There are thousands of charities and campaigns around the world focused on the prevention and extinction of the dreaded ‘C’ word. Each of these organisations has a slightly different demographic, a slightly varied funding plan, but they all have the same ultimate goal – to finally beat cancer. Due to the millions of voices out there we looked at who was driving the most influence on the topic of cancer care, research and fundraising.
Each year, approximately 14 million people around the world learn that they have cancer and of these, 8 million will die. There is research to suggest that a third of cancer related deaths could have been prevented with the appropriate services and technology, and some countries have made great progress in the prevention of such cases.
In the UK, the four most common types of cancer are breast cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer. In 2011, these four accounted for over half (53%) of all new cancer cases – which totalled nearly 331,500.
It is no surprise that there are thousands of organisations campaigning to increase funding on cancer related research and research has vastly progressed with more than half of diagnosed patients surviving for at least ten years – in the 1970s, only a quarter would have. Agendas for these organisations and charities include running campaigns such as the tobacco packaging campaign which is striving towards having plain, standard cigarette packs in order to stop people – especially youths and younger people – from starting a smoking habit.
At Onalytica, we use our unique Influencer Relationship Management software to monitor and analyse online trends in order to help brands realise a social media marketing and engagement strategy. This time, we used our software to find the top brands and individual influencers who have been successfully running the message of the importance of cancer research and keeping us up to date on research progression.
We were interested in seeing which influencers were leading the online cancer research discussion, so we analysed over over 300K tweets matching the following query: (“cancer” AND (“research” OR “researcher” OR “researching” OR “nhs” OR “charity” OR “charities” OR “campaign” OR “campaigns” OR “campaigning” OR “fundraising” OR “fundraiser” OR “fundraisers” OR “therapy”)) OR “cancerresearch” and identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter.
What we discovered was a huge community of cancer related influencers and organisations discussing upcoming campaigns and successful fundraising stories. Below you can see a large network map created in IRM showing some of the top influencers talking to each other on cancer related topics. We’ve highlighted Dr Deanna Attai here as she is one of the key connectors driving engagement. It is great to see communities building around those dedicating themselves to the cause.
Below you can see another network map of the online conversation created with our Influencer Relationship Management software IRM. The map below shows the charity Cancer Research UK at the centre and the conversations to and from the other influencers. We can see that there is a lot of conversation between brands and individuals as they work together to support the same cause. Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
If you are interested in learning more about our IRM software click here!
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top 100 most influential individuals in Cancer Research.
Be sure to hit the download button below to grab the full report and see who ranks beyond the top 50.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @MyID_Research | Matt Poulton | 100 |
2 | @ElaineSchattner | Elaine Schattner | 90.98 |
3 | @blackhonee | Honee | 90.14 |
4 | @bjork5 | Dave Bjork | 89.9 |
5 | @DrAttai | Dr. Deanna Attai | 84.09 |
6 | @NCITedTrimble | Edward Trimble | 83.9 |
7 | @joyogude | Joy Ogude Presenter | 83.64 |
8 | @dougulman | Doug Ulman | 83.16 |
9 | @picardonhealth | André Picard | 78.07 |
10 | @SherryPollex | Sherry Pollex | 72.37 |
11 | @Groz_P | Phyllis | 70.02 |
12 | @stales | Alicia C. Staley | 69.36 |
13 | @DeborahAlsina | Deborah Alsina | 68.72 |
14 | @geewizzgee1 | Gina Long | 68.4 |
15 | @CRUKManchester | Hannah | 68.31 |
16 | @Nikhilwagle | Nikhil Wagle, MD | 67.92 |
17 | @FollowHeidi | FollowHeidi | 67.77 |
18 | @ianstories | Ian D. Moore | 67.59 |
19 | @vickyyyf | Vicky Forster | 67.35 |
20 | @RAA62 | Rosemary Albone | 67.15 |
21 | @KentBottles | KentBottles | 66.99 |
22 | @ajpcarr | Andy Carr | 66.84 |
23 | @BrendonStilesMD | Brendon Stiles | 66.47 |
24 | @abimF1 | Abi M | 65.44 |
25 | @JillHennessyMP | Jill Hennessy MP | 65.03 |
26 | @Aiims1742 | Anirban Maitra | 64.9 |
27 | @RyanNipp | Ryan Nipp, MD | 64.85 |
28 | @CMommyDesigns | Tiffany | 63.76 |
29 | @teamoncology | Naoto Ueno, MD, PhD | 63.73 |
30 | @MichaelWosnick | Michael Wosnick, PhD | 63.7 |
31 | @APTjimmy | Jimmy Norman | 63.59 |
32 | @abcdiagnosis | Jo Taylor | 63.37 |
33 | @delythjmorgan | Delyth Morgan | 62.96 |
34 | @senrobportman | Rob Portman | 61.74 |
35 | @whereisdaz | Dr Darren Saunders | 60.52 |
36 | @StaceyABurling | Stacey Burling | 61.37 |
37 | @AmandaHaddock | Amanda Haddock | 61.28 |
38 | @jgkfan | Justin Gaard | 61.27 |
39 | @DrJackieWalters | Dr. Jackie Walters | 60.25 |
40 | @corrie_painter | Corrie Painter, PhD | 60.13 |
41 | @mtmdphd | Mike Thompson, MDPhD | 60.09 |
42 | @Haroon_Mota | Haroon Mota | 60.08 |
43 | @timdarv | Tim Darvell | 59.05 |
44 | @Majormac1 | Robin Holmes | 58.03 |
45 | @DrKhouryCDC | Dr. Muin Khoury | 57 |
46 | @OphiraG | Ophira Ginsburg | 56.94 |
47 | @ZawadiNyongo | Zawadi Nyong’o | 56.75 |
48 | @Evbcuik | Emma Anderson | 56.71 |
49 | @TomIarocci | Tom Iarocci, M.D. | 56.55 |
50 | @melaphukanoma | Mark Williams | 56.31 |
TOP 100 Brands
With all the discussion and resources available online, our analysis produced a great set of independent information resources and communities. Influential organisations such as Cancer Research UK and Anthony Nolan are leading the debate.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @CR_UK | Cancer Research UK | 100 |
2 | @SU2C | Stand Up To Cancer | 99.5 |
3 | @CancerResearch | Cancer Research Inst | 99.19 |
4 | @NHAparty | The NHA Party | 98.51 |
5 | @Pelotonia | Pelotonia | 98.13 |
6 | @AnthonyNolan | Anthony Nolan | 98.11 |
7 | @FifthThird | Fifth Third Bank | 97.22 |
8 | @theNCI | National Cancer Inst | 96.63 |
9 | @macmillancancer | Macmillan Cancer | 96.61 |
10 | @RonanFoundation | Ronan Thompson Fdn | 95.33 |
11 | @breastcancernow | Breast Cancer Now | 95.27 |
12 | @OSUCCC_James | The James | 95.19 |
13 | @Bowel_Cancer_UK | Bowel Cancer UK | 94.78 |
14 | @BeClearonCancer | Be Clear on Cancer | 94.03 |
15 | @bmsnews | Bristol-Myers Squibb | 93.88 |
16 | @metavivor | METAvivor | 92.54 |
17 | @cancersociety | Cdn Cancer Society | 91.07 |
18 | @StBaldricks | St. Baldrick’s | 90.4 |
19 | @beatbloodcancer | Beat Blood Cancers | 90.01 |
20 | @DanaFarber | Dana-Farber | 89.7 |
21 | @BCCare | Breast Cancer Care | 89.7 |
22 | @sloan_kettering | Sloan Kettering | 89.45 |
23 | @raceforlife | Race for Life | 88.25 |
24 | @CLIC_Sargent | CLIC Sargent | 88.17 |
25 | @AmericanCancer | American Cancer Soc | 87.92 |
26 | @GdnVoluntary | Guardian Voluntary | 87.57 |
27 | @AACR | AACR | 86.96 |
28 | @NHSEngland | NHS England | 86.75 |
29 | @ASCO | ASCO | 86.57 |
30 | @AlexsLemonade | Alex’s Lemonade | 85.53 |
31 | @ICR_London | The ICR | 85.48 |
32 | @wcrfint | WCRF International | 84.34 |
33 | @TheVFoundation | The V Foundation | 83.82 |
34 | @Cancer_Research | ACRF | 82.69 |
35 | @bikeVeloSano | VeloSano | 81.67 |
36 | @CareFlash | CareFlash | 80.59 |
37 | @thePMCF | Princess Margaret CF | 79.31 |
38 | @OHSUKnight | OHSUKnight | 78.29 |
39 | @OttawaHospital | The Ottawa Hospital | 77.79 |
40 | @NCIEpiTraining | Cancer Epidemiology | 76.62 |
41 | @cancer_wales | CancerResearchWales | 75.62 |
42 | @ProstateUK | Prostate Cancer UK | 75.58 |
43 | @Ludwig_Cancer | Ludwig Cancer | 75.48 |
44 | @CNIO_Cancer | CNIO Cancer Centre | 75.29 |
45 | @CRUK_Policy | CRUK Policy | 74.28 |
46 | @NCICancerCtrl | NCI Cancer Control | 73.26 |
47 | @ClevelandClinic | Cleveland Clinic | 70.21 |
48 | @MCRCnews | MCRC | 68.17 |
49 | @myoddballs | OddBalls | 67.07 |
50 | @NCICancerStats | NCI Cancer Stats | 66.91 |
Influencer Marketing campaigns generate impressive results, the average earned media value (EMV) from US influencer marketing programs was 1.4 times higher in H1 2015 than the overall average in full-year 2014. At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Machine to Machine, Wearable Tech, Internet of Things) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around cancer care. The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations are independent of a user’s number of followers, but we do filter our lists based on how much a user is engaged in the conversation and the influence they drive through their networks.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 cancer care influencers and brands