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CES 2017: Top 100 Influencers and Brands

by | Jan 26, 2017 | Influencer Lists, ,

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was back in Las Vegas to celebrate its 50th edition surrounded by a new wave of gadgets to add to the Internet of Things library, drones, robots and even a smart bed. Also, a new round of innovation promising to change FinTech and the core of the financial industry forever.  This is due to what a more mature Blockchain technology will bring: new payment systems that will expand international commerce, support financial inclusion and create new forms of e-commerce, making it faster and transnational. It will also revolutionise the banking system starting from its core, with some Central Banks exploring and adopting digital currencies across markets that will share its will with traditional currencies.

CES also witnessed the unveiling of another rising technology, CarTech. The 50th anniversary edition of the Show was also the most important for the car industry, with 11 tier-one auto suppliers and more than 300 vehicle-tech related exhibitors. Major industry players like Mercedes, Ford, BMW, FCA and Volkswagen showed off new automotive tech ranging from self-driving systems and electric cars to new user interfaces.


We reached out to some of the top influencers on our list to ask them for their views on CES 2017. We spoke to Jim Harris (#1), Evan Kirstel (#5), Marsha Collier (#13), Lauren Goode (#16), Anne Munition (#21) and Gary Shapiro (#25). Be sure to follow them to stay up-to-date on the best content and resources about Consumer Electronics!

Jim HarrisOnalytica CES2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Jim Harris – International Bestselling Author & Speaker at Disruptive Innovation
“Uber is worth more than 1) GM and 2) all North American taxi cab companies combined. Disruptive technologies are radically changing businesses, governments and customer experience. At CES I focus on the technologies driving disruptive innovation and new business models.”

Evan Kirstel – Social Media Business Strategist  (advisor) at
“When Tom Edison first recorded voice in 1877, it transformed the way we think about voice as we can hear others and even ourselves.  Fast forward at CES 2017 the transformation continues as now these voice machines are conversational listening and then acting upon what we say.  Alexa, Siri and so many others portend to say they are “personal assistants” allowing us to send commands, orders and soon likely discuss our innermost feelings.  Incar, inhome, inoffice and inanywhere will bring voice to many new applications. Filling the gap where hand touch action cannot go is even more exciting.  The funny and dark side will also force users to make sure they use the right words carefully as you may not want the police along with the pizza you ordered!”

Onalytica CES2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Marsha CollierMarsha Collier – Freelance Author at John Wiley and Sons

“I have been attending Consumer Electronics Show (CES) for the past 19 years, first as an adjunct to my writing, now also for my #techradio show. What I learn at the event helps me understand technology trends in the coming year. As I ramp up to attend the conference, I read posts from tech brands to familiarize myself with what I will see and who the players are. Also, the @CES and @CTAtech Twitter accounts send a swath of information prior to the show. At CES, I pay most attention to the startups and innovators who have addressed needs that must to solved.  Important too, are the changed in direction for major technologies. Before and during the show I share what I’m learning, seeing and hearing. I shared the information on social media with the #CES2017 hashtag for continuity. When I return from the show, I confirm my observations and follow up with a blog post and wrap up on my #techradio show. I learn and the community learns. It’s a win-win.”

Onalytica CES2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Lauren Goode
Lauren Goode – Senior Technology Editor at The Verge

While some big publications have scaled back coverage of CES in recent years, The Verge still sees CES as one of the essential consumer technology events of the year. Some of the technology we see there won’t make it to market or might even be downright bizarre, but it’s still an opportunity to see and evaluate innovative technology from all over the world, consolidated in one place.

Onalytica CES2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Anne MunitionAnne Munition – Content Creator and Video Game Broadcaster at Twitch 
“CES 2017 was my first time attending the massive technology conference; I was blown away by the diversity of content and the brilliant minds shaping our future. As a video game broadcaster and content creator, it was inspiring to see how companies are creating tools that will directly impact how I can interact with my audiences and produce unique, high-quality entertainment. From virtual reality to high-end PC builds to robotics, CES 2017 opened my eyes to the world of tomorrow as a consumer and creator.”

Gary ShapiroOnalytica CES2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Gary Shapiro – President and CEO at Consumer Technology Association
“CES 2017 catapulted us to a connected world! With 5G, cars, , clothes, content, health care, sports, travel, AR, VR, robotics, gaming and entertainment it had over 175k top executives gather for the world’s largest innovation event!”


CES is one of the biggest Consumer Electronics Shows in the world. This year, the show celebrated its 50th anniversary, for these reasons we were very interested in seeing which social influencers and brands were leading the Consumer Electronics Show 2017 discussion. In order to identify these social influencers and brands we first looked at the CES conversation, and as Twitter remains the best platform for its open data policies we started by extracting over 400K Tweets from 17th December 2016 – 10th January 2017 mentioning the key words: (“CES 2017” OR CES17 OR CES2017 OR “Consumer Electronics Show”). We then added these tweets and accounts into our database, categorized and curated by hand a top 100 list of influencers and brands ranked on a combination of the 4 Rs (Resonance, Relevance, Reach and Reference). These accounts were then added into our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM).

Below you can see a network map of the conversations with the number one influencer Jim Harris at the centre. Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.Onalytica - CES 2017 - Network Map Jim Harris
Below you can see another network map created with in IRM showing the number 1 brand Intel at the centre. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!

Onalytica - CES 2017 - Network Map Intel


We were interested in seeing which topics drove more conversation during CES 2017, so we analysed Tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers and brands between 17th December 2016 – 10th January 2017, and counted the number of times various tech topics were mentioned to create a topic share of voice pie chart:

Onalytica CES 2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Topic Share of Voice

The most popular topic mentioned in Tweets and blog posts by CES top 100 brands and influencers was Fintech with a 21% share of voice, illustrating how a conjunction between startups, innovation and technology is reshaping the Financial Industry. Artificial Intelligence was the second most popular topic, receiving 17% of all mentions among the top influencers and brands due to an increasing interest in Intelligent Assistants, IoT, Big Data and Machine Learning. Another growing Industry theme, Internet Of Things was the third the most popular topics with a 14% share of voice. A larger number of devices carry chipsets and sensors that allow them to be connected to the Internet and collect useful data that customers and companies can use to measure how good or bad they perform in a certain activity. For example, smartwatches and smart wristbands have gone mainstream in the last three years, with millions of runners, cyclists and swimmers using them to monitor physical activity.

Big Data was fourth receiving a 9% share of voice. There were several conferences on how Big Data “hits the education sector” and data scientists building the equivalent of Internet in 1995. This is growing sector for new businesses as some experts forecast that an average person will generate 1.5 gigabytes of data per day by 2020 and a car 4 gigabytes. This shows the growing importance of Data in IoT and the new consumer electronics products. Blockchain, a technology promising to go mainstream in 2017 and to change forever how the global financial services industry works by bringing new payment and e-commerce services and removing international barriers that will boost commerce, also achieved 9%.

Startup was also mentioned in the 9% Tweets and blog posts. CES is one of the biggest Consumer Electronics Shows in the world and one of the most important showcases for hundreds of new businesses to show  their products, services and ideas. Donald Trump was also a big topic at CES 2017, receiving 7% of all mentions, due to the uncertainty the 45th President of the USA is raising in key areas such as regulation, policy, business tax or US government spending. As more and more gadgets and services are connected to the Internet these days a growing number of datasets has become available online and a growing number of people is concerned about Privacy. Data scientists and other professionals discussed in conferences and roundtables the best way to share data online and how to standardise it by maintaining a solid privacy standard. This topic collected a 6% share of voice. Payments, gained over 5% of all Tweets and blog posts due to the new payment methods and other novelties that FinTech and Blockchain will bring to International Payments and E-commerce. Finally, Machine Learning, strongly related with Big Data and IoT, summed up 4% of all mentions among the top 100 CES 2017 influencers and brands.
Onalytica CES 2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Top Brands Share of Voice

After looking at the most commented topics during CES 2017 we checked tech most popular brands. Thanks to the huge interest in the new intelligent assistants, Amazon Echo, Google Home and Apple, home, these three american brands were mentioned in more than 60% of the engaged Tweets and blog Posts. Tech, digital and new media covered broadly Echo, –one speaker with voice control connected to Alexa – and this is why Amazon received 21% of all mentions on Twitter and blogs. Rumors linked to Apple developing a similar device with Siri as Smart Assistant, made the Cupertino brand second in our list with 20% of all mentions.  Google was third with 19% of all tweets and blogs with mixed reviews on their new Google Pixel smartphone, comparisons between Google Home and Amazon Echo and some Android allusions by journalists commenting new devices. Samsung was fourth with 10% of all mentions. There was a big amount of media rumors around the new Samsung S8 look, materials and components after their profits have plummeted to a nine year low. Microsoft was fifth with 7% of all commentaries and  Intel was sixth receiving 5% of all tweet and blog commentaries. LG achieved 4% followed by Sony with 3%. Finally, Lenovo, Dell and Huawei were mentioned in 2% of all Tweets and blog posts published by our top 100 brands and influencers.

Although not being part of our most engaged topics, some tech magazines like Mashable predicted the rise of chinese brands as one of “the 10 tech trends that will rule CES 2017”. Brands like Hisense, LeEco and TCL hosted major events and released new products, mainly TV, that compete on tech and price with traditional Consumer Electronics Brands like Sony, LG, Philips, and Samsung. They join smartphone brands, like Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi that compete now with the most established brands for sales in all market segments. Some brands, like Huawei, are now european market leaders in countries like Spain, where the medium and low range of the market are really important, and they sell more than Apple or Samsung.
Onalytica CES 2017 Top 100 Influencers and Brands Top 20 Products Share of Voice

Finally, after checking the Top Topics and Brands at CES 2017, we also checked which products were mentioned the most on Twitter and Blogs among the top 100 influencers and brands. For this reason, we tracked a list of 60 products awarded by the Consumer Technology Association under the Best of Innovation category. The most popular innovation at CES 2017 was the Huawei Mate 9 which achieved 23% of all mentions on Twitter and Blogs. The second one was Kuri Robot Nanny was mentioned in 10%, meanwhile the new Lenovo Yoga Book, third, received 7%. Forth were the version of the Asus Zenfone 3 and HP Spectre 13 with 6% of all mentions. Garmin Fenix 5 and Lenovo Phab 2 were sixth, being commented in 5% of all Tweets and blog posts. After these established products ranked three innovative appliances, Zera food Recycler, Kerastase Hair coach and Sleep Number 360, with 4% of all mentions.


Below is a list of the top 50 influencers talking about CES 2017 on Twitter. If you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below!

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RankTwitter HandleNameCompanyInfluencer Score
1@JimHarrisJim HarrisBlindsided100
2@briantongBrian TongCBS Interactive66.39
3@ariannahuffArianna HuffingtonThrive Global60.95
4@PogueDavid PogueYahoo Tech57.48
5@BrianRoemmeleBrian RoemmelePayFinders.com55.00
6@evankirstelEvan KirstelUCStrategies.com53.57
7@JoannaSternJoanna SternThe Wall Street Journal51.28
8@recklessnilay patelThe Verge50.43
9@chrisboshChris BoshMiami Heat46.61
10@austinnotduncanAustin EvansAustin Evans, The Best of Technology45.74
11@rickyrozayYung Rénzél 🏇Maybach Music Group45.04
12@CaseyNewtonCasey NewtonThe Verge42.14
13@MarshaCollierMarsha CollierJohn Wiley and sons39.77
14@aishatylerAisha TylerCo-host the Talk at CBS39.67
15@briansolisBrian SolisAltimeter Group39.11
16@LanceUlanoffLance UlanoffMashable37.70
17@karaswisherKara SwisherRecode37.59
18@LaurenGoodeLauren GoodeThe Verge37.40
19@anandmahindraanand mahindraMahindra36.63
20@waltmossbergWalt MossbergThe Verge36.10
21@2morrowknightSean Gardner 🌐World Communications Forum in Davos34.97
22@OttLegalRebelsMarc R Gagné MAPPGagne Legal34.64
23@JennyMcCarthyJenny McCarthySiriusXM34.54
24@AnneMunitionAnne @ CES 2017Anne Munition34.29
25@BajheeraWoWBajheeraSponsored by Twitch34.22
26@backlonDieter BohnThe Verge33.86
27@UnboxTherapyLewisUnbox Therapy33.39
28@GaryShapiroGary ShapiroConsumer Technology Association32.95
29@JustinTrudeauJustin TrudeauLiberal Party of Canada32.68
30@alevergara78alejandro vergaraInjause32.33
31@SalihSarikayaSalih SARIKAYADigital Review32.26
33@AprilFilmsApril SmithAha Media32.05
34@Megan_NicolettMegan FarokhmaneshThe Verge31.97
35@jimcramerJim CramerThe Street31.77
37@soledadobrienSoledad O’BrienStarfish Media Group31.70
38@geoffreyfowlerGeoffrey A. FowlerWall Street Journal31.68
39@MikeGascoyneMike GascoyneMGI Consultancy30.91
40@mollywoodMolly WoodMarketplace30.89
41@TamaraMcClearyTamara McClearyThulium.co30.87
42@NelsonPiquetNelson Piquet Jr.NextEV Formula E team30.87
43@Bharper3407Bryce HarperWashington Nationals30.63
44@shailendra_nairShailendra NairPepsiCo29.47
45@SoledadOnettoSoledad Onetto G.OP29.23
46@dannysullivanDanny SullivanMarketing Land & Search Engine Land27.64
47@suthichaisuthichaiNation Multimedia Group27.24
48@WarrenWhitlockWarren WhitlockSocial Media Team Management26.66
49@MKBHDMarques BrownleeMKBHD26.37
50@bheaterBrian HeaterTechCrunch25.95



Here is a list of the top 50 brands talking about CES 2017 on Twitter. If you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list!

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RankTwitter HandleNameInfluencer Score
7@vergeThe Verge32.83
8@BBCWorldBBC News (World)32.75
9@intelIntel #CES201731.89
18@DigitalTrendsDigital Trends17.29
20@LGUSLG Electronics16.68
21@businessinsiderBusiness Insider16.13
26@FaradayFutureFaraday Future15.20
27@TheNextWebTNW @ CES 201715.03
29@FIAformulaEFIA Formula E14.67
30@IntelGamingIntel Gaming14.03
34@FastCompanyFast Company13.27
36@NBCNewsNBC News12.29
37@Divergent3DDivergent 3D12.23
42@NVIDIAGeForceNVIDIA GeForce11.02
43@LinusTechLinus Tech Tips11.00
45@MensHealthMagMen’s Health Mag10.80
46@FordFord Motor Company10.67
48@amgreetingsAmerican Greetings10.43
50@ToyotaToyota USA10.42


Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 150K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. These influencers are then ranked by Reach, Resonance, Relevance and Reference.


Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around CES 2017.

The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s resonance (engagement), relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.



CES 2017


Download this free report which reveals the top 100 CES 2017 influencers and brands