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Who’s Who in Risk Management?

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Influencer Lists,

Risk management is a process of establishing decisions that will decrease adverse effects of numerous risks on an organisation. Risk management software aims to observe and identify a variety of risks which organisations could face due to various types of compliances. The main purpose is to identify a risk, lessen its impact and efficiently manage it.

To protect themselves from data security breaches, for example, organisations should consider investing in risk management. It allows for better decision-making, realistic expectations, prevented or reduced liability and protected public image.

This Who’s Who report provides you with a varied sample of influential voices discussing risk management online. From Event Speakers, Industry KOLs to Researchers & Contributors, this list will help you find experts within the risk management conversation.

What’s Covered in the Report?

In this report we have a look at a range of influencers and personas, answering the key questions below:

  • Which Brand Employees are driving impact online on the topic of Risk Management?
  • Who are the key Social Amplifiers on the topic?
  • Who are the key Event Speakers speaking at Risk Management events?
  • Which Key Opinion Leaders are discussing Risk Management?
  • Which Researchers & Contributors are creating content on Risk Management?
  • Who is sharing content on Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)?
  • Who are the influencers within Risk Management and Finance, Cybersecurity & ERM?
  • Which Brands are creating thought leadership content on Risk Management?
  • Which Publications & Resources are sharing content on Risk Management?

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These Who’s Who reports are created using the Onalytica platform which has a curated database of over 1 million influencers. Our platform allows you to discover, validate and categorise influencers quickly and easily via keyword searches. The lists are made using carefully created Boolean queries which then rank influencers by resonance, relevance, reach and reference, meaning influencers are not only ranked by themselves, but also by how much other influencers are referring to them. The lists are then validated, and filters are used to split the influencers up into the categories that are seen in the report.

This Who’s Who list should give you an insight into the Risk Management industry and help break it down. We always want to make sure you are getting the most valuable information available from our lists, so feedback is always welcome!

If you want to learn more about Onalytica, or if you’d like to see our platform in action, feel free to get in touch!




Who's Who in Risk Management?

Influential Voices & Brands