Artificial intelligence – or AI – is a true part of our world, as well as a substantial hub of interest for science and business. Companies are ferociously investing in, engaging in and including artificial intelligence in their operations. It is a fascinating technology that enables new options for companies, from detecting security intrusions to anticipating future consumer purchases.
Some significant moves from tech giants to acquire AI competitiveness have been made in the past five years. This includes the creation of Microsoft Ventures’ fund for AI startups and Uber’s acquisition of AI startup Geometric Intelligence; both in December 2016, Apple acquiring Emotient in early 2016, Google buying Deepmind for $400 million in 2014, and IBM pairing up with Nvidia to enable faster responses for the cognitive system, Watson.
We reached out to some of the top influencers to ask them for their views on artificial intelligence. We spoke to Mike Quindazzi (#6), John Hagel (#12), Gary Marcus (#14), Jeremiah Owyang (#15) and Sandy Carter (#17). Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on artificial intelligence!
Mike Quindazzi – Managing Director at PwC
“Are you ready for artificial intelligence ? The global potential of AI as an emerging technology has taken hold in the form of virtual assistants, chatbots, machine learning (and deep learning), autonomous systems, and natural language processing with advancing algorithms being developed in the cloud and available as-a-service to enterprises. This democratised approach is providing unprecedented access across both the world’s developed and developing nations, not only to leverage but also made available to the crowd to further develop “skills”. Much like the proliferation of mobile apps in the app store growing from just 500 apps in 2008 to over 2.2 million today, the level of AI innovation and sophistication is poised for an exponential growth curve. These factors, in addition to increasing computational power, are positioning AI to extend far beyond the forms I mentioned – and these other forms are rapidly developing. Taking the form of assisted intelligence, augmented intelligence or even autonomous intelligence. AI, when coupled with robotics, has the ability to break down additional barriers, provide personalization to the masses and solve many more of the world’s most important global challenges. In fact, PwC recently surveyed 2,500 consumers and business decision makers on AI’s impact in the business world, the evolution of AI acceptance by consumers and AI’s changing role in addressing socioeconomic issues. 63% of consumers agreed – AI will help solve complex problems that plague modern societies, while 72% of business leaders believe AI will be the business advantage of the future. It is incumbent on business leaders and workers at all levels to embrace the technology – if not to develop it – but to at least understand it’s ability to integrate and automate our most mundane and repetitive tasks. To explore partnerships between man and machine, that form collaborative solutions, to solve the daily challenges facing business and create new opportunities.”
John Hagel – Founder and Co-Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge
“AI technology will continue to evolve at an exponential pace but the key to unleashing the full economic value of this technology will hinge on two things. First, it requires the ability to generate and aggregate relevant data to fuel the AI engines. Without data, AI remains dumb. Second, people will need to become more adept at framing really powerful questions and re-imagining their own tasks in ways that more fully leverage their own unique human capabilities to generate greater impact from the insights that AI delivers.”
Gary Marcus – Founder and CEO of Geometric Intelligence, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at NYU
“Someday AI will change the world. But it is important to realize that statistics ≠ knowledge, and that “deep learning” is much more superficial than people realize. We still have a long way to go.”
Jeremiah Owyang – Founder and CEO of Crowd Companies
“In my lifetime, we will create a “God” an all knowing, artificial human that’s able to recall, process, and think. Will it feel? Will it hurt? that remains to be seen. We know that the world will become more efficient as technology rapidly empowers faster everything. God creates man, and man creates a god.”
Sandy Carter – Vice President of Amazon Web Services
“Amazon Web Services has become the center of gravity for artificial intelligence, with companies of all sizes in virtually all industries using AI to build new capabilities for existing services, or define entirely new categories of products and experiences. Today, customers are using AI on AWS for everything from the American Heart Association, who are helping to streamline registration in charity walks, to Capital One, who are providing new ways to interact with customers’ bank accounts, to startups like TuSimple who are using computer vision in autonomous vehicles, to Stanford University who are providing early detection of diabetic complications for patients. We’re just getting started, and we couldn’t more excited to be on this journey with our customers.”
We were very interested in seeing which individuals, brands and publications were leading the social media debate around AI, so we analysed over five million tweets mentioning the key words: AI OR “artificial intelligence” OR artificialintelligence; from 1st January – 18th May 2017. We then identified the Top 100 most influential individuals, brands and publications leading the discussion .
Regarding individuals, David Brin is the top AI influencer since the beginning of 2017. Below, is our network map of his recent interactions around the AI topic. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below you can see another network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) showing the number one brand IBM Watson at the centre, as well as all the AI conversations to and from the influencers in its field.

Below, you can discover yet another network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) with the number one publication WIRED at the centre of all interactions.

If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
Below, you can find a pie chart which assesses the different shares of voice of each brand within the AI social media debate – amongst the top influencers listed in the full report. We have displayed the top 10 brands, from 1st January – 18th May. This pie chart was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM).
The most popular brand in this analysis is Google, which represents over a quarter (26%) of shares of voice. The most recent discussions around Google and AI focus on its speech recognition technology with a 4.9% word error rate and its AI abilities to create sounds that humans have never heard before. IBM follows with 21% of shares, with Watson at the centre of its AI discussion – especially around the system’s constant improvement and the possibilities it enables, whether they are intended for medical use or business. On the last step of the podium is Microsoft (13%).
Following their lead are other tech giants: Amazon (11%), Facebook (8%) and Intel (6%). On the bottom of the top 10, we find Nvidia (5%), Apple (4%), Baidu (4%) and Salesforce (3%).
Artificial Intelligence is an immense topic on its own, but we were interested in seeing which other topic were mentioned the most around it. We analysed tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers, brands an publications between 1st January – 18th May 2017. We measured the frequencies of all the words used by the influencers in our programme related to “AI”. These words were then weighted and made into the word cloud shown below:
It is interesting to see that Machine Learning, Deep Learning and – naturally – Artificial Intelligence accompany AI as the top topics. Also worth noticing, is the presence of Big Data, Data Science and FinTech as top AI-related topics.
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers around artificial intelligence. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @DavidBrin | David Brin | Epocene | 100 |
2 | @BernardMarr | Bernard Marr | Advanced Performance Institute | 90.85 |
3 | @AndrewYNg | Andrew Ng | Baidu, Inc. | 82.21 |
4 | @drfeifei | Fei-Fei- Li | Google Cloud | 62.79 |
5 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | Salesforce | 61.3 |
6 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | PwC | 58.56 |
7 | @elonmusk | Elon Musk | SpaceX | 58.35 |
8 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | | 49.58 |
9 | @jackclarkSF | Jack Clark | OpenAI | 49 |
10 | @Benioff | Marc Benioff | Salesforce | 48.32 |
11 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | Kirstel Report | 47.04 |
12 | @jhagel | John Hagel | Deloitte & Touche | 46.55 |
13 | @erichorvitz | Eric Horvitz | Microsoft | 46.27 |
14 | @GaryMarcus | Gary Marcus | Geometric Intelligence | 43.95 |
15 | @jowyang | Jeremiah Owyang | Crowd Companies | 41.51 |
16 | @pmddomingos | Pedro Domingos | University of Washington | 40.95 |
17 | @sandy_carter | Sandy Carter | Amazon Web Services | 38.63 |
18 | @EricTopol | Eric Topol | Scripps Health | 35.15 |
19 | @ericschmidt | Eric Schmidt | 34.63 | |
20 | @hannawallach | Hanna Wallach | Microsoft | 33 |
21 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | Margaris Advisory | 32.29 |
22 | @peteratmsr | Peter Lee | Microsoft | 32.1 |
23 | @dharmesh | Dharmesh Shah | HubSpot | 31.54 |
24 | @erikbryn | Erik Brynjolfsson | MIT | 30.82 |
25 | @briansolis | Brian Solis | Altimeter Group | 30.64 |
26 | @cspenn | Christopher Penn | SHIFT Communications | 27.7 |
27 | @KirkDBorne | Kirk Borne | Booz Allen Hamilton | 27.67 |
28 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | FehrAdvice | 27.55 |
29 | @sidbanerjee | Sid Banerjee | Clarabridge | 27.39 |
30 | @dhinchcliffe | Dion Hinchcliffe | 7Summits | 27.29 |
31 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | Adversitement | 27.21 |
32 | @Timothy_Hughes | Timothy Hughes | Digital Leadership Associates | 26.79 |
33 | @IoTRecruiting | Bill McCabe | IoT Recruiting | 26.64 |
34 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore | Gilmore Business Network | 26.39 |
35 | @nreed_trl | Nick Reed | TRL Academy | 25.92 |
36 | @reckel | Richard Eckel | Microsoft | 25.43 |
37 | @davidwkenny | David Kenny | IBM | 25.25 |
38 | @robmccargow | Rob McCargow | PwC | 24.79 |
39 | @Kasparov63 | Garry Kasparov | Human Rights Foundation | 24.19 |
40 | @harryshum | Harry Shum | Microsoft | 24.18 |
41 | @willknight | Will Knight | MIT Tech | 23.42 |
42 | @ahier | Brian Ahier | AHIER | 23.22 |
43 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | World Communication Forum | 23.03 |
44 | @pauldaugh | Paul Daugh | Accenture | 23.02 |
45 | @simonlporter | Simon Porter | NGA Human Resources | 22.81 |
46 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | Digital Banking Report | 22.68 |
47 | @JohnGCourtney | John Courtney | The Marketing Centre | 21.05 |
48 | @j2bryson | Joanna J Bryson | University of Bath | 20.68 |
49 | @timoreilly | Tim O’Reilly | O’Reilly Media | 20.53 |
50 | @adamsconsulting | Diana Adams | Adams Consulting Group | 20.16 |
We also looked at all the brands engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top brands talking about artificial intelligence. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in artificial intelligence.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @IBMWatson | IBMWatson | 100 |
2 | @googlecloud | googlecloud | 97.22 |
3 | @Microsoft | Microsoft | 86.59 |
4 | @IBM | IBM | 78.75 |
5 | @xprize | xprize | 69.01 |
6 | @intel | intel | 67.6 |
7 | @ITU | ITU | 61.44 |
8 | @IDC | IDC | 60.44 |
9 | @MSFTResearch | MSFTResearch | 52.79 |
10 | @IBMResearch | IBMResearch | 50.78 |
11 | @nvidia | nvidia | 50.26 |
12 | @roborace | roborace | 48.31 |
13 | @KPMG | KPMG | 40.4 |
14 | @IBMcloud | IBMcloud | 37.13 |
15 | @MaluubaInc | MaluubaInc | 36.94 |
16 | @awscloud | awscloud | 35.37 |
17 | @Azure | Azure | 34.61 |
18 | @ipfconline1 | ipfconline1 | 33.44 |
19 | @McKinsey | McKinsey | 33.38 |
20 | @royalsociety | royalsociety | 31.83 |
21 | @IBMIoT | IBMIoT | 31.16 |
22 | @lenovo | lenovo | 31.16 |
23 | @Toyota | Toyota | 30.93 |
24 | @snips | snips | 29.93 |
25 | @BigCloudTeam | BigCloudTeam | 29.24 |
26 | @AMD | AMD | 29 |
27 | @thomsonreuters | thomsonreuters | 28.63 |
28 | @MaRSDD | MaRSDD | 28.1 |
29 | @MITSloan | MITSloan | 28.02 |
30 | @innovateuk | innovateuk | 27.5 |
31 | @ISpeakAnalytics | ISpeakAnalytics | 27.27 |
32 | @AccuetHome | AccuetHome | 25.7 |
33 | @Analytics_Edge | Analytics_Edge | 25.68 |
34 | @Accenture | Accenture | 25.65 |
35 | @autodesk | autodesk | 25.1 |
36 | @HCI_Labs | HCI_Labs | 24.72 |
37 | @udacity | udacity | 24.49 |
38 | @DevOpsSummit | DevOpsSummit | 22.47 |
39 | @TVSNext | TVSNext | 20.52 |
40 | @FastCoDesign | FastCoDesign | 20.42 |
41 | @OReillyAI | OReillyAI | 20.28 |
42 | @analyticbridge | analyticbridge | 19.08 |
43 | @CMIContent | CMIContent | 19.01 |
44 | @SMExaminer | SMExaminer | 18.59 |
45 | @MSFT_Business | MSFT_Business | 18.47 |
46 | @SR_ | SR_ | 18.41 |
47 | @watsonanalytics | watsonanalytics | 18.22 |
48 | @Gartner_inc | Gartner_inc | 18.17 |
49 | @DataScienceCtrl | DataScienceCtrl | 18.13 |
50 | @lifeatgoogle | lifeatgoogle | 18.03 |
As part of our new analysis, we scanned all the publications engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top publications talking about artificial intelligence. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @WIRED | WIRED | 100 |
2 | @techreview | techreview | 93.64 |
3 | @CIOonline | CIOonline | 69.94 |
4 | @TechRepublic | TechRepublic | 69.29 |
5 | @eMarketer | eMarketer | 53.8 |
6 | @CBinsights | CBinsights | 53.61 |
7 | @SCMP_News | SCMP_News | 51.01 |
8 | @FastCompany | FastCompany | 50.11 |
9 | @ZDNet | ZDNet | 43.4 |
10 | @engadget | engadget | 43.2 |
11 | @Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur | 42.78 |
12 | @BNN | BNN | 42.61 |
13 | @Forbes | Forbes | 42.43 |
14 | @CNET | CNET | 35.16 |
15 | @techstars | techstars | 35.09 |
16 | @XHNews | XHNews | 33.39 |
17 | @DigitalTrends | DigitalTrends | 33.26 |
18 | @BBCClick | BBCClick | 31.13 |
19 | @CMO_com | CMO_com | 30.65 |
20 | @TheEconomist | TheEconomist | 29.7 |
21 | @guardianscience | guardianscience | 29.33 |
22 | @contently | contently | 29.11 |
23 | @MarketingWeekEd | MarketingWeekEd | 29.09 |
24 | @AFP | AFP | 28.92 |
25 | @siliconrepublic | siliconrepublic | 28.77 |
26 | @gigaom | gigaom | 28.52 |
27 | @DZone | DZone | 27.88 |
28 | @singularityhub | singularityhub | 27.45 |
29 | 27.27 | ||
30 | @coindesk | coindesk | 26.81 |
31 | @WSJ | WSJ | 26.7 |
32 | @TechCrunch | TechCrunch | 26.5 |
33 | @StartupGrind | StartupGrind | 26.21 |
34 | @euronews | euronews | 25.84 |
35 | @ProductHunt | ProductHunt | 25.78 |
36 | @VentureBeat | VentureBeat | 25.62 |
37 | @DU_Press | DU_Press | 25.53 |
38 | @sejournal | sejournal | 25.47 |
39 | @InfoQ | InfoQ | 25.4 |
40 | @handelsblatt | handelsblatt | 25.27 |
41 | @BankInnovation | BankInnovation | 25.17 |
42 | @strataconf | strataconf | 24.97 |
43 | @dose | dose | 24.26 |
44 | @BigchainDB | BigchainDB | 23.73 |
45 | @TechCityNews | TechCityNews | 23.53 |
46 | @Xconomy | Xconomy | 23.38 |
47 | @LiquidNewsroom | LiquidNewsroom | 23.06 |
48 | @wef | wef | 22.55 |
49 | @IDCUKI | IDCUKI | 22.35 |
50 | @MyABJ | MyABJ | 22.22 |
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The individuals, brands and publications listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around artificial intelligence.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 artificial intelligence influencers, brands and publications