Key Topics:CRM, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Equity Management, DTC, Customer Retention, Customer Engagement
Location:Berlin, Germany

Markus is Co-Founder of CrossEngage - the intelligent Customer Data Platform. For his entire career he has been working on the intersection of Marketing, Tech, and Data with a special focus on CRM, CLV, and customer retention. Markus holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science and an Ph.D. in Business Administration from TU Munich.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I was always fascinated by the opportunities that customer data was offering for efficient customer management. Therefore, I have focused on the generation of long-term profitable customer relationships on the basis of Customer Lifetime Value ever since my Ph.D. studies. During first years of my career I focussed on the technical side of the game such as building data warehouses and other data driven solution. In subsequent years, I added the strategic perspective on customer management to my skill portfolio.

What sub-topics are you most passionate about?

Direct-to-Consumer, Customer Lifetime Value & Customer Equity Management.

Who influences you within these topics?

Pete Fader and Bruce Hardie

What challenges are brands facing in this space?

Rising customer acquisition cost, diminishing first order profitability, dying 3rd party cookies, and tighter legal boundaries on the use of consumer personal data endanger many brands that do not focus on customer retention and repurchase behavior.

What do you think the future holds in this space?

Stricter legal boundaries and consumers’ understanding that their data has a significant value to companies will force brands to focus a lot more on providing value first before being able to collect & leverage consumers’ personal data. Furthermore, we will see customer acquisition cost rise even further thereby increasing the need for a Customer Lifetime Value based customer retention strategy.

What brands are leading the way in this space?

AlphaPet Ventures and Runtastic (Adidas).

If a brand wanted to work with you, which activities would you be most interested in collaborating on?

Podcasts, Webinars, Speaking Ops, Video Interviews.

What are your passions outside of work?

CrossFit & Traveling.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Via email.