B2B marketing is an expanding discussion, there are more commentators and online interaction than ever before and it is becoming tough to blast through the noise with top quality content. With
London’s B2B Marketing Summit just around the corner, we took a closer look at the brands and the individuals who are most influential and driving impact in the online debate.
Our own
Tim Williams will be present during the conference to give people key tips on developing influencer marketing in a B2B marketing strategy. Influencer marketing (if approached correctly) can generate ROI, increase in market share, elevate brand awareness and generate leads. If you’re at the conference or interested in learning more about influencer marketing send him a
tweet or connect with him on LinkedIn.
Building The Influencer Network
We processed all the data from the hashtag #b2bmarketing from the last 3 months and ranked them based on our PageRank methodology, used also on our other influencer lists on topics such as Bring Your Own Device, Internet of Things and Wearable Tech to name a few.
Congratulations to ClickZ that takes first spot followed by Michelle Killebrew (who is in charge of IBM’s social business division and she is a guest contributor to ClickZ) and Ben Harper (co-founder of content strategy agency Datify).
We can obviously find some usual suspects (some of them also present in our content marketing thought leaders list) lower down the list, Ann Handley (4th), Ron Sela (14th), Doug Kessler (23rd), Lee Odden (25th), Michael Brenner (26th). This map shows the top 100 influencers, if you’re interested in knowing what the top 200 looks like, you can download full top 200 by the click of the button. (Click to enlarge this beautiful map!)


The Top 100 Thought Leaders on B2B Marketing
Below is the full top 100 and we see an interesting presence of platforms such as the Content Marketing Institute, SteamFeed, Business2Community, SocialMediaToday, Adobe’s CMO.com and many more. Top influential companies include Lee Odden’s TopRank Marketing, Hubspot and KoMarketing. Scroll below to see where you or your company rank!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @ClickZ | ClickZ | 100 |
2 | @shellkillebrew | Michelle Killebrew | 90.92 |
3 | @benharper87 | Ben Harper | 70.14 |
4 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 66.56 |
5 | @CMIContent | Content Marketing | 57.91 |
6 | @B2Community | Business 2 Community | 46.96 |
7 | @msweezey | msweezey | 33.03 |
8 | @toprank | TopRankMarketing.com | 29.38 |
9 | @SlideShare | SlideShare | 29.15 |
10 | @sengineland | Search Engine Land | 29 |
11 | @SteamFeedcom | SteamFeed | 28.2 |
12 | @socialmedia2day | Social Media Today | 26.59 |
13 | @djgeoffe | Geoffrey Colon | 25.09 |
14 | @ronsela | Ron Sela | 25.09 |
15 | @Demandbase | Demandbase | 24.1 |
16 | @exploreB2B | exploreB2B | 22.84 |
17 | @Econsultancy | Econsultancy | 20.94 |
18 | @CMO_com | CMO.com | 20.16 |
19 | @SiegelGale | Siegel+Gale | 19.59 |
20 | @DerekEdmond | Derek Edmond | 18.63 |
21 | @KoMarketing | KoMarketing | 17.75 |
22 | @velocitytweets | velocitytweets | 17.06 |
23 | @dougkessler | dougkessler | 16.52 |
24 | @HubSpot | HubSpot | 16.12 |
25 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 15.93 |
26 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 15.87 |
27 | @SonjaJefferson | Sonja Jefferson | 15.79 |
28 | @wittlake | Eric Wittlake | 15.04 |
29 | @insideview | InsideView | 14.53 |
30 | @adage | Ad Age | 14.37 |
31 | @InNetworkInc | InNetwork Inc. | 14.06 |
32 | @JoePulizzi | Joe Pulizzi | 13.34 |
33 | @ChadPollitt | Chad Pollitt | 12.62 |
34 | @DJThistle | DJ Thistle | 12.36 |
35 | @TomPick | Tom Pick | 12.23 |
36 | @MarketingB2B | B2B Marketing | 11.68 |
37 | @TheCoolestCool | Ross Simmonds | 11.3 |
38 | @irfanahmad1989 | Irfan Ahmad ツ | 11.02 |
39 | @Eloqua | Eloqua | 10.84 |
40 | @janlgordon | Curatti | 10.81 |
41 | @ArtilleryMarket | Douglas Burdett | 10.26 |
42 | @forrester | Forrester Research | 10.11 |
43 | @GerryMoran | Gerry Moran | 9.97 |
44 | @contently | Contently | 9.19 |
45 | @lauraramos | Laura Ramos | 8.9 |
46 | @SFerika | Erika Heald | 8.76 |
47 | @siriusdecisions | SiriusDecisions | 8.7 |
48 | @NetProspex | NetProspex | 8.67 |
49 | @HeinzMarketing | Matt Heinz | 8.29 |
50 | @belindasummers | Belinda Summers | 8.08 |
51 | @WeidertGroup | Weidert Group, Inc. | 7.9 |
52 | @oktopost | Oktopost | 7.42 |
53 | @jogebauer | Jonathan Gebauer | 7.21 |
54 | @wonderwall7 | Kelsey Jones | 7.17 |
55 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 6.88 |
56 | @TristanLavender | Tristan Lavender | 6.85 |
57 | @derekgrant | Derek Grant | 6.85 |
58 | @ardath421 | Ardath Albee | 6.81 |
59 | @MakingTheNumber | SalesBenchmarkIndex | 6.78 |
60 | @JennGHanford | Jennifer G. Hanford | 6.77 |
61 | @earnestagency | Earnest | 6.4 |
62 | @FierceCMO | FierceCMO | 6.2 |
63 | @bizo | Bizo | 5.69 |
64 | @ShellyKramer | Shelly Kramer | 5.66 |
65 | @drigotti | Dave Rigotti | 5.51 |
66 | @REALLYB2B | Really B2B | 5.29 |
67 | @MxGroup | The Mx Group | 5.28 |
68 | @spacebarpress | Julia Borgini | 5.17 |
69 | @LinkedInExpert | Viveka von Rosen | 5.1 |
70 | @Pardot | Pardot | 5.05 |
71 | @poneillforr | Peter O’Neill | 4.93 |
72 | @nolin | Nolin LeChasseur | 4.87 |
73 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 4.85 |
74 | @MargaretMolloy | Margaret Molloy | 4.83 |
75 | @chief_marketer | Chief Marketer Mag | 4.74 |
76 | @marketo | Marketo | 4.61 |
77 | @searchmaster | John Koehler | 4.6 |
78 | @gdaviddodd | G. David Dodd | 4.4 |
79 | @remarkmarketing | Brian Hansford | 4.32 |
80 | @IceSugarMedia | Ice Sugar Media | 4.31 |
81 | @heidicohen | HeidiCohen | 4.27 |
82 | @cmswire | CMSWire.com | 4.23 |
83 | @joel_b2beditor | Joel Harrison | 4.1 |
84 | @Frank_Strong | Frank Strong | 4.07 |
85 | @JadeTambini | Jade Tambini | 4.02 |
86 | @timwasher | Tim Washer | 3.86 |
87 | @RuthPStevens | Ruth P Stevens | 3.84 |
88 | @noyesjesse | Jesse Noyes | 3.8 |
89 | @dreckbaerfrau | Susanna Gebauer | 3.79 |
90 | @OpenView_Labs | OpenView Labs | 3.77 |
91 | @amaBoston | AMA Boston Chapter | 3.72 |
92 | @ShonaMackin | Shona Mackin | 3.71 |
93 | @GetCurata | Curata | 3.69 |
94 | @B2BOnlineMktg | BDC Online Marketing | 3.69 |
95 | @HingeMarketing | Hinge | 3.59 |
96 | @digimindci | Digimind | 3.54 |
97 | @Marketingfacts | Marketingfacts | 3.51 |
98 | @KenWissner | Ken Wissner | 3.5 |
99 | @binarydesigner | Christopher Peat | 3.49 |
100 | @Frankwatching | Frankwatching | 3.43 |

If you’re interested in finding influencers in your market and developing an influencer marketing strategy, please get in touch.
Download this free report which reveals the top 200 brands and influencers talking about the B2B Marketing