Connected home (also known as smart home, or home automation) involves the control and automation of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and security, as well as home appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators/freezers. Modern systems generally consist of switches and sensors connected to a central hub from which the system is controlled with a user interface, often via the internet. The connected home market is predicted to be worth almost US$150 billion globally by 2020, representing 35% average annual growth over this period.
We reached out to some of the top influencers on our list to ask them for their views on connected home. We spoke to Evan Kirstel (#1), Andreas Staub (#2), Carley Knobloch (#5), Christopher Danvers (#7), Fabienne Neymarck (#10), Glen Gilmore (#11), J Michael Palermo IV (#16), Tamara McCleary (#14). Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on crowdfunding.
Evan Kirstel – Social Media Business Strategist (Advisor) at
“While tech giants all want to sit at the center of the smart home, its unclear as to the route to success, especially the winning economic model. Some will just sell hardware while others will try to sell services, such as video/security, as well as devices, while providing managed services. The products that will sell into the smart home will be diverse, personal and internet connected. That should give plenty of companies a shot at winning in the home—but only if & when consumers decide to buy them en masse!”
Andreas Staub – Managing Partner FehrAdvice & Partners AG
“Smart Home is at the beginning. More comfort with intelligent fridges or sustainability through efficient energy control will be mainstream. And of course, embedding the IoT in our lives and the usage of more connected devices will raise questions about security and privacy. Behavioral insurance or telematics – today focused on connected cars – will include the connected home and healthcare. In this sense the most interesting aspects are not the “smart things” or the tech but the dimension of behavioral change. Are we and our decision making getting smarter? That’s where Behavioral Economics will contribute with a lot of insights.”
Carley Knobloch – CEO & Founder of
“We’ve seen pretty much any device you can think of can become “connected” in recent years (Belts? Forks?!), but it’s time to move to the next level of intelligence. Consumers want connected home devices that offer peace of mind and anticipate their needs: Think locks that text you when your kids get home from school, or a thermostat that turns itself down when you leave for work. Connected devices that are tapping into deep consumer needs by making good use of the data they’re collecting are going to be the winners in the field. In other words, thoughtful is the new smart.”
Christopher Danvers – Vice President Payments & Digital Services at American Airlines Federal Credit Union
“Beyond controlling your house remotely or via voice control with new devices like the Amazon Echo, there’s a huge opportunity to advance payments through the connected home. As payments for your everyday items become more invisible; occurring as you naturally move throughout your day, the connected home will play a large role in the future of commerce. Today we explicitly make a payment with a card or by tapping a mobile device, but devices (IoT) can intuitively make everyday payments on your behalf. Think about the thermostat or water meter that pays your utilities every month, or better yet helps you manage your utility usage within your household budget. Or, your fridge that senses when you’re running low on your everyday items and orders grocery delivery or pickup at your local store based on your calendar and regular commute schedule.”
Fabienne Neymarck – Sales Administration at Ascendeo France
“The house becomes smart and now obeys every word. Everything is controlled, more often, by the smartphone and the offer is simple. Nowadays, the real interest for safety, health and energy optimization is growing. The connected home market arouses envy of internet’s giants to the famous groups, through telecom operators and start-ups.”
Glen Gilmore – Principal at Gilmore Business Network
“At the moment, “smart homes” can be dumb and dangerous homes when connected devices don’t have proper cybersecurity, giving hackers easy entry into a connected home. We’ve seen baby monitors hacked with images broadcast online and refrigerators used to introduce malware to computer systems. We’ve also already seen an instance of a massive number of connected home devices being “weaponized” to knock out websites like Twitter and the New York Times. Despite how alarming the scary stories about smart homes sound, the real story is that connected homes will become commonplace in the very near future. Past instances of smart home cybersecurity breaches are leading to tougher standards to protect consumers and to make homeowners aware of the responsibilities that come with a connected home. Yes, this means that your smart refrigerator may need a password and that some of your older “smart” appliances may need to be replaced! We live an age when nearly every consumer product is being connected to the internet, hence the term, “the Internet of Things”. Whether you like it or not, you, too, will soon be living in a connected home as you naturally upgrade your home appliances. The lesson? Get smart about smart homes!”
J Michael Palermo IV – Sr. Alexa Evangelist at Amazon Smart Home
“Voice is the future – we believe that voice will fundamentally improve the way people will interact with technology. It can make the complex simple—it’s the most natural and convenient user interface.”
Tamara McCleary – CEO & Brand Ambassador at Thulium
“At the intersection of the Internet of Things and Machine Learning we land upon the greatest driver of innovation: human convenience. At the apex of future ease is the Connected Home. Human convenience is easily assimilated into human necessity, and resistance is futile. Remember when inflight Wi-Fi was a delicious miracle? Now it’s an expectation causing much duress if unavailable. I predict the Connected Home will be woven into the fabric of our daily human existence as an expectation, and it’s fast approaching a neighborhood near you. Even touch-screens will become obsolete as we discover the convenience of voice activation versus the inconvenience of needing a finger to touch a screen. Any object requiring physical manipulation will begin to vanish, and yes, *gasp* this will include our beloved mobile phones. Voice enabled devices in Connected Homes will become the standard, and machine learning will catapult us into the realm of voice contextual sensing, enabling an autonomous-like home which senses what we need and accommodates us based upon learning to listen for context. The Connected Home will monitor our energy efficiency, our health, wellness, food spoilage, pantry inventory and purchasing, home environmental quality, external environmental quality, and personalized entertainment. Security and privacy are up next to bat in the opportunity for wider acceptance and generalized adoption in the Connected Home space. I’m optimistic for a home run.”
We were interested in seeing which topics were spoken of the most in the context of connected home, so we analysed tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers and brands between 1st January – 8th October 2016 and counted the number of times various topics were mentioned to create a topic share of voice pie chart:
The most popular topic mentioned in tweets and blogs by the top connected home influencers was Network and Wireless with a 29% share of voice, illustrating the massive importance of wifi and networking within the connected home space. Alarms and Sensors was the 2nd most popular topic with 18% of all topic mentions, proving how important home security is in the context of connected home. The 3rd most popular topic was Streaming Media and Entertainment with a 13% share of voice, whilst the topic of Smart Lighting received a 13% share of voice. Heating and Cooling received a 6% share of mentions, followed by Vacuum Cleaners with 5%. The topics of Routers, Amazon Echo, Door Locks and Thermostats all received a 4% share of mentions among the top 100 connected homeinfluencers and brands.
We were very interested in seeing which brand and individuals were leading the discussion around connected home, so we analysed over 53K tweets mentioning the key words: “Connected Home” OR “Connected Homes” OR connectedhome OR connectedhomes OR “Smart Home” OR “Smart Homes” OR smarthome OR smarthomes from the 20th August – 20th October 2016. We then identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. What we discovered was a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation with number one individual Evan Kirstel at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.

We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers in connected home. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | 100 |
2 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | 72.61 |
3 | @mounirzok | Mounir Zok | 44.22 |
4 | @thedavedev | David Isbitski | 38.69 |
5 | @CarleyKnobloch | Carley Knobloch | 33.22 |
6 | @HinaMunirGER | Hina Munir | 25.24 |
7 | @kingofpayments | Christopher Danvers | 24.2 |
8 | @AidyWoodrup | Aidy Woodrup | 23.6 |
9 | @OttLegalRebels | Marc R Gagné MAPP | 22.91 |
10 | @ArkangelScrap | ArkangelScrap | 19.68 |
11 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore #SocBiz | 19.48 |
12 | @roomeezon | Imran Hafeez Panhwar | 19.45 |
13 | @CEDIA_Vin | Vincent Bruno | 17.26 |
14 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | 17.02 |
15 | @JMOTA3 | Johnny Mota | 15.67 |
16 | @palermo4 | J Michael Palermo IV | 15.15 |
17 | @RoadWarriorsUSA | Kevin Hill | 14.88 |
18 | @CustomisedStaff | Customised Anna | 13.68 |
19 | @ryanmathews | Ryan | 13.36 |
20 | @kreativfaktor | N.Schumann / Bremen | 13.16 |
21 | @Methone | Methone | 12.73 |
22 | @newscaster | Kimberly Lancaster | 12.45 |
23 | @RichSimmondsZA | Rich Simmonds | 12.36 |
24 | @M_Ritter | Michael Ritter | 12.33 |
25 | @kimballhal | Hal Kimball | 12.01 |
26 | @juliejacobson | Julie Jacobson/CEPro | 11.73 |
27 | @alexwoodcreates | Alex Wood | 11.61 |
28 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | 11.01 |
29 | @carolyntweet | Carolyn Devadawson | 10.48 |
30 | @COatParks | Chris O’Dell | 10.42 |
31 | @phoebusboy1 | phoebusboy1 | 10.06 |
32 | @jamesdearsley | James Dearsley | 9.97 |
33 | @FreedomFireCom | Michael E Lemm | 9.88 |
34 | @wrightsew | Eric Wright | 9.87 |
35 | @Pjotrww | Pieter de Wit | 9.86 |
36 | @grattonboy | Dean Anthony Gratton | 9.56 |
37 | @AlexHorovitz | Alex Horovitz | 9.51 |
38 | @SmallBizResCafe | Michael Lemm | 9.37 |
39 | @GiraUK01 | Muir Baxter (GIRA) | 9.19 |
40 | @StacieinAtlanta | Stacie H Connerty | 9.17 |
41 | @garyjdavis | Gary Davis | 9.06 |
42 | @cybersecboardrm | Bob Carver | 9 |
43 | @ivoryegg | Ivory Egg | 8.96 |
44 | @w9bed_bryan | Bryan Davis | 8.84 |
45 | @ckindel | Charlie Kindel | 8.81 |
46 | @83Kindy | kindy Dramé | 8.7 |
47 | @lisabriercliffe | Lisa B | 8.54 |
48 | @apthomas | Andrew Thomas | 8.49 |
49 | @thebrandbuilder | Olivier Blanchard | 8.47 |
50 | @kaikreuzer | Kai Kreuzer | 8.41 |
We also looked at all the brands engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top brands talking about connected home. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in connected home.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @CNET | CNET | 100 |
2 | @HelloInspire | Inspire | 85.48 |
3 | @RWW | ReadWrite | 50.75 |
4 | @SmarthomeInc | Smarthome Inc. | 42.24 |
5 | @LSI_France | LE SAVOIR INDUSTRIEL | 35 |
6 | @smartcityfeed | Smart City Feed | 32.14 |
7 | @Things_Internet | Internet of Things | 30.51 |
8 | @TechRepublic | TechRepublic | 28.38 |
9 | @CNETSmartHome | CNET Smart Home | 27.97 |
10 | @frenchweb | frenchweb | 27.42 |
11 | @Nubryte | NuBryte | 26.11 |
12 | @Smart__Homes_ | Smart Homes | 25.44 |
13 | @BoschGlobal | BoschGlobal | 25.37 |
14 | @timesofindia | Times of India | 24.92 |
15 | @panasonic | Panasonic Corp. | 24.75 |
16 | @Digi_Tech_sm | Digi-tech | 23.69 |
17 | @FastCompany | Fast Company | 22.59 |
18 | @AlarmDotCom | | 22.41 |
19 | @itknowingness | IT Knowingness | 20.83 |
20 | @ZWave | Z-Wave | 20.72 |
21 | @EDFofficiel | EDF Officiel | 20.56 |
22 | @TheNextWeb | The Next Web | 17.97 |
23 | @_shadeworks | Shade Works | 17.05 |
24 | @ZWave_Alliance | Z-Wave Alliance | 16.98 |
25 | @netatmo | Netatmo | 16.84 |
26 | @Smarthomesimply | Smarthome-simplified | 16.16 |
27 | @IBCIPL | Business Excellence | 15.85 |
28 | @CEDIA | CEDIA | 15.06 |
29 | @TillmanDomotics | Tillman Domotics | 15.05 |
30 | @_ConnectedHome_ | Connected Magazine | 15.02 |
31 | @AutomatingMan | Smart Home Insights | 14.8 |
32 | @binaryloom | The Binary Loom | 14.21 |
33 | @BoschPresse | BoschPresse | 13.63 |
34 | @Smart_Summit | Smart Summit Series | 13.5 |
35 | @ThingsVentures | ThingsVentures | 13.37 |
36 | @SquidAutomates | Squid Automates | 13.26 |
37 | @BYourSmartHome | buildyoursmarthome | 13.15 |
38 | @smartthings | SmartThings | 12.93 |
39 | @SmartHomeSolver | Smart Home Solver | 12.83 |
40 | @iotworldnews | IoT World News | 12.63 |
41 | @cbundy711 | Cbundy | 12.63 |
42 | @nest | Nest | 12.15 |
43 | @Control4 | Control4 | 11.71 |
44 | @ParksAssociates | Parks Associates | 11.52 |
45 | @StartUpRealTime | StartUpNews | 11.28 |
46 | @Smart_QUBE | SMART QUBE | 11.24 |
47 | @EnergyCurb | Curb | 10.74 |
48 | @Lutron | Lutron Electronics | 10.63 |
49 | @heiseonline | heise online | 10.48 |
50 | @BestShopBee | BestShopBee | 10.25 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around connected home.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 Connected Home influencers and brands