Modern devices are getting smarter, there are already fridges that order milk and other products when you’re running low, soda streams that allow you to mix your drinks remotely via an app and smart scales that pair with wearable tech fitness trackers to measure your weight over time. It seems all products now come with a computer and an internet connection making it easier to control and automate our daily tasks, as well as collect data. Amazon just announced plans for their Dash Buttons which allow you to order a specific product when you’re running low. At the push of a button the new products are ordered and an alert is sent to your phone so you can cancel if you change your mind.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the term used to describe this connectivity between our “things” and the technology that facilitates it is called “Machine to Machine” (M2M), the two topics are intrinsically linked. If you’re interested in learning more about M2M check out our M2M Top 100 Influencers and Brands.
We ran an Influencer Identification on the IoT in 2014, but since then the landscape has evolved and new businesses have entered the market. Most recently IBM announced they will be investing $3B in building up their IoT business. Other developments include Parse (the mobile platform-as-a-service company Facebook acquired in 2013) announcing their new IoT platform, which sees them joining the likes of heavyweights Citrix, Arrayent and SeeContol. The UK Government also announced in its May budget plans to invest £40 million into researching the IoT.
The real benefits of the IoT and M2M have yet to be fully realised but we are already seeing increased mobility and efficiency in the workplace, saving us time and money.
Mapping the community
Below you can see a network map of the online conversation around the IoT. We captured data from 56,224 users. Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail. A high quality version is also included in the full report that you can download by clicking the blue button below!

Top 100 Individuals
We looked at all the individuals engaging in the IoT discussion to give you the Top 50 influencers in the IoT landscape. Be sure to hit one of the blue buttons to download the full 2015 Internet of Things landscape, including a detailed network map to better understand the debate.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @EdithRamirezFTC | Edith Ramirez | 100 |
2 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | 78.89 |
3 | @knowlengr | knowlengr | 68.7 |
4 | @AdamThierer | Adam Thierer | 61.02 |
5 | @DCgov | Patrick Thibodeau | 52.74 |
6 | @Kevin_Ashton | Kevin Ashton | 44.71 |
7 | @alvarombedoya | Alvaro Bedoya | 43.22 |
8 | @timoreilly | Tim O’Reilly | 36.27 |
9 | @tdav | Tom Davenport | 27.06 |
10 | @simonlporter | SimonPorter | 25.68 |
11 | @frankgillett | Frank Gillett | 24.77 |
12 | @iotwatch | Alexandra D-S | 22.62 |
13 | @pauldaugh | Paul Daugherty | 22.52 |
14 | @uksciencechief | Sir Mark Walport | 16.21 |
15 | @IanSkerrett | Ian Skerrett | 15.37 |
16 | @thinkstrategies | Jeff Kaplan | 15.25 |
17 | @psilvas | psilvas | 14.63 |
18 | @RobertEStroud | Robert Stroud CRISC | 14.46 |
19 | @WimElfrink | Wim Elfrink | 13.58 |
20 | @davidrose | David Rose | 13.1 |
21 | @jg21 | Jeremy Geelan | 12.82 |
22 | @GiulioCoraggio | Giulio Coraggio | 12.61 |
23 | @JonBruner | Jon Bruner | 11.09 |
24 | @GilPress | Gil Press | 10.87 |
25 | @rahulag80 | Rahul Agarwal | 10.48 |
26 | @Sooraj_Shah | Sooraj Shah | 10.41 |
27 | @danablouin | dana blouin | 10.28 |
28 | @aallan | Alasdair Allan | 10.1 |
29 | @gigastacey | Stacey Higginbotham | 9.54 |
30 | @DougWFisher | Doug W Fisher | 9.35 |
31 | @valb00 | Val Bercovici | 9.09 |
32 | @ScottKirsner | Scott Kirsner | 9.06 |
33 | @paulmadsen | Paul Madsen | 8.93 |
34 | @CMDonato | Christine Donato | 8.83 |
35 | @andysc | andysc | 8.8 |
36 | @jameskobielus | jameskobielus | 8.71 |
37 | @danvy | Alex Danvy | 8.51 |
38 | @chris_rezendes | Christopher Rezendes | 8.51 |
39 | @madgreek65 | Mike Kavis | 8.44 |
40 | @RickBullotta | Rick Bullotta | 8.33 |
41 | @tamaradull | Tamara Dull | 8.26 |
42 | @cbcurran | Chris Curran | 7.87 |
43 | @spoonen | Sanjay Poonen | 7.51 |
44 | @rpasschier | Ricardo Passchier | 7.5 |
45 | @alexscroxton | Alex Scroxton | 7.32 |
46 | @cgiorgi | Cédric Giorgi | 7.31 |
47 | @GaryShapiro | Gary Shapiro | 7.24 |
48 | @junkoyoshida | Junko Yoshida | 7.13 |
49 | @krbenedict | Kevin R Benedict | 7 |
50 | @kartben | Benjamin Cabé | 6.92 |
Top 100 Brands
Here are the top 50 most engaged brands in the Internet of Things online discussion. Be sure to download the full analysis for free to find out where your brand ranks.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @intel | Intel | 100 |
2 | @Cisco | Cisco | 64.79 |
3 | @ThingsExpo | @ThingsEXPO | 62.39 |
4 | @gigaom | Gigaom | 50.5 |
5 | @intlCES | International CES | 31.88 |
6 | @Computerworld | Computerworld | 31.72 |
7 | @sigfox | SIGFOX | 30.11 |
8 | @Samsungtweets | Samsung USA | 27.94 |
9 | @Inteliot | Intel IoT | 27.79 |
10 | @WindRiver | Wind River | 27.22 |
11 | @Things_Internet | Internet of Things | 26.39 |
12 | @spark_io | Spark | 24.81 |
13 | @iotattack | IoT Attack | 24.73 |
14 | @MicrochipTech | MicrochipTech | 23.76 |
15 | @arduino | Arduino | 22.77 |
16 | @PTC | PTC | 22.39 |
17 | @Estimote | Estimote, Inc. | 21.13 |
18 | @siliconlabs | Silicon Labs | 20.97 |
19 | @temboo | Temboo | 20.22 |
20 | @Atmel | Atmel Corporation | 18.41 |
21 | @IBMInterConnect | IBM InterConnect | 18.21 |
22 | @beaconsandwich | Beecon | 18.14 |
23 | @ThingWorx | ThingWorx Software | 17.77 |
24 | @CAinc | CA Technologies | 17.49 |
25 | @SAP | SAP | 17.14 |
26 | @postscapes | Postscapes | 17.08 |
27 | @govtechnews | | 16.84 |
28 | @TheIoT | Internet of Things | 16.28 |
29 | @InformationAge | Information Age | 16.18 |
30 | @OReillySolid | O’Reilly Solid | 15.83 |
31 | @CEA | CEA | 15.29 |
32 | @DataInnovation | Data Innovation | 15.09 |
33 | @techUK | techUK | 15.06 |
34 | @NetworkWorld | Network World | 14.08 |
35 | @CiscoIoE | InternetOfEverything | 14.04 |
36 | @Freescale | Freescale | 13.6 |
37 | @sc_seedhack | sc_seedhack | 13.28 |
38 | @littleBits | littleBits | 13.18 |
39 | @M2MEvolution | M2M Evolution | 12.95 |
40 | @VZEnterprise | Verizon Enterprise | 12.81 |
41 | @DigiCatapult | Digital Catapult | 12.63 |
42 | @CloudExpo | CloudEXPO ® | 12.52 |
43 | @MITSloan | MIT Sloan | 12.35 |
44 | @wtvox | Wearables and IoT | 12.17 |
45 | @Cisco_IoT | InternetofThings | 11.75 |
46 | @m2mnow | M2M Now | 11.71 |
47 | @MetraTech | MetraTech | 11.69 |
48 | @wef | World Economic Forum | 11.67 |
49 | @notion | notion | 11.5 |
50 | @EurotechFan | Eurotech | 11.1 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Machine to Machine , Wearables , Content Marketing , …) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 individuals and brands talking about the internet of things 2015