There may be few other categories where the information shared and community built could be of more significance than around the topic of sustainability . The “stakeholders” for business include those in supply chains, investors, customers and employees (to name a few). But, given the urgency of climate change, the bottom line is how this influence can be wielded for positive impact for any and every global citizen.
The decisions and collaborative work of sustainability-focused organizations, businesses and individuals must take into account aspects like natural resource and energy use, and include an awareness of all the ways they can be tracking and alleviating their greenhouse gas emissions. As well, the role of “sustainability leader” often (should) takes into broader account the social or societal implications.
There’s a reason sustainability is viewed through a “triple bottom line” lens, that includes people, planet and profit. What we saw in the lead up to the COP21 talks, and what is continuing to grow since the Paris Agreement was passed in December 2015, is how much profit really will be affected if we don’t all pay more attention to the first two in that list.
A few reflections on this data look at influencers in the Twitter sustainability conversation:
- Smaller, younger organizations that are newer to Twitter can still gain influence quickly: see @SportsAlliance
- Individuals who engage around the company or organization’s work have more power because of the human authenticity factor: See @PlanAMikeBarry or @NeilCHawkins
- Nonprofits and non-governmental organizations do well on Twitter, and have active engagement on the topic and its related issues: See @CeresNews
COP21 and climate-specific topics may have brought more sustainability interest to the Twitter table this past year, but many of these key individual influencers – as powerful reflections on their affiliated corporations or organizations – will be the ones maintaining the important momentum supporting more environmentally aware, long-term focused decisions for years to come.
Written by our guest author:
Andrea Learned Thought Leadership Strategist, Authentic Voice Developer at Learned On
As a digital thought leadership strategist with years of her work focused in the sustainability community (and most recently an emphasis on COP21), we thought Andrea Learned’s quick take on this latest data would be insightful. The results of any mapping can be read differently, but we take note of her emphasis on the power of an individual’s social media activity as complement to authentic brand engagement on the topic.
At Onalytica we were keen to see which Sustainability brands and individuals were leading the online discussion. So we analysed 257 K+ tweets from 16 Nov 15 – 4 Feb 16 mentioning the keywords “Sustainability OR Susty” and identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. What we discovered was a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands. Below you can see a network map of the top engaged users in the Sustainability conversation. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top 100 most influential individuals in the Sustainability conversation. Be sure to download the report to see who ranked beyond 50 on the list.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @WWF_DG | Marco Lambertini | 84.49 |
2 | @HelenClarkUNDP | Helen Clark | 44.58 |
3 | @PaulPolman | Paul Polman | 36.03 |
4 | @JStrotmann | J_Strotmann | 32.44 |
5 | @jrockstrom | Johan Rockström | 31.06 |
6 | @GinaEPA | Gina McCarthy | 30.06 |
7 | @iioannoulbs | Ioannis Ioannou | 30.05 |
8 | @IrinaBokova | Irina Bokova | 28.28 |
9 | @DrMarkSchlissel | Dr. Mark Schlissel | 27.4 |
10 | @makower | Joel Makower | 24.91 |
11 | @JimHarris | Jim Harris | 24.57 |
12 | @Walkerjc | Jeffrey Walker | 23.17 |
13 | @sparki1969 | Scott Parkin | 22.96 |
14 | @JuneStoyer | June Stoyer | 22.52 |
15 | @sureshpprabhu | Suresh Prabhu | 22.51 |
16 | @SustainablyO | Pedro J. Gómez | 21.48 |
17 | @profchrisham | Chris Ham | 20.98 |
18 | @AnneStausboll | Anne Stausboll | 20.43 |
19 | @FCousteau | Fabien Cousteau | 20.03 |
20 | @TaigaCompany | Julie Urlaub | 19.92 |
21 | @freya1 | freya williams | 19.87 |
22 | @dpcarrington | Damian Carrington | 19.73 |
23 | @BradSmi | Brad Smith | 19.35 |
24 | @neilchawkins | Neil Hawkins | 19.05 |
25 | @juleskbailey | Jules Bailey | 17.47 |
26 | @AndrewWinston | Andrew Winston | 17.12 |
27 | @barbkiser | Barbara Kiser | 17.01 |
28 | @MarcGunther | Marc Gunther | 16.66 |
29 | @ASteiner | Achim Steiner | 16.35 |
30 | @StellaMcCartney | Stella McCartney | 16.13 |
31 | @volansjohn | John Elkington | 16.09 |
32 | @Carydc | Cary | 16.06 |
33 | @LeonKaye | Leon Kaye | 15.75 |
34 | @CFigueres | Christiana Figueres | 15.73 |
35 | @_stephenhoward | Steve Howard | 15.43 |
36 | @GEO_Jan | Jan Clement | 15.05 |
37 | @AlexHonnold | Alex Honnold | 14.91 |
38 | @Raffi_RC | Raffi Cavoukian | 14.81 |
39 | @planamikebarry | Mike Barry | 14.8 |
40 | @yates_rob | Rob Yates | 14.03 |
41 | @dgelles | David Gelles | 13.82 |
42 | @mrjonkhoo | Jon Khoo | 13.71 |
43 | @bjkingape | Barbara J King | 12.99 |
44 | @1thomas_titus | Thomas Titus | 12.92 |
45 | @JG_climate | Jonathan Grant | 12.59 |
46 | @AndreaLearned | Andrea Learned | 12.44 |
47 | @LizLovesFarms | Liz Caselli-Mechael | 12.39 |
48 | @RandyKrotz | Randy Krotz | 12.21 |
49 | @susanmcp1 | Susan McPherson | 12.08 |
50 | @Revkin | Andy Revkin | 11.29 |
In the top 100 brands we found a great selection of organisations such as WWF and the UN. Be sure to download the full report to see who ranked from 50-100.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @SustainBrands | Sustainable Brands | 100 |
2 | @WWF | WWF | 91.03 |
3 | @thomsonreuters | Thomson Reuters | 90.65 |
4 | @TriplePundit | | 88.71 |
5 | @GuardianSustBiz | Sustainable Business | 86.34 |
6 | @GreenBiz | GreenBiz | 77.56 |
7 | @Enablon | Enablon | 71.62 |
8 | @EcoInteractive | EcoInteractive | 68.5 |
9 | @UNEP | UN Environment | 63.88 |
10 | @USGBC | USGBC | 60.43 |
11 | @wbcsd | WBCSD | 55.22 |
12 | @Masdar | Masdar | 47.87 |
13 | @UNDP | UN Development | 47.05 |
14 | @mitsmr | MITSloan Mgmt Review | 46.28 |
15 | @RobecoSAM | RobecoSAM | 44.27 |
16 | @edie | | 44.02 |
17 | @NatureNews | Nature News&Comment | 38.97 |
18 | @SSIReview | Social Innovation | 38.91 |
19 | @CSRwire | CSRwire | 38.79 |
20 | @CECHR_UoD | CECHR | 38.47 |
21 | @globalcompact | UN Global Compact | 37.53 |
22 | @ProSyn | Project Syndicate | 37.01 |
23 | @Unilever | Unilever News | 34.85 |
24 | @CaterpillarInc | Caterpillar Inc. | 33.48 |
25 | @SustAbility | SustainAbility | 32.82 |
26 | @EPA | U.S. EPA | 32.35 |
27 | @CDP | CDP | 29.94 |
28 | @SASB | SASB | 29 |
29 | @RAN | RAN | 26.9 |
30 | @TheWFE | WFE | 26.71 |
31 | @PwCclimateready | PwC_sustainability | 26.06 |
32 | @MIT | MIT | 25.81 |
33 | @ProcterGamble | P&G | 25.62 |
34 | @CaelusGreenRoom | Caelus Green Room | 25.48 |
35 | @DowChemical | Dow | 25.4 |
36 | @TakePart | TakePart | 24.61 |
37 | @sciam | Scientific American | 24.51 |
38 | @CeresNews | Ceres | 24.51 |
39 | @UNFCCC | UN Climate Action | 24.27 |
40 | @Ethical_Corp | Ethical Corporation | 23.59 |
41 | @ucdavis | UC Davis | 23.44 |
42 | @PositiveLuxury | PositiveLuxury | 23.18 |
43 | @Greenbuild | Greenbuild | 22.67 |
44 | @Bristol_2015 | Bristol 2015 | 22.39 |
45 | @ZFEP | Zayed Energy Prize | 22.27 |
46 | @MIT_alumni | MIT Alumni | 22.23 |
47 | @Bayer4Crops | Bayer CropScience | 22.23 |
48 | @apprlcoalition | Apparel Coalition | 21.53 |
49 | @Robeco | Robeco Asset Mngmt | 21.16 |
50 | @SustLeaders | SustainabilityLeader | 20.55 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Machine to Machine, Wearable Tech, Internet of Things) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion in the Sustainability debate.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations are independent of a user’s number of followers, but we do filter our lists based on how much a user is engaged in the conversation and the influence they drive through their networks.
Top 100 Influencers and Brands
Download this free report to learn who are the top 100 influencers in Sustainability.