Last week we took a quick look at the top influencers at MWC 2014 based around analysis of the #MWC14 hashtag. Now that the event is over and everybody has gone home (I presume), we ran some more analysis to see how the top influencer rankings have changed, and which brands and products received the most attention across the wider web.
While Nokia won the Twitter hashtag battle, coming out as the most influential stakeholder within the #MWC14 conversation, Samsung took the crown as the brand which received the most attention from the press, bloggers and other online media during MWC 2014. This was driven largely by talk around the newly-unveiled Galaxy S5 smartphone, which also emerged as the top product of the event in our analysis, followed by the Nokia X and Sony Xperia Z2. In the OS conversation, both Windows Phone and Firefox OS were emerging topics, although Android took by the far the greatest share of the debate.
Knowing who is influential within conversations such as these can be useful for understanding the best people to engage with, not only around events, but as part of an ongoing influencer marketing program within your industry. So useful in fact, that we put the top 100 #MWC14 influencers into a lovely PDF for you – including a network map of how they link and engage. You can download it here:

Do you want to know more? We can run analysis around any topic of your choice to surface influential stakeholders and deep market insights. You know what to do,
MWC 2014
Download this free report which reveals the brand, product & influencer analysis at MWC 2014