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Interview with Maggy Woodley

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Interviews,

Maggy Woodley

Maggy Woodley

Freelance Writer & Social Media Specialist, Owner Red Ted Art

Key Topics:Parent Blogging, Topical Kids Crafts, Social Media, Social Networking, Publishing
Location:London, UK

Maggy Woodley started the popular Easy Crafts for Kids blog 7 years ago. Since then she has create an amazing resource of child friendly crafts for all the family to enjoy. The blog is now complimented by a popular YouTube channel. Making crafts relevant to new generation of crafters!  She also has a wealth of experience and knowledge of social media and what works! Growing an impressive social media following across Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram (and of course not forgetting YouTube!).

How did you get to become a parent blogger?

At the time my son was 2 years old and my daughter was still a baby. Technically , I was on my second maternity leave (though I hadn’t actually returned to work). My husband had just started on an MBA and I was itching to do something for “me”  that use my brain again… I also wanted to earn a little, to avoid going back to traditional employment in the future.. Red Ted Art was born.

What topics are you most passionate about?

Kids crafts – making kids crafts genuinely EASY and fun. I want kids to have a go at my crafts and ENJOY the process and LOVE the results.

Which other parent bloggers influencers influence you?

There are many great crafty and creative bloggers out there.. and things change all the time. I particularly love Tinkerlab, Inner Child Fun, The Artful Parent and Crafts by Amanda.

Which brands or products stand out for you in parent blogging?

Besides Google tools, like GSuite and Chromebooks, I am impressed with Presentr, NoteBowl, Edtech Team

Outside of parent blogging who else influences you?

I love visiting art galleries – whether it is paintings or sculptures.. I love street art.. anything really. I see opportunities for crafty inspiration in all every day items..

Are there any brands that stand out for you, or you would love to work with?

Needless to say, I love all craft brands!! For me quality of the product is key. If you use inferior products, then your efforts will be wasted, as your crafts will either not turn out as nicely or not last. I love great family brands such as Pritt sticks, 3M Scissors, Faber Castell etc. I also always love to hear from good quality craft kits – kits that kids really enjoy using and making. I am a great fan of Klutz!

If a brand wanted to work with you, what offline / online activities would you be most interested in?

I love leveraging my Facebook presence for brands. On Facebook I have over 2million subscribers. A great audience to reach out too.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

Emails are great!