With the latest Amazon Echo advertising campaign dominating our TV screens it is hard to ignore the rise of smart appliances. These appliances fall under the category the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of things generally means anything that is connected to the internet, but as stated in Wired it is ‘increasingly being used to define objects that talk to each other’. These objects can be anything from household appliances such as kettles to publicly owned bins.
IoT is a huge industry, with 150 million smart appliances currently available for consumption. It is also a growing industry with a lot of potential and a bright future. However for the industry to reach its potential, security systems, network systems and management systems will need to be updated. This is especially necessary considering the high level of damage a hack could invoke upon an individual or community. As Network World point out an industry like the Internet of Things will always need to evolve to keep up with consumer needs. This may mean increasing machine to machine communication in all sphere’s of manufacturing, including highly intelligent cars.
We were very interested in seeing which individuals, brands and publications were leading the social media debate around IOT, so we analysed over 10.8 million tweets mentioning the key words: IOT or “internet of things” OR internetofthings from Jan 1st – June 7th 2017. We then identified the Top 100 most influential individuals, brands and publications leading the discussion.
Below you can see a network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) showing the number one brand IBM at the centre, and all the IoT conversations to and from the influencers in their field. Be sure to click on the map to see it in more detail:
Below, is another network map showing recent interactions with the number one influencer Evan Kirstel. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
Below, you can find a pie chart showing the relative number of brand mentions by the key IoT influencers. This tells us which out of the top brands has the biggest share of voice among the top influencers discussing IOT counting posts from 1st January – 7th June 2017.
The most popular brand in our analysis was Amazon with a 41% share of mentions among the top IoT influencers, this is not surprising considering the large strides Amazon have been making in the IoT market. Alexa stole the show at CES17 this year. Apple were 2nd with a 22% share of voice, with the Apple Watch, Earpods and HomeKit gaining a lot of attention. Google follows with 12% share of voice, with their Nest Labs acquisition receiving the most lot of mentions. IBM were 4th in the top IoT brands with a 7% share of voice. Their products IBM Watson and Bluemix stirred a lot of debate. Microsoft also received a 7% share of voice with their Azure IoT Suite driving the most attention. Samsung came 6th with a 4% share of voice followed by Intel, Cisco, Huawei and LG.
IOT is an massive topic on its own, but we were interested in seeing which other topic were mentioned the most around it. We analysed tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers, brands an publications between 1st January – 7th June 2017. We then measured the frequencies of all the words used by the influencers in our programme related to IOT. These words were then weighted by frequency and made into the word cloud shown below:
It is interesting to see that Artificial Intelligence, IIOT, M2M, Machine Learning and Big Data all accompany IOT as the top connected topics. Also worth noticing, is the presence of Fintech as a top IOT-related topics, illustrating the impact IoT will have on the financial services market.
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers around IoT. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | TEN DIGIT Communications LLC | 100 |
2 | @docjamesw | James Whittaker | Microsoft | 76.17 |
3 | @dhinchcliffe | Dion Hinchcliffe | 7Summits | 39.98 |
4 | @mikko | Mikko Hypponen | F-Secure Corporation | 38.5 |
5 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | Thulium.co | 37.46 |
6 | @harrietgreen1 | Harriet Green | IBM | 37.33 |
7 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | PwC | 37.01 |
8 | @IoTRecruiting | Bill McCabe | IoT Recruiting | 35.09 |
9 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | Adversitement | 33.29 |
10 | @iotwatch | Alexandra D-S | Good Night Lamp | 30.53 |
11 | @mjasay | Matt Asay | Adobe | 27.68 |
12 | @rossrubin | Ross Rubin | Backerjack | 27.05 |
13 | @paulmadsen | Paul Madsen | 26.92 | |
14 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | Convince & Convert | 26.38 |
15 | @JimHarris | Jim Harris | Blindsided | 26.22 |
16 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | Salesforce | 24.66 |
17 | @MichaelDell | Michael Dell | Dell Technologies | 23.9 |
18 | @jasonhiner | Jason Hiner | TechRepublic | 23.42 |
19 | @DavidLinthicum | DavidLinthicum | Cloud Technology Partners | 23.22 |
20 | @Shirastweet | Shira Rubinoff | SecureMySocial | 23.02 |
21 | @rajtalluri | Raj Talluri | Qualcomm | 22.55 |
22 | @KirkDBorne | Kirk Borne | Booz Allen Hamilton | 22.03 |
23 | @johnmaeda | John Maeda | Automattic | 20.39 |
24 | @Mike_Mimoso | Mike_Mimoso | Threatpost | 19.28 |
25 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | Margaris Advisory | 19.27 |
26 | @simonlporter | Simon Porter | IBM | 19.01 |
27 | @GilPress | Gil Press | gPress | 18.98 |
28 | @dez_blanchfield | Dez Blanchfield | Australian Federal Government | 18.67 |
29 | @gigastacey | Stacey Higginbotham | SKT Labs LLC | 18.4 |
30 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | Digital Banking Report | 18.13 |
31 | @DBaker007 | Duane Baker | Self-Employed | 17.45 |
32 | @CMacIoT | Carrie MacGillivray | IDC | 17.41 |
33 | @shanselman | Scott Hanselman | Microsoft | 17.41 |
34 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore | Gilmore Business Network | 17.05 |
35 | @robvank | Rob van Kranenburg | IERC | 16.28 |
36 | @vernonxt | vernon turner | IDC | 16.18 |
37 | @1DavidClarke | David Clarke | GDPR | 16.15 |
38 | @sjvn | S. Vaughan-Nichols | CBS Interactive | 15.85 |
39 | @sandy_carter | sandy carter | Amazon Web Services | 15.73 |
40 | @Kevin_Ashton | Kevin Ashton | Random House | 15.4 |
41 | @tanelitikka | Taneli Tikka | Tieto | 15.34 |
42 | @AmyxIoT | Scott Amyx | Amyx+ | 15.02 |
43 | @BernardMarr | Bernard Marr | Advanced Performance Institute | 15.01 |
44 | @tprstly | Theo Priestley | SAP | 14.94 |
45 | @theRab | Ryan Boyles | IBM | 14.85 |
46 | @evanderburg | Eric Vanderburg | JURINNOV, LLC | 14.78 |
47 | @deonnewm | Deon Newman | IBM | 14.72 |
48 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | World Communication Forum | 14.31 |
49 | @clurr | Claire Rowland | Claire Rowland Associates | 14.19 |
50 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang (王瑞光) | Constellation Research | 14.17 |

We also looked at all the brands engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top brands talking about IoT. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in IoT.
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @IBM | IBM | 100 |
2 | @IBM Watson IoT | IBM Watson IoT | 68.92 |
3 | @Intel | Intel | 67.65 |
4 | @IBM Watson | IBM Watson | 41.5 |
5 | @CB Insights | CB Insights | 34.63 |
6 | @Navigant Research | Navigant Research | 33.06 |
7 | @Nokia | Nokia | 32.96 |
8 | @HPE | HPE | 30.93 |
9 | @IEEE IoT | IEEE IoT | 30.73 |
10 | @Microsoft Azure | Microsoft Azure | 29.77 |
11 | @Cisco | Cisco | 28.99 |
12 | @CloudEXPO ® | CloudEXPO ® | 26.75 |
13 | @IBM Bluemix® | IBM Bluemix® | 25.8 |
14 | @Dell EMC | Dell EMC | 25.6 |
15 | @Gartner | Gartner | 24.24 |
16 | @Qualcomm | Qualcomm | 23.58 |
17 | @Seeed | Seeed | 23.06 |
18 | @The IoT | The IoT | 23.03 |
19 | @Microsoft IoT | Microsoft IoT | 22.97 |
20 | @Accenture Digital | Accenture Digital | 22.73 |
21 | @ThingsVentures | ThingsVentures | 22.26 |
22 | @Software Innovations | Software Innovations | 21 |
23 | @Dell | Dell | 20.21 |
24 | @Wearables & IOT | Wearables & IOT | 20.02 |
25 | @SAP | SAP | 19.85 |
26 | @Tata Communications | Tata Communications | 19.52 |
27 | @IBM developerWorks | IBM developerWorks | 19.34 |
28 | @World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum | 19 |
29 | @AT&T Business | AT&T Business | 18.99 |
30 | @InfoWorld | InfoWorld | 18.98 |
31 | @Intel IoT | Intel IoT | 18.94 |
32 | @Dell EMC OEM & IoT | Dell EMC OEM & IoT | 18.24 |
33 | @IBM Cloud | IBM Cloud | 17.83 |
34 | @IOTS World Congress | IOTS World Congress | 17.74 |
35 | @McAfee | McAfee | 17.66 |
36 | @Cloud Expo Europe | Cloud Expo Europe | 17.32 |
37 | @SAP Leonardo | SAP Leonardo | 17.3 |
38 | @Reliance Mobile | Reliance Mobile | 17.2 |
39 | @Internet of Things | Internet of Things | 16.93 |
40 | @Accenture | Accenture | 16.89 |
41 | @Indiegogo | Indiegogo | 16.88 |
42 | @Cisco IoT | Cisco IoT | 16.77 |
43 | @IBM InterConnect | IBM InterConnect | 16.69 |
44 | @@ThingsEXPO | @ThingsEXPO | 16.64 |
45 | @Sigfox | Sigfox | 15.49 |
46 | @Schneider Electric | Schneider Electric | 15.09 |
47 | @Intel IT Center | Intel IT Center | 14.78 |
48 | @Huawei Technologies | Huawei Technologies | 14.78 |
49 | @BlackBerry | BlackBerry | 14.69 |
50 | @a16z | a16z | 14.52 |

As part of our new analysis, we scanned all the publications engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top publications talking about IoT. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list.
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @Forbes | Forbes | 100 |
2 | @ZDNet | ZDNet | 80.4 |
3 | @TechRepublic | TechRepublic | 73.43 |
4 | @WIRED | WIRED | 46.08 |
5 | @RWW | ReadWrite | 45.77 |
6 | @IndustryWeek | IndustryWeek | 41.5 |
7 | @FastCompany | Fast Company | 41.43 |
8 | @IDC | IDC | 40.48 |
9 | @NetworkWorld | Network World | 34.43 |
10 | @forrester | Forrester | 34.33 |
11 | @ipfconline1 | ipfconline | 33.31 |
12 | @InfosecurityMag | Infosecurity | 30.86 |
13 | @Raspberry_Pi | Raspberry Pi | 30.34 |
14 | @CGTMagazine | CGT | 30.11 |
15 | @smartcityfeed | Smart City Feed 🤖 | 25.25 |
16 | @iotworldnews | IoT World News | 24.33 |
17 | @WIREDInsider | WIRED Insider | 23.46 |
18 | @cbronline | CBROnline.com | 23 |
19 | @iotagenda | IoT Agenda | 22.78 |
20 | @IoTNow_ | IoT Now | 21.5 |
21 | @siliconrepublic | SiliconRepublic | 21.49 |
22 | @threatpost | Threatpost | 20.87 |
23 | @HIMSS | HIMSS | 20.86 |
24 | @BourseetTrading | Fintech Trading Tech | 19.92 |
25 | @euronews | euronews | 19.9 |
26 | @techreview | MIT Tech Review | 18.58 |
27 | @TheDrum | The Drum | 17.86 |
28 | @TechNative | TechNative | 16.84 |
29 | @sectest9 | Security Testing | 16.78 |
30 | @govtechnews | Govtech.com | 16.65 |
31 | @DigitalTrends | Digital Trends | 16.4 |
32 | @rcrwirelessnews | RCR Wireless News | 16.38 |
33 | @trend_slam | TrendSlam | 16.32 |
34 | @verge | The Verge | 16.12 |
35 | @TechThings_IOT | Tech Things IOT | 15.79 |
36 | @ProductHunt | Product Hunt | 15.71 |
37 | @engadget | Engadget | 15.67 |
38 | @CNET | CNET | 15.43 |
39 | @DZone | DZone | 15.31 |
40 | @Hacksterio | Hackster.io | 15.2 |
41 | @DU_Press | Deloitte Univ Press | 14.89 |
42 | @cebit | CeBIT | 13.96 |
43 | @CBCNews | CBC News | 13.95 |
44 | @IoTchannel | IoT Community | 13.91 |
45 | @InternetofBiz | Internet of Business | 13.56 |
46 | @Computerworld | Computerworld | 13.44 |
47 | @OReillyMedia | O’Reilly Media | 13.33 |
48 | @ComputerWeekly | ComputerWeekly | 13.05 |
49 | @TheManufacturer | The Manufacturer | 13.04 |
50 | @PubNub | PubNub | 12.86 |

At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Big Data, Virtual Reality, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The individuals, brands and publications listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around IoT.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives measured as resonance (engagement). These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
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IOT 2017
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 IoT influencers, brands and publications