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Interview with Jaime Casap

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Interviews,

Jaime Casap

Jaime Casap

Education Evangelist at Google

Key Topics:Use of technology in education, Innovation in education, Equity in education
Location:Phoenix, AZ

Jaime Casap is the Education Evangelist at Google. Jaime evangelizes the power and potential of technology and the web as enabling and supporting tools in pursuit of promoting inquiry-driven project-based learning models. Jaime collaborates with school systems, educational organizations, and leaders focused on building innovation and iteration into our education policies and practices. He speaks on education, technology, innovation, and generation z, at events around the world.

In addition to his role at Google, Jaime serves on a number of boards for organisations focused on education, innovation, and equity.  Jaime teaches a 10th grade communication class at the Phoenix Coding Academy in Phoenix and is an adjunct professor at Arizona State University, where he teaches classes on policy, innovation, and leadership.

How did you get to become an expert in Edtech?

I launched Google Apps (GSuite) into the university space when we signed up ASU in 2006.  I launched Google Apps (GSuite) into the K12 space when we signed the state of Oregon in 2009.  I launched Chromebooks in K12 in 2011.  I have been working with schools, districton organisations for 12 years.  I worked with the Phoenix Union HS District to launch a new high school in the district – focused on computer science – the Phoenix Coding Academy.  I also teach 10th grade communication skills class at the Phoenix Coding Academy

What areas of Edtech are you most passionate about?

New Education Models: Using technology to bring education to the next level so it can support helping students build the knowledge, skills, and abilities they will need for a new economy.

Using technology to focus on problem solving and collaboration: We need to stop asking kids what they want to be when they grow up and start asking them what problem they want to solve.  Then asking them, what do they need to learn to solve that problem.  How can they use technology to build the KSA’s they will need to solve the problem they are interested in.

Equity: Using technology to help level the playing field.  Using technology to bring resources under served schools don’t have.  Teaching digital leadership skills so poor students can use technology correctly.

Which Edtech influencers influence you?

Outside of Edtech who else influences you?

and my wife, Jennifer Vollmann.

Which brands or products stand out for you in Edtech?

Besides Google tools, like GSuite and Chromebooks, I am impressed with Presentr, NoteBowl, Edtech Team

If a brand wanted to work with you, what offline / online activities would you be most interested in?

Podcasts, speaking opportunities (when I retire from Google – product development)

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Via Email: or Twitter @jcasap