Now we have the ability to control our heating remotely via an app, or tell our iKettle to start boiling water over wi-fi, it seems there’s no end in sight for the potential connectivity between our devices. This connectivity is referred to as the “Internet of Things” and the technology that facilitates it is called “Machine to Machine” (M2M).
As well as benefiting the consumer, M2M technology is also enabling our workforce to save time and money by being more efficient and mobile. M2M technology is a rapidly growing industry and forecasters are expecting it to reach $85.96 billion by 2017 with a 23% annual growth rate over the next decade. By 2020, they predict there will be 12.5 billion M2M devices globally.
At Onalytica we have analysed the online debate on M2M by looking at over 85,000 tweets to present you the most influential individuals and brands that drive the discussion.
Mapping the Network
We have already done some very interesting analysis on the Internet of Things in the past, both on individuals and brands. The analysis showed a very engaged community with a lot of interactive tweets. The M2M discussion seems to be more fragmented and driven by some of the major brands present in the M2M space. This really allows some room for influential individuals to create more high value interactions amongst community members. Check out the map below and be sure to download the full report with top 100 and high quality network map.

The Top 50 Thought Leaders on Machine to Machine
Below you will find the Top 50 that includes a lot of individuals that are also engaged in other online discussions around IoT and Big Data to name a few. Be sure the grab the full analysis to see who rank beyond the Top 50!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @ConnectedWMag | Peggy Smedley | 100 |
2 | @adrianho11 | Adrian D Ho | 63.12 |
3 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang (王瑞光) | 41.31 |
4 | @ITredux | Theo Priestley | 34.67 |
5 | @toddbeals | Todd Beals | 30.71 |
6 | @mjcavaretta | Michael Cavaretta | 25.35 |
7 | @jcIoTnow | Jeremy Cowan | 23.69 |
8 | @stephatkins | Stephanie Atkinson | 23.67 |
9 | @iotwatch | Alexandra D-S | 21.12 |
10 | @HBarnekow | Helene Barnekow | 14.84 |
11 | @MattyHatton | Matt Hatton | 14.6 |
12 | @jeanluc_scherer | jean-luc scherer | 12.14 |
13 | @AmyxMcKinsey | Scott Amyx | 11.64 |
14 | @GilliCoston | Gilli Coston | 10.24 |
15 | @IanSkerrett | Ian Skerrett | 10.11 |
16 | @fjjariego | Paco Jariego | 9.41 |
17 | @FFournillon | Fabien Fournillon | 9.36 |
18 | @danablouin | dana blouin | 8.4 |
19 | @adrianafreitas | Adriana Freitas | 7.82 |
20 | @jg21 | Jeremy Geelan | 7.34 |
21 | @ABI_IoT | Aapo Markkanen | 6.84 |
22 | @CharlesKriete | Charles Kriete | 6.75 |
23 | @kartben | Benjamin Cabé | 6.75 |
24 | @Det_Conan_Kudo | Neal Gompa | 6.55 |
25 | @IoT2040 | Roger Strukhoff | 6.28 |
26 | @H_Naumann | Harald Naumann | 6.23 |
27 | @chrismatthieu | Chris Matthieu | 6.22 |
28 | @rtehrani | Rich Tehrani | 5.92 |
29 | @JAdP | Josep di Paolantonio | 5.77 |
30 | @thingmuse | Ken Forster | 5.66 |
31 | @jamesbrehm | James Brehm | 5.62 |
32 | @GonzalezCarmen | Carmen Gonzalez | 5.32 |
33 | @jpnKevin_T | Kevin Taylor | 5.27 |
34 | @GilPress | Gil Press | 5.05 |
35 | @AnitaBunk | Anita Bunk | 4.99 |
36 | @C_P_Gurnani | CP Gurnani | 4.97 |
37 | @ambassadorcio | Robert Schmidt | 4.8 |
38 | @zahidtg | Zahid Ghadialy | 4.7 |
39 | @krbenedict | Kevin R Benedict | 4.66 |
40 | @laurielamberth | Laurie Lamberth | 4.5 |
41 | @colinmasson | Colin Masson | 4.35 |
42 | @CamgianCEO | Gary Butler | 4.12 |
43 | @fmorcillo | Francisco Morcillo | 3.93 |
44 | @dhdeans | David H. Deans | 3.93 |
45 | @internetthought | Rudolf van der Berg | 3.88 |
46 | @VHolton | Vince Holton | 3.87 |
47 | @blaizedsouza | Blaize D’souza | 3.78 |
48 | @jyreynaud | Jean-Yves Reynaud | 3.73 |
49 | @sgbarnes | Scott Barnes | 3.64 |
50 | @NewTechRep | Tim Lindner | 3.51 |
The Top 50 Brands on Machine to Machine
A lot of the most influential brands below are active in the telecommunications industry (Telefonica, Ericsson, Huawei etc) but we also find conferences, independent M2M businesses and industry blogs. Click the button below to grab the full analysis on M2M.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @m2mtelefonica | M2M Telefónica | 100 |
2 | @orangebusiness | Orange Business | 85.22 |
3 | @EricssonNA | Ericsson N. America | 55.33 |
4 | @GSMA | GSMA | 53.81 |
5 | @ThingsExpo | @ThingsEXPO | 48.33 |
6 | @ericsson | Ericsson | 45.72 |
7 | @Spireon | Spireon | 40.25 |
8 | @Gemalto | Gemalto | 35.86 |
9 | @M2MEvolution | M2M Evolution | 35.13 |
10 | @orange | Orange | 33.2 |
11 | @SierraWireless | Sierra Wireless PR | 25.44 |
12 | @Vodafone_M2M | Vodafone M2M | 24.56 |
13 | @AerisM2M | Aeris Communications | 23.92 |
14 | @ConnectedStuffs | Les Objets Connectés | 23.81 |
15 | @ZDNet | ZDNet | 22.81 |
16 | @MachinaResearch | Machina Research | 21.59 |
17 | @IoTNow_ | IoT Now | 21.59 |
18 | @gigaom | Gigaom | 19.81 |
19 | @iotconferences | IoT World Forum 2014 | 16.55 |
20 | @KORETelematics | KORE Telematics | 16.3 |
21 | @Telit_WS_Corp | Telit | 15.72 |
22 | @nokianetworks | Nokia Networks | 15.06 |
23 | @smartweek2014 | SMART WEEK 2014 | 13.02 |
24 | @PTC | PTC | 12.7 |
25 | @WylessGroup | Wyless | 12.37 |
26 | @Numerex | Numerex | 12.35 |
27 | @BoschSI | Bosch SI | 11.83 |
28 | @M2MWORLDNEWS | M2M World News | 11.75 |
29 | @SAPIndustries | SAP Industries | 11.6 |
30 | @Jasper_IoT | Jasper | 11.39 |
31 | @DT_M2M | Deutsche Telekom M2M | 11.16 |
32 | @EurotechFan | Eurotech | 10.95 |
33 | @ezest | e-Zest Solutions | 10.89 |
34 | @ATTBusiness | AT&T Business | 10.72 |
35 | @libelium | Libelium | 10.36 |
36 | @M2M_Alliance | M2M Alliance e.V. | 9.83 |
37 | @telecoms | | 9.8 |
38 | @digidotcom | Digi International | 9.52 |
39 | @SAP | SAP | 8.95 |
40 | @InformationAge | Information Age | 8.93 |
41 | @CloudExpo | CloudEXPO ® | 8.63 |
42 | @USTGlobal | UST Global Inc | 8.42 |
43 | @eseyeM2M | Eseye – Global M2M | 7.9 |
44 | @CompassIntel | Compass Intelligence | 7.38 |
45 | @sapoem | SAP OEM | 7.29 |
46 | @Huawei | Huawei Technologies | 7.07 |
47 | @m2mmagazine | M2M Magazine | 7.05 |
48 | @VZEnterprise | Verizon Enterprise | 6.85 |
49 | @ABIresearch | ABIResearch News | 6.82 |
50 | @M2MZone | M2M Zone | 6.56 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Content Marketing, IoT, Wearable tech …) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers and you can get a free demo at any time by clicking the button below.

Download this free report which reveals the top 100 influencers and brands talking about machine to machine