STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is a term used to group together these academic disciplines, typically used when addressing education policy and curriculum choices in schools. Rather than teach these four disciplines as separate subjects, grouping them together under the heading STEM means schools take a more interdisciplinary approach, often integrating real-world applications into the teachings.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, only 16% of high school students are interested in a career in STEM career. This skill gap has caused a lot of businesses to struggle to fill critical roles in STEM occupations, which in turn leads to sluggish growth. According to a report by up to 2.4 million STEM jobs go unfilled. As well as a skills gap there is also a gender gap with only 16% of women globally graduate college with STEM degrees.
As a result of these findings there have been many campaigns which aim to motivate and inspire students to excel in STEM subjects and support stronger collaboration between the industry and schools.
We analysed nearly 2.4M posts on STEM from 18th July 2017 – 18th July 2018, looking at social influence as well as authority by analysing how much influencers are referenced on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content. These influencers were then identified and uploaded to our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) to generate the influencer rankings and network map.
Below is a list of the top STEM influencers segmented by job role. If you want to see who ranks beyond these lists you can download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Below is a list of some of the top academics in STEM. If you want to see who ranks beyond 25 be sure to download the full report!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @AstronautAbby | Abigail Harrison | University of Florida | 100 |
2 | @cultofpedagogy | Jennifer Gonzalez | Cult of Pedagogy | 30.6 |
3 | @nmpanek | Natalie Panek | | 64.97 |
4 | @ImogenRCoePhD | Dr. Imogen R. Coe | Ryerson University | 21.51 |
5 | @sciencegoddess | Joanne Manaster | University of Illinois | 19.91 |
6 | @sarahdateechur | Sarah Thomas | EduMatch | 22.85 |
7 | @DrEmmaLJohnston | Prof Emma L Johnston | UNSW Sydney | 18.13 |
8 | @JenWilliamsEdu | Jennifer Williams | Participate (Education) | 24.6 |
9 | @jesswade | Dr Jess Wade | Imperial College | 19.48 |
10 | @ithinkwellHugh | Hugh Kearns | Flinders University | 18.35 |
11 | @TeacherCast | Jeffrey Bradbury | TeacherCast Educational Network | 25.43 |
12 | @mikamckinnon | Mika McKinnon | SETI Institute | 18.34 |
13 | @kejames | Karen James | Independent researcher | 16.07 |
14 | @AtheneDonald | Athene Donald | Cambridge University | 17.24 |
15 | @raulpacheco | Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega | CIDE (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C.) | 16.96 |
16 | @misskyritsis | Eleni Kyritsis | TeachTechPlay | 15.87 |
17 | @ProfCathHarper | Prof. Catherine Harper | University of Chichester | 12.3 |
18 | @KarlyMoura | Karly Moura | Sun Terrace Elementary Magnet School | 17.89 |
19 | @mariagalanis | Maria Arfanakis | Deerfield Public Schools District 109 | 14.09 |
20 | @Rdene915 | Rachelle Dene Poth | Riverview High School | 12.71 |
21 | @sophtalkssci | Soph Arthur | University of Bath | 11.48 |
22 | @NicolRHoward | Nicol R. Howard, PhD | University of Redlands | 11.79 |
23 | @kevinfolta | Kevin Folta | University of Florida | 11.71 |
24 | @SamanthaZY | Samantha Yammine | University of Toronto | 14.43 |
25 | @FunSizeSuze | Dr Suze Kundu | Discovery | 12.54 |
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @MayaAjmera | MayaAjmera | Society for Science & the Public | 100 |
2 | @coolcatteacher | coolcatteacher | Cool Cat Teacher | 75.02 |
3 | @TamaraMcCleary | TamaraMcCleary | | 54.54 |
4 | @markbarnes19 | markbarnes19 | Times 10 Publications | 32.89 |
5 | @brett7three | brett7three | ThePeaPod | 30.16 |
6 | @ShellTerrell | ShellTerrell | Teacher Reboot Camp | 26.64 |
7 | @psb_dc | psb_dc | Unconventional Ventures | 27.35 |
8 | @YvesMulkers | YvesMulkers | 7wData | 25.52 |
9 | @craignewmark | craignewmark | Craigslist & Craig Newmark Philanthropies | 24.53 |
10 | @cybelenegris | cybelenegris | | 27.93 |
11 | @DrKatrinaKeene | DrKatrinaKeene | Top Tech EDU | 32.99 |
12 | @ClassofYourOwn | ClassofYourOwn | Class Of Your Own Limited | 17.04 |
13 | @MarijaButkovic | MarijaButkovic | Women of Wearables | 17.43 |
14 | @mcmsharksxx | mcmsharksxx | The Fins United Initiative | 14.09 |
15 | @SnowHydro | SnowHydro | Science Borealis | 9.29 |
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @aimafidon | Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon | Microsoft | 100 |
2 | @TopCyberNews | Ludmila Morozova-Buss | UN Development | 90.35 |
3 | @alicekeeler | Alice Keeler | CSD Columbia | 81.07 |
4 | @RichSimmondsZA | Rich Simmonds | UN Environment | 78.14 |
5 | @ClassTechTips | Monica Burns | Fairsnape | 67.55 |
Below is a list of some of the top industry professionals in STEM. If you want to see who ranks beyond 25 you can download the full report by clicking the button below!
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @jasonlatimer | Jason Latimer | Fleet Science Center | 100 |
2 | @kiranshaw | Kiran Mazumdar Shaw | Biocoin | 92.21 |
3 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | World Communication Forum | 81.54 |
4 | @GoogleExpertUK | Susan Dolan | The Queen’s Young Leaders Programme | 56.69 |
5 | @annemariayritys | Anne-Maria Yritys | Yritys Executive Services | 53.56 |
6 | @Ehmee | Emily Graslie | The Field Museum | 53.18 |
7 | @LarisaBDodoo | Larisa Bowen-Dodoo | British Council | 45.21 |
8 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | FehrAdvice & Partners AG | 35.51 |
9 | @sallyeaves | Sally Eaves | Forbes Technology Council | 30.1 |
10 | @rachelloumiller | Rachel Miller | Thulium | 29.88 |
11 | @CaraSantaMaria | Cara Santa Maria | Talk Nerdy Podcast | 28.8 |
12 | @akwyz | Antonio Vieira Santos | Atos | 27.78 |
13 | @sandy_carter | Sandy Carter | Amazon Web Services | 26.72 |
14 | @Stephencgill | Stephen Gill | Institute of Refrigeration | 26.17 |
15 | @GerryMoran | Gerry Moran | Cognizant | 24.1 |
16 | @vijaysharma1122 | Vijay Sharma, PhD | Nuj Environ Laboratory | 22.61 |
17 | @OttLegalRebels | Marc R Gagné | Gagne Legal Services | 21.86 |
18 | @camsiemcadams | Camsie McAdams | Discovery Inc | 21.03 |
19 | @guzmand | Danielle Guzman | Mercer | 20.39 |
20 | @DrLucyRogers | Dr Lucy Rogers | Guild of Makers | 19 |
21 | @HeyDrWilson | Dr. Caleph B. Wilson | Miltenyi Biotec | 17.81 |
22 | @CunninghamEiE | Christine Cunningham | EiE (Engineering is Elementary) | 16.59 |
23 | @MVEG001 | Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea | Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) | 16.27 |
24 | @mtholfsen | Mike Tholfsen | Microsoft | 15.7 |
25 | @AnjaHoffmann | Anja Hoffmann | Sentio Lab | 15.7 |

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @gregfoot | Greg Foot | BBC Earth | 100 |
2 | @elakdawalla | Emily Lakdawalla | The Planetary Society | 96.65 |
3 | @EWmdavis | Michelle Davis | EdWeek Market Brief | 81.95 |
4 | @JenLucPiquant | Jennifer Ouellette | Quanta magazine | 73.49 |
5 | @TomChivers | Tom Chivers | | 35.89 |
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @ScienceChiefAu | Chief Scientist | Australian Governement | 100 |
2 | @KirstyDuncanMP | Kirsty Duncan | Liberal MP Canada | 35.75 |
3 | @EvaKaili | Eva Kaili | European Parliament | 20.12 |

Below is a list of the top 50 brands in STEM. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @Stemettes | Stemettes 💙 ★ # + | 100 |
2 | @Science_Academy | Australian Academy of Science | 60.84 |
3 | @girlscouts | Girl Scouts | 60.35 |
4 | @Eduporium | Eduporium | 54.82 |
5 | @GirlsWhoCode | Girls Who Code | 38.41 |
6 | @Raytheon | Raytheon | 35.99 |
7 | @MfgStories | ManufacturingStories | 35.9 |
8 | @UNESCO | UNESCO | 35.74 |
9 | @NSF | National Science Foundation | 33.12 |
10 | @wef | World Economic Forum | 32.81 |
11 | @GE_Foundation | GE Foundation | 32.64 |
12 | @BostonSchools | BostonPublicSchools | 32.45 |
13 | @Microsoft | Microsoft | 30.89 |
14 | @4H | 4-H | 29.92 |
15 | @FIRSTweets | FIRST | 29.22 |
16 | @Bayer4CropsUS | Bayer CropScience US | 28.1 |
17 | @AdvocateforEd | The Edvocate | 26.37 |
18 | @TheAMRC | Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre | 25.94 |
19 | @CREATE_EDU_PROJ | The CREATE Education Project | 25.13 |
20 | @CooneyCenter | Cooney Center | 24.92 |
21 | @100Kin10 | 100Kin10 | 24.16 |
22 | @DiscoveryEd | Discovery Education | 23.75 |
23 | @thewisecampaign | WISE | 23.29 |
24 | @MicrosoftEDU | Microsoft Education | 22.58 |
25 | @SASsoftware | SAS Software | 21.81 |
26 | @PlayCraftLearn | Minecraft Education | 21.53 |
27 | @ScienceAU | Science&TechnologyAU | 20.43 |
28 | @theNASEM | National Academies | 20.04 |
29 | @STEMconnector | STEMconnector | 19.49 |
30 | @MillionWMentors | Million Women Mentors | 17.82 |
31 | @PTECHNETWORK | P-TECH | 17.59 |
32 | @ENERGY | Energy Department | 17.11 |
33 | @TheIET | IET | 16.46 |
34 | @aaas | AAAS | 15.04 |
35 | @NSTA | NatSciTeachAssoc | 14.93 |
36 | @ScienceReport | ScienceScreenReport | 14.71 |
37 | @chiuni | Uni of Chichester | 14.38 |
38 | @Cognizant | Cognizant | 14.22 |
39 | @WSP_UK | WSP in the UK | 14.16 |
40 | @SASCanada | SAS Canada | 14.06 |
41 | @PLTWorg | Project Lead The Way | 14.04 |
42 | @leversinheels | Levers in Heels | 13.91 |
43 | @nyutandon | NYU Tandon | 13.74 |
44 | @texthelp | Texthelp for Edu | 13.7 |
45 | @usedgov | US Dept of Education | 13.66 |
46 | @royalsociety | The Royal Society | 13.58 |
47 | @TeachingSTEM | Teaching STEM | 13.44 |
48 | @GirlsinTech | Girls in Tech | 13.42 |
49 | @CSIROnews | CSIRO | 13.35 |
50 | @Imported_Fun | ✨ Inspire Them…✨ | 13.28 |
Below is a list of the top 50 publications in STEM. If you want to see who ranks from 1-100 be sure to download the full report!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @TechCrunch | TechCrunch | 100 |
2 | @Forbes | Forbes | 83.73 |
3 | @EdTech_K12 | EdTech K–12 Magazine | 50.98 |
4 | @mashable | Mashable | 47 |
5 | @EducationDive | Education Dive | 46.23 |
6 | @educationweek | Education Week | 44.94 |
7 | @nytimes | The New York Times | 41.68 |
8 | @nature | nature | 39.74 |
9 | @techedvocate | thetechedvocate | 38.48 |
10 | @WomanthologyUK | Womanthology | 33.05 |
11 | @sciam | Scientific American | 31.45 |
12 | @WIRED | WIRED | 30.66 |
13 | @WSJ | The Wall Street Journal | 29.31 |
14 | @eschoolnews | eSchool News | 27.89 |
15 | @Educ_Technology | Education Technology | 27.71 |
16 | @sciencemagazine | Science Magazine | 27.37 |
17 | @TheEconomist | The Economist | 25.93 |
18 | @business | Bloomberg | 25.73 |
19 | @itworldca | IT World Canada | 25.09 |
20 | @Reuters | Reuters Top News | 24.67 |
21 | @verge | The Verge | 23.89 |
22 | @siliconrepublic | SiliconRepublic | 22.08 |
23 | @CosmosMagazine | Cosmos Magazine | 19.89 |
24 | @BBC | BBC | 19.81 |
25 | @Gizmodo | Gizmodo | 19.29 |
26 | @scifri | Science Friday | 19.08 |
27 | @TheAtlantic | The Atlantic | 18.93 |
28 | @QuantaMagazine | Quanta Magazine | 18.89 |
29 | @ComputerWeekly | ComputerWeekly | 18.25 |
30 | @Medium | Medium | 17.51 |
31 | @crscience | CRS | 17.21 |
32 | @The74 | The 74 | 16.88 |
33 | @newscientist | New Scientist | 16.79 |
34 | @Inc | Inc. | 16.49 |
35 | @CNET | CNET | 16.38 |
36 | @CNBC | CNBC | 16.09 |
37 | @FinancialTimes | Financial Times | 15.95 |
38 | @Recode | Recode | 15.87 |
39 | @TriplePundit | | 15.18 |
40 | @techUK | techUK | 14.22 |
41 | @engadget | Engadget | 14.21 |
42 | @InnoTechToday | Innovation & Tech Today | 14.2 |
43 | @businessinsider | Business Insider | 13.22 |
44 | @PCMag | PCMag | 12.98 |
45 | @PopSci | Popular Science | 12.91 |
46 | @WomenatForbes | Women@Forbes | 12.46 |
47 | @AcademyToday | Academy Today | 12.44 |
48 | @BBCClick | BBC Click | 12.25 |
49 | @SciGirls | SciGirls | 11.71 |
50 | @physorg_com | | 11.63 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a look on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on Twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands, individuals and publications listed here are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around STEM.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. We looked at social topical influence as well as topical authority by analyzing both their social engagement on Twitter and how much influencers were referenced in association with business intelligence on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content. These calculations also take in to account a user’s resonance (engagement) relevance (number of posts on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
Top Influencers, Brands and Publications
Download this free report which reveals the top influencers, brands and publications in STEM.