We carried out some analysis to bring you a list of the top 50 influencers on content marketing.
The list is generated by taking most (if not all) of the tweets from the last 4 months containing the hashtag #ContentMarketing and applying the PageRank algorithm to the network of mentions of people.
Learn more about the PageRank algorithm in this Wikipedia article.
There is only a weak correlation (R2=0.13) between PageRank and the number of Twitter followers.
The reason is that what matters is how often you are mentioned – and by whom – in the relevant context (i.e. content marketing) – not the number of followers you have. The fact that there is any correlation at all is that you are a little more likely to be mentioned in the relevant context by one of your followers.
UPDATE: For the latest version of our rankings, check out our lists on List.ly:
There are clearly many ways you can calculate these rankings. Do you have a preferred method? And why do you like it?
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Twitter Followers |
1 | @JoePulizzi | Joe Pulizzi | 38,454 |
2 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 201,541 |
3 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 31,135 |
4 | @dougkessler | Doug Kessler | 6,244 |
5 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 198,803 |
6 | @Robert_Rose | Robert Rose | 21,392 |
7 | @heidicohen | Heidi Cohen | 19,681 |
8 | @jchernov | Joe Chernov | 15,607 |
9 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 62,170 |
10 | @lieblink | Rebecca Lieb | 5,847 |
11 | @copyblogger | Brian Clark | 153,291 |
12 | @FeldmanCreative | Barry Feldman | 3,393 |
13 | @TheSalesLion | Marcus Sheridan | 11,713 |
14 | @ardath421 | Ardath Albee | 12,951 |
15 | @kevinrcain | Kevin Cain | 2,124 |
16 | @GerryMoran | Gerry Moran | 25,344 |
17 | @corhospes | Cor Hospes | 10,724 |
18 | @paulroetzer | Paul Roetzer | 9,453 |
19 | @mitchjoel | Mitch Joel | 56,702 |
20 | @ashleighmavros | Ashleigh Mavros | 568 |
21 | @nateriggs | Nate Riggs | 31,400 |
22 | @michaelgerard | Michael Gerard | 1,487 |
23 | @JasonMillerCA | Jason Miller | 13,757 |
24 | @TPLDrew | Andrew Davis | 5,662 |
25 | @dayroth | Dayna Rothman | 754 |
26 | @PamMktgNut | Pam Moore | 174,682 |
27 | @tobymurdock | Toby Murdock | 1,118 |
28 | @Kimota | Jonathan Crossfield | 4,030 |
29 | @NenadSenic | Nenad Senic | 1,410 |
30 | @amandamaks | Amanda Maksymiw | 3,188 |
31 | @jonmiller | Jon Miller | 12,894 |
32 | @ChaseMcMichael | Chase McMichael | 2,174 |
33 | @scottabel | Scott Abel | 22,014 |
34 | @tomgerace | Tom Gerace | 1,767 |
35 | @ThePRCoach | Jeff Domansky | 12,163 |
36 | @mbloomstein | Margot Bloomstein | 7,520 |
37 | @Matt_Siltala | Matt Siltala | 8,440 |
38 | @RobYoegel | Rob Yoegel | 903 |
39 | @cahidalgo | Carlos Hidalgo | 4,443 |
40 | @CarlaJohnson | Carla Johnson | 5,999 |
41 | @SarahSkerik | Sarah Skerik | 6,060 |
42 | @buyerpersona | Adele Revella | 3,468 |
43 | @brencournoyer | Brendan Cournoyer | 2,107 |
44 | @SarahArrow | Sarah Arrow | 12,840 |
45 | @mikepweiss | Michael Weiss | 1,856 |
46 | @adriasaracino | Adria Saracino | 1,263 |
47 | @veroach | Eric Roach | 31,268 |
48 | @klauseck | Klaus Eck | 36,285 |
49 | @avavrek | Adam Vavrek | 1,035 |
50 | @NickKellet | Nick Kellet | 55,053 |
If you’re interested in any of our other rankings, you can take a look at our list of top 100 education blogs or top Big Data influencers.