Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used by large organizations to integrate business processes across various departments, and optimize their workflow. However, recent research from Gartner asserts that traditional (or “legacy”) ERP solutions are under threat from cheaper, more flexible systems as cloud-based solutions continue to mature. Industry giants SAP and Oracle have responded to this increasing competition from smaller vendors by changing their mix of on-premises and cloud offerings.
As the ERP landscape continues to evolve amid this disruption, so too does the conversation around the subject. We looked at the Twitter conversations around related hashtags such as #erp and #erpsoftware, using PageRank analysis to surface the most influential stakeholders talking about ERP today. From this, we produced a list of influencers, as well as a network map of the connections between them.
Network Map – Top 50 ERP Thought Leaders (click to enlarge)

The network includes a wide range of stakeholders, from industry experts, analysts, thought leaders, consultants and writers to representatives of ERP vendors large and small such as SAP, Oracle, Sage, Plex Systems and Acumatica…
…wait, what’s that – you wish you could see a ranking and network map of the most influential organizations within the ERP industry, so you can see for yourself which firms are vying for dominance? Well certainly you can, because we put all of that analysis together for you in one neat download.

The Top 50 ERP Thought Leaders
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @ERP_cindyjutras | Cindy Jutras | 100 |
2 | @rwang0 | R Ray Wang | 41.47 |
3 | @LouisColumbus | Louis Columbus | 37.43 |
4 | @erickimberling | Eric Kimberling | 31.97 |
5 | @pjtec | PJ Jakovljevic | 30.79 |
6 | @nickcastellina | Nick Castellina | 23.44 |
7 | @fscavo | Frank Scavo | 16.44 |
8 | @gbeaubouef | G. Brett Beaubouef | 15.82 |
9 | @lyleekdahl | Lyle Ekdahl | 15.66 |
10 | @holgermu | Holger Mueller | 14.05 |
11 | @Sergiolat_ | Sergio Martínez | 13.69 |
12 | @ChLetellier | Christophe Letellier | 13.03 |
13 | @WatServLtd | Tom Doerner | 11.92 |
14 | @AmalioFD | Amalio Fdez-Delgado | 10.58 |
15 | @mkrigsman | Michael Krigsman | 9.26 |
16 | @ggheorghiu | Gabriel Gheorghiu | 8.13 |
17 | @SAP_Jarret | Jarret Pazahanick | 7.92 |
18 | @simonlporter | Simon Porter | 7.81 |
19 | @dbmoore | Dennis Moore | 6.85 |
20 | @milesahead | Trevor Miles | 6.84 |
21 | @SoftwareGuruCPA | Bob Palmer | 6.56 |
22 | @AlanCharlesMann | Alan Mann | 6.43 |
23 | @Aleksey_TEC | Aleksey Osintsev | 6.38 |
24 | @jlnorwood | James Norwood | 6.37 |
25 | @lukemarson | Luke Marson | 6.09 |
26 | @paulhamerman | Paul Hamerman | 5.86 |
27 | @OracleTim | Tim Hughes | 5.85 |
28 | @smist08 | Stephen Smith | 5.52 |
29 | @DavidTurner1 | David Turner | 5.49 |
30 | @RCKlein | Robert Klein | 5.24 |
31 | @Dana_Gardner | Dana Gardner | 5.16 |
32 | @jasonaverbook | Jason Averbook | 4.96 |
33 | @InFullBloomUS | Naomi Bloom | 4.81 |
34 | @David_Hardstaff | David Hardstaff | 4.71 |
35 | @MTHei | Martin Heisig | 4.55 |
36 | @DanAldridge1 | Dan Aldridge | 4.26 |
37 | @abonde | Allen Bonde | 4.22 |
38 | @simbeckhampson | Paul Simbeck-Hampson | 4.12 |
39 | @rhsmithvl | Robin Smith | 4.05 |
40 | @stefangrahn | Stefan Grahn | 4.02 |
41 | @SteveBogner | Steve Bogner | 4.02 |
42 | @avillaes_es | Antonio Villaespesa | 4.00 |
43 | @heidimelin | Heidi Melin | 3.83 |
44 | @Tim_Purcell | Tim Purcell | 3.68 |
45 | @avlconsulting | Anne Vinagre | 3.64 |
46 | @fcharles | Frédéric Charles | 3.39 |
47 | @TheCloud_Amiee | Amiee Keenan | 3.39 |
48 | @135sara | Sara | 3.31 |
49 | @CyrillSchmid | Cyrill Schmid | 3.18 |
50 | @Erwan_philippe | Erwan Philippe | 3.13 |
Do you want to know more influencers (maybe you reckon you were no. 51, or you are more interested in the less well-known influencers)? Are you looking for more in-depth analysis and insights into trends within the ERP market (or any other market for that matter)? Well then,
Top Thought Leaders
Download this report to discover the top 100 thought leaders in ERP