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Sessions You Can’t Afford To Miss at B2B Ignite London 2023

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Best Practice,

This week, Ignite, will bring together the entire B2B Marketing industry at their 2023 London event and our team are thrilled to be attending. With 100s of leading companies in attendance including Deloitte, PwC and IBM, we can’t wait to get stuck in and engage with the sessions.

The agenda covers so much content over the 2 days, so we thought we’d highlight some of the sessions we are most looking forward to attending and believe can have maximum impact as we constantly evolve in our marketing practices.

Here are the top sessions you can’t miss this week.


Must-See Sessions at Ignite London 2023

Harnessing data for emotive and adaptive storytelling: The new era of marketing and communication


Jeremy Lucas, CEO, Hotwire UK

Matt Oakley, Global Head of PR, Hotwire UK

Linda Yang, Global Head of PR, GoCardless

Liza Loughman, Senior Manager, Campaigns and Creative Services, Honeywell

Date/Time: Thursday 29th June, 15:10 – 14:40

Session Overview: Hotwire UK’s CEO and Global Head of Data will deep dive on the power of emotive data in PR and marketing. We strongly believe in the power of storytelling so are excited for this discussion that will explore how real-time analytics can fuel it and create conversational campaigns to pivot and move with audiences. Nothing quite resonates like others telling your story for you, so we can’t wait to hear what their clients Honeywell and GoCardless have to share about their experiences and their success of leveraging data in their communication strategies.

Mastering marketing in a tech-driven world: Fall in love with the problem not the solution


Edward Greig, Chief Disruptor, Deloitte

Date/Time:  Thursday 29th June, 11:30 – 1200

Session Overview: Edward will examine the impact that change and new technologies have on marketing departments and offering his solution, coined “The Tangible Hypothesis”. With many marketers often feeling disconnected and playing catch up due to the fast pace of change in the world we all live, he has adopted the mindset of falling in love with the problem, not the solution. He will cover how to navigate the current wave of disruptive technological change, the importance of user centred design and mindsets to tackle this.


Reimagining the relationship between marketing and our buyers


Antonia Wade, Global Chief Marketing Officer, PwC

Date/Time: Thursday 29th June, 09:15 – 09:45

Session Overview: We are excited to get insights from Antonia’s book ‘Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey’ that she will draw on in her session. Focusing on the challenges of the traditional funnel and offering a new way of thinking to accommodate the nuances of in buyer behaviour, we are eager to learn the new way of flexing strategy and applying the tips to gauge ROI and improve relationships with sales.


How to generate €249 million of pipeline with intent data, because intent is the new lead!


Carmen Overton, Global Head of Growth Marketing, Atos

Andy Johnson,  Head of Client Strategy, HUT 3

Ruth Oakey, Global Marketing Director, Eckoh

Date/Time: Thursday 29th June, 11:30 – 12:00

Session Overview: The title of this session speaks for itself- who doesn’t want to learn how to generate €249 million in pipeline? With lead generation channels becoming oversaturated, this discussion into intent data is the education we’ve been waiting for and can’t wait to learn from people who are using it to generate tangible and scalable results. At Onalytica, we are all about not attempting to ‘re-invent the wheel’, so we’re very excited to hear how these people have repurposed campaign material within multiple campaigns and apply this to our own strategies going forward.


From exam questions to wow factor: creative problem solving that drives better outcomes


Scott Stockwell, Editor in Chief, IBM

Date/Time: Friday 30th June, 13:30 – 14:15

Session Overview: We wouldn’t work in marketing if we weren’t faced with multiple problem solving situations per week. Scott will be sharing three main techniques that help you get to the heart of a complex problem that can be applied to challenges we all have in common and unleash the ‘wow factor’ we are often asked for. We can’t wait to get creative in this hands-on workshop and see what practical tips he has to offer.


How to build and grow a marketing function: 5 key lessons

Daniel O’Hara, Marketing Director, Demica

Date/Time: Thursday 29th June, 14:35 – 15:05

Session Overview: Unity and growth is what makes a happy team and a successful business so we can’t wait to draw on Daniel’s lessons over his career and be able to apply them to my own. At Onalytica, we are passionate about promoting culture that reflects the value of the business so to see it in action over Daniel’s career and the instant impact he has created won’t be one to miss!


Fishbowl conversion with Financial Times and Twogether- Engaging the modern decision maker


Enzo Diliberto, Global Insight Director, Financial Times

Claire Davidson , Executive Strategy Director, Twogether

Alex Norbury, Managing Director, Twogether

Date/Time: Friday 30th June, 13:30 – 14:15

Session Overview: The topic of the changing B2B buyer is one we have touched on many times at Onalytica so we’re eager to hear from these speakers on how best to engage and deliver value to new decision makers. Persona mapping is key to this and in this session, exclusive research into who the modern decision makers are and what they want will be revealed. We’re looking forward to the debate around implications for marketers and the role of creativity and content to engage buyers.


We Hope to See You There!

As a team, we have carefully selected the sessions that align with our goals, interests, and the current trends in our industry. From thought-provoking keynote addresses to hands-on workshops, we are confident that these sessions will provide invaluable insights, practical strategies, and the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals.

If you’re attending the B2B Ignite Conference in London and would like to connect with our team, we would be thrilled to meet you. Whether you have questions about our work, would like to attend a session together, or simply want to exchange insights, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us during the conference. You can find us on our social handles or directly reach out to Louise Gould, Charlotte Elsy or myself.

As we count down the days until the conference, our excitement continues to grow. We look forward to the knowledge, connections, and inspiration that the B2B Ignite Conference will undoubtedly provide. See you in London!