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Onalytica are an official UK Government G-Cloud Supplier!

by | Jul 22, 2019 | Best Practice, ,

Onalytica are proud to announce that we are an official UK Government G-Cloud Supplier. This means that we are eligible to supply our award winning influencer marketing software and professional services to the UK public sector.

We have an impressive list of global clients across a range of industries and our accreditation onto G-Cloud strengthens the work we currently carry out worldwide.

What is the UK Government G-Cloud?

Government frameworks such as the G-Cloud and Digital Marketplace are agreements between both the government and suppliers. The aim of the game with these frameworks is to make buying services both cheaper and faster – two attributes that are hugely important when tax payers’ money is at stake.

G-Cloud services are divided into 3 categories:
  1. Cloud Hosting (e.g. content delivery networks or load balancing services)
  2. Cloud Software (e.g. marketing tools & management software)
  3. Cloud Support (e.g. migration services or ongoing support)

Influencer Marketing in the public sector

When most think of influencer marketing, they immediately think of consumer brands paying mainstream influencers and celebrities to endorse their products on Instagram. This is just one side of influencer marketing.

Onalytica work with Marcoms professionals to help them identify, build relationships and form long-term partnerships with industry influencers who are experts in their field, to fast-track perception change, build credibility & trust and increase awareness of their brand & initiatives amongst their target audience.

Increasing awareness of initiatives 

Raising awareness of the cause / what you’re trying to achieve as a function and of new initiatives that are going on. Whether there’s an event or a campaign running, influencers are a great way to get the word out there and spread a positive message amongst your target audience.

Reputation & crisis management 

Government departments, agencies & bodies and public services regularly come under scrutiny by the public – anything from budget cuts, changing policies, bad press or dare we say it, #Brexit. Add into the mix the increasing popularity of social media, it is now more important than ever for public sector organisations to take their online reputation seriously. As consumers we are sceptical of logos regardless of whether we’re talking about the public sector, B2B brands or B2C brands; but we do trust people – people like us. Micro influencers and industry experts are well trusted by their audiences and are therefore a great way to fast track perception & reputation change amongst your target audience in a time of crisis.

Building trust & credibility

Like anything, it is best to be proactive so that you don’t have to be reactive. Rather than waiting for your reputation to come under attack during a crisis, by engaging and collaborating with influencers on an on-going, long-term, business-as-usual basis, we can build and maintain trust & credibility with our target audience.

If you’re a Public Sector Marcoms professional and you’d like to increase awareness, build trust and fast track your perception change, then get in touch with our Vice President EMEA & APAC on LinkedIn here.