Business intelligence (BI) refers to technologies, applications, infrastructure, tools and best practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information to improve and optimize decisions and performance. Business intelligence can be used by companies to support a wide range of business choices ranging from basic operating decisions such as product positioning or pricing to more strategic decisions such as priorities and goals.
BI is most effective when it combines external data from the market in which a business operates with internal data from company sources such as financial data. Business intelligence tools empower organizations to gain insight into new markets, to assess demand and suitability of products and services for different market segments and to gauge the impact of marketing efforts.
We analysed nearly 1.3M business intelligence posts from 28th May 2017 – 28th May 2018, looking at social influence as well as authority by analysing how much influencers are referenced on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content. These influencers were then identified and added to our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) to generate the influencer rankings and network map.
Below is a list of the top business intelligence influencers segmented by job role. If you want to see who ranks beyond these lists be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @BIScorecard | Cindi Howson | Gartner | 100 |
2 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang | Constellation Research | 93.42 |
3 | @bevelson | Boris Evelson | Forrester | 56.57 |
4 | @dhinchcliffe | Dion Hinchcliffe | Constellation Research | 38.64 |
5 | @Fisher85M | Michael Fisher | Whitcraft Group | 21.51 |
6 | @rick_vanderlans | Rick van der Lans | R20/Consultancy BV | 21.49 |
7 | @DHenschen | Doug Henschen | Constellation R | 20.57 |
8 | @tpowlas | Tammy Powlas | Fairfax Water | 17.42 |
9 | @holgermu | Holger Mueller | Constellation Research | 10.68 |
10 | @alanlepo | Alan Lepofsky | Constellation Research | 7.28 |
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @schmarzo | Bill Schmarzo | Hitachi Vantara | 100 |
2 | @timoelliott | Timo Elliott | SAP | 24.78 |
3 | @rautsan | Sandeep Raut | NIIT Technologies | 12.96 |
4 | @chboursin | Christine Boursin | Le Groupe La Poste | 13.1 |
5 | @arjenvanberkum | Arjen van Berkum | Conclusion | 19.28 |
Below is a list of the top 25 business intelligence entrepreneurs. If you want to see who ranks from 1-50 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @howarddresner | Howard Dresner | Dresner Advisory Services | 100 |
2 | @diverdown1964 | John White | UnlimitedViz Inc | 11.04 |
3 | @weckerson | Wayne Eckerson | Eckerson Group | 7.62 |
4 | @kpuls | Ken Puls, FCPA, FCMA | Excelguru | 6.13 |
5 | @OttLegalRebels | Marc R Gagné MAPP | Gagne Legal | 5.38 |
6 | @idigdata | Jen Underwood | Impact Analytix | 3.49 |
7 | @itworks | Patrick Van Renterghem | IT Works | 3.21 |
8 | @micoyuk | Mico Yuk | BI Brainz Group | 3.15 |
9 | @grattonboy | Dean Anthony Gratton | Gratton Associates | 2.26 |
10 | @buckleyplanet | Christian Buckley | CollabTalk | 2.07 |
11 | @irregularbi | Ralf Becher | TIQ Solutions GmbH | 2.03 |
12 | @gp_pulipaka | Dr. GP Pulipaka | DeepSingularity LLC | 1.94 |
13 | @BrentO | Brent Ozar | Brent Ozar Limited | 1.91 |
14 | @GrowUrStartup | Jonathan Aufray | Growth Hackers | 1.82 |
15 | @cloudpreacher | David Holm | Xplorico | 1.62 |
16 | @brianmoran | Brian Moran | Brian Moran & Associates | 1.53 |
17 | @marcusborba | Marcus Borba | Borba Consulting | 1.47 |
18 | @cwebb_bi | Christopher Webb | Crossjoin Consulting | 1.4 |
19 | @dinisguarda | Dinis Guarda | LifesDNA | 1.36 |
20 | @hyounpark | Hyoun Park | Amalgam Insights | 1.27 |
21 | @TomUrtis | Tom Urtis/Atlas | Atlas Programming Management Inc | 1.25 |
22 | @MHiesboeck | Martin Hiesboeck | Deber Brand Consulting | 1.13 |
23 | @DBaker007 | Duane Baker | Duane Baker | 1.06 |
24 | @bobehayes | Bob E. Hayes | Business Over Broadway | 1.03 |
25 | @YwanVanLoon | Ywan van Loon | (S.T.A.P.) | 0.97 |
Top 25 Industry Professionals IN BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE
Below is a list of the top 25 business intelligence industry professional. If you want to see who ranks from 1-50 be sure to download the full report!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @meetdux | Dux Raymond Sy | Avepoint | 100 |
2 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | Adversitement | 21.28 |
3 | @Rad_Reza | Reza Rad | RADACAD | 20.22 |
4 | @marcorus | Marco Russo | SQLBI | 14.08 |
5 | @YvesMulkers | Yves Mulkers | Right Relevance, Inc | 13.21 |
6 | @dbstodder | David Stodder | TDWI | 12.09 |
7 | @LouisColumbus | Louis Columbus | IQMS | 11.99 |
8 | @GuyInACube | Adam Saxton | Microsoft | 10.18 |
9 | @PhilSeamark | Phil Seamark | RADACAD | 7.44 |
10 | @knight_devin | Devin Knight | Pragmatic Works | 6.5 |
11 | @cjiqbal | Chaudhry Javed Iqbal | British Council | 6.27 |
12 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | FehrAdvice | 5.71 |
13 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | PwC | 5.53 |
14 | @antgrasso | Antonio Grasso | Digital Business Innovation Srl | 5.53 |
15 | @fmarin_ES | Fernando Marín | CIVITAS | 5.17 |
16 | @SteveMillerNY | Steve Miller | Softomotive | 5.15 |
17 | @jblefevre60 | Jean-Baptiste Lefevre #VivaTech2018 | BNP Paribas | 4.04 |
18 | @simonlporter | Simon Porter | NGA Human Resources | 3.8 |
19 | @itsAswath | Aswath | IBM | 3.67 |
20 | @DaveRubal | David Rubal, CISSP | Dell EMC | 3.43 |
21 | @shawnrog | Shawn Rogers | TIBCO Software | 3.25 |
22 | @jenstirrup | Jen Stirrup | Data Relish Ltd | 3.16 |
23 | @johnlmyers44 | johnlmyers44 | Enterprise Management Associates | 3.13 |
24 | @rikwalters | Rik Walters | SnapLogic | 2.71 |
25 | @HansMichielscom | Hans Michiels | Smurfit Kappa | 2.44 |
Below is a list of the top 10 business intelligence marketers. If you want to see who ranks from 1-20 be sure to download the full report!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @iMariaJohnsen | Maria Johnsen | Golden Way Media | 100 |
2 | @GilPress | Gil Press | gPress | 24.44 |
3 | @ahmedjr_16 | Jamil Ahmed | Reinforce Lab | 59.06 |
4 | @grattongirl | Sarah-Jayne Gratton | The Social Skillset | 35.81 |
5 | @pierrepinna | Pinna Pierre | IPFConline | 31.82 |
6 | @EricTTung | Eric T. Tung | Go To Marketers | 20.62 |
7 | @GuidoKerkhof | Guido Kerkhof | Microsoft | 15.86 |
8 | @DioFavatas | Dionisios Favatas | Truth Initiative | 14.28 |
9 | @CharlotteSoc360 | Thomas L. Clark Jr. | Charlotte Social 360 | 13.54 |
10 | @RosyCoaching | Rosy | IPFConline | 14.25 |
11 | @jmalonepr | James Malone | Maxima PR | 8.33 |
12 | @IsabellajonesCl | Isabella Jones | World Connector | 11.61 |
13 | @JohnGCourtney | John G. Courtney | The Marketing Centre | 11.73 |
14 | @Danish_0786 | Mohammad Khan | Bloogle01 | 12.4 |
15 | @ThinkersPad | Piyush Kulshreshtha | Gutrgoo | 10.85 |

TOP 50 Brands
Below is a list of the top 50 business intelligence brands. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @MSPowerBI | Power BI | 100 |
2 | @Sisense | Sisense | 54.76 |
3 | @constellationr | Constellation R | 42.21 |
4 | @MicroStrategy | MicroStrategy | 39.91 |
5 | @ipfconline1 | ipfconline | 40.62 |
6 | @7wData | 7wdata | 39.82 |
7 | @Acuvate | Acuvate Software | 24.15 |
8 | @BARC_Research | BARC | 21.08 |
9 | @GCPcloud | Google Cloud Platform | 31.85 |
10 | @analyticbridge | Data Science Central | 25.66 |
11 | @qlik | Qlik | 21.69 |
12 | @LookerData | Looker | 18.59 |
13 | @TDWI | TDWI | 19.87 |
14 | @TIBCO | TIBCO Software | 19.07 |
15 | @Dataversity | DATAVERSITY | 19.03 |
16 | @DeepSingularity | DeepSingularity | 17.27 |
17 | @PhocasSoftware | Phocas Software | 16.49 |
18 | @Orcanintell | Orcan Intelligence | 14.27 |
19 | @IBMBizAnalytics | IBM Business Analytics | 15.57 |
20 | @Jadirectivestwt | JA Directives | 12.38 |
21 | @EXPconsultingES | EXPconsulting Corp | 11.31 |
22 | @CXPgroup | CXP Group | 11.45 |
23 | @BRIDGEi2i | BRIDGEi2i Analytics | 11.76 |
24 | @SAPAnalytics | SAP Analytics | 14.57 |
25 | @datanami | Datanami | 9.8 |
26 | @powerpivotpro | PowerPivotPro | 8.93 |
27 | @Business_AI | AI Business | 10.89 |
28 | @Big_Squid | Big Squid | 7.85 |
29 | @Technology_Adv | TechnologyAdvice | 8.71 |
30 | @LogiNext | LogiNext | 9.24 |
31 | @ventanaresearch | Ventana Research | 8.4 |
32 | @imarketing111 | Digital Marketing | 8.3 |
33 | @globemarketing | Marketing Products | 8.09 |
34 | @UCStrategies | Biz Comm Strategies | 10.08 |
35 | @Treadstone71LLC | Treadstone 71 | 20.19 |
36 | @Norway888 | Norway marketing | 7.08 |
37 | @Trifacta | Trifacta | 7.45 |
38 | @Capterra | Capterra | 7.64 |
39 | @datameer | Datameer | 7.54 |
40 | @jamsovaluesmart | JAMSO | 7.97 |
41 | @DataRobot | DataRobot | 7.48 |
42 | @mapr | MapR Technologies | 9.14 |
43 | @analyticsonfire | Analytics on Fire | 7.38 |
44 | @cloudera | Cloudera | 10.56 |
45 | @ESOMAR | ESOMAR | 8.31 |
46 | @Mapbox | Mapbox #explorelocate | 8.18 |
47 | @insightsquared | InsightSquared | 5.98 |
48 | @HitachiVantara | Hitachi Vantara | 6.98 |
49 | @ExperianDataLab | Experian DataLab | 6.82 |
50 | @trustradius | TrustRadius | 5.18 |

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @cmswire | | 100 |
2 | @InformationWeek | InformationWeek | 79.02 |
3 | @ZDNet | ZDNet | 40.3 |
4 | @CIOonline | | 36.5 |
5 | @biconnections | BIconnections | 31.77 |
6 | @ticbeat | TICbeat | 18.3 |
7 | @DataScienceCtrl | Data Science Central | 16.55 |
8 | @TechNative | TechNative | 14.57 |
9 | @DataconomyMedia | Dataconomy | 13 |
10 | @SmartDataCo | SmartData Collective | 12.08 |
11 | @InsightBrief | InsightBrief | 10.48 |
12 | @BizAnalyticsTT | sBusinessAnalytics | 7.78 |
13 | @Datafloq | Datafloq | 7.53 |
14 | @TechRepublic | TechRepublic | 7.39 |
15 | @cioreview | CIOReview | 7.17 |
16 | @frenchweb | frenchweb | 6.46 |
17 | @Solution_Review | SolutionsReview | 5.94 |
18 | @DisruptionHub | D/SRUPTION | 5.42 |
19 | @sdtimes | SD Times | 5.18 |
20 | @ITWeb | ITWeb News Publication | 5.02 |
21 | @digitaljournal | Digital Journal | 4.3 |
22 | @StartUpRealTime | StartUpNews | 4.26 |
23 | @AnalyticsVidhya | Analytics Vidhya | 4.23 |
24 | @ITPro | IT Pro | 4.22 |
25 | @sectest9 | Security Testing | 4.17 |
26 | @HIMSS | HIMSS | 4.09 |
27 | @HITpol | HealthIT Policy | 3.9 |
28 | @sqlpass | PASS | 3.67 |
29 | @AnalyticsWeek | AnalyticsWeek | 3.65 |
30 | @dbtrends | DBTA Magazine | 3.61 |
31 | @CStoreNews_ | C-Store News | 3.5 |
32 | @toptechticker | toptechticker | 3.27 |
33 | @TechNativeWire | TechNative Wire | 3.27 |
34 | @HITAnalytics | HealthITAnalytics | 3.25 |
35 | @Primal_Digest | Primal Digest | 3.11 |
36 | @robinsnewswire | Global News Report | 3.01 |
37 | @fintechna | FINTECHNA | 2.98 |
38 | @odbmsorg | | 2.97 |
39 | @smartcityfeed | Smart City Feed | 2.97 |
40 | @nexusgrado | Nexus Informática | 2.79 |
41 | @EdGameTec | EdTech | 2.69 |
42 | @VizWorld | | 2.66 |
43 | @TechNowOrNever | Tech Now or Never | 2.62 |
44 | @BusinessWorldIE | Business World | 2.52 |
45 | @SMNewsdaily | Social Media News | 2.5 |
46 | @TechVisorNL | TechVisor | 2.46 |
47 | @IoTJournal | IoT Journal | 2.46 |
48 | @BigdAnalytics | Bigdata Analytics | 2.44 |
49 | @B2BNewsNetwork | B2B News Network | 2.41 |
50 | @InfonomicsToday | Infonomics® Today | 2.39 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a look on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on Twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands, individuals and publications listed here are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around business intelligence.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. We looked at social topical influence as well as topical authority by analyzing both their social engagement on Twitter and how much influencers were referenced in association with business intelligence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content. These calculations also take in to account a user’s resonance (engagement) relevance (number of posts on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
Business Intelligence
Top Influencers, Brands and Publications
Download this free report which reveals the top influencers, brands and publications in business intelligence.