Whether you need to pay a household bill, find a job or maintain contact with your family and relatives, going online has become essential part of our every day lives. For many though, this is still a daunting prospect. They might not possess the right skills, motivation and trust to confidently go online, they might not even have access to a computer. Digital inclusion and accessibility is about reaching out to those people and helping them develop their digital capabilities, and improving their access to these services.
We reached out to some of the top influencers on our list to ask them for their views on digital inclusion and accessibility. We spoke to Antonio Santos (#8), Neil Milliken (#11) and John Popham (#20). Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on digital inclusion and accessibility.
Marcy Sutton -Senior Front-End Engineer at Deque
“As web creators, we have both the responsibility and the opportunity to make websites and applications that work for as many people as possible. This includes people with disabilities who rely on the accessible web to live more productive lives. By advocating for them, I can use my voice to amplify the importance of Inclusive Design and try to make the web a better place–tweet by tweet, article by article, demo by demo. It’s imperative that we bring people along while we educate them about digital accessibility. And social media is a fantastic resource for that greater purpose.”
Antonio Santos – Social Media Business Evangelist / Lead for Social Activation and Training at Atos
“Accessibility is not a feature, it’s a social trend. Technology should be used to improve the way we communicate, learn and live. When I started AXSChat Twitter Chat with Debra Ruh and Neil Milliken two years ago, our main purpose was to take the conversations around accessibility and digital inclusion outside the normal groups and create a space where everybody could join, listen, contribute or evangelise about the importance of creating a more inclusive web. As result of those conversations, I regularly receive calls via Skype from people asking for more information in relation to topics like neurodiversity, accessibility resources in social media, reduction of the digital divide, how to caption live events etc. People have approached me in the street, saying that they don’t participate in the Twitter chat, but that they listen to the conversation every week. They appreciate the work we are doing when we talk about disclosing a disability at work, but their employer is not ready. This helps them to cope with their fragility, because they know that the world is not ignoring the space that they are entitledto, at the workplace and in society.”
John Popham – Digital Storyteller and Social Entrepreneur at John Popham
“For me digital inclusion is one of the major issues of our time. People who are missing out on making full and effective use of the internet are disadvantaged in so many ways. For them, life is more expensive, lonelier, and much less rich in opportunity. And yet much of society simply assumes that we are all living in the digital age, while the pace of change leaves the digitally excluded even further behind. And even where efforts are made to address the issue, so much of policy and practice has yet to catch up with the reality of how we live our digital lives, with resources wasted on classroom initiatives aimed at encouraging people to get to grips with word-processing and spreadsheets, when what they really need is inspiration to explore how digital technologies can enhance their lives, help them communicate with distant friends and relatives, and add much-needed fun to their daily routines.”
Neil Milliken – Head of Accessibility & Digital Inclusion at Atos
“Accessibility is personal to users – It is allowing personalisation that allows people to do stuff they couldn’t otherwise do. Accessibility is about ensuring everyone is included. Everyone is unique, we all have different needs and use technology in ways that suit our needs. Accessibility is all about allowing people to do stuff in a way that suits them best. Sounds a lot like user preference right? Alastair Sommerville (@AcuityDesign) refers to accessibility as “Extreme Personalisation”. In my day job for Atos I deliver accessibility & digital inclusion for staff and clients – it’s an exciting and challenging role. We’ve built a core team of inclusive technologists and will continue to work on inclusive user experiences. I also co-founded AXSChat with Debra Ruh and Antonio Santos to stimulate inclusive conversations & help grow the community that is working towards a more inclusive society. The AXSChat community has really delivered we have fantastic engagement with the hashtag rippling across social media 1.3billion times since March 2015. Every time I get frustrated with accessibility and the challenges of delivery, I take a step back and think of the things above, remember why I love working in the field of digital inclusion.”
We were interested in seeing which topics were spoken of the most in the context of digital inclusion and accessibility, so we analysed tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers and brands between 1st January – 11th October 2016 and counted the number of times various topics were mentioned to create a topic share of voice pie chart:
The most popular topic mentioned in tweets and blogs by the top digital inclusion and accessibility influencers by a long way was Education with a 53% share of voice, illustrating the massive importance of Education services within digital inclusion and accessibility. Innovation was the 2nd most popular topic with 24% of all topic mentions among the top digital inclusion and accessibility influencers and brands, proving how innovation is of paramount importance in the digital inclusion market. The 3rd most popular topic was Accessibility with a 9% share of voice, whilst the topic of Support received a 4% share of voice, followed by User Experience with a 3%. The topics of Disability and Strategy both received a 2% of the mentions followed lastly by mentions of Government with received a 1% of all mentions among the top 100 digital inclusion and accessibility influencers and brands.
We were very interested in seeing which brand and individuals were leading the discussion around digital inclusion and accessibility, so we analysed over 53K tweets mentioning the key words: ((Accessibility OR Accessible) AND (Web OR digital OR Internet OR website)) OR “Digital Inclusion” OR digitalinclusion from the 5th July – 2nd October 2016. We then identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. What we discovered was a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation with number one individual Valerie Jarrett at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below you can see another network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) showing the number 3 brand WAI at W3C at the centre and all the conversations to and from the influencers in their field. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers in Digital Inclusion and Accessibility. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @vj44 | Valerie Jarrett | The White House | 100 |
2 | @kevinaggett1 | Kevin Aggett | RPS Group | 98.37 |
3 | @rob_dodson | Rob Dodson | 95.93 | |
4 | @addyosmani | Addy Osmani | 91.07 | |
5 | @marcysutton | Marcy Sutton | Deque | 61.68 |
6 | @SaraSoueidan | Sara Soueidan | Freelance | 33 |
7 | @zeldman | Jeffrey Zeldman | studio.zeldman | 21.25 |
8 | @akwyz | Antonio Santos | Atos | 21.23 |
9 | @stevefaulkner | Steve Faulkner | The Paciello Group | 20.84 |
10 | @deconspray | Dennis Deacon | Freelance | 20.49 |
11 | @NeilMilliken | Neil Milliken | Atos | 20.19 |
12 | @danjoachim | Joachim | Social Entrepreneurs’ Network – Africa | 19.46 |
13 | @myraclera | Marian Clara Adeaba | GhanaThink Foundation | 19.33 |
14 | @beep | Ethan Marcotte | Responsive Web Design | 18.94 |
15 | @dugboticus | Alistair Duggin | Government Digital Service | 18.7 |
16 | @rsprasad | Ravi Shankar Prasad | Government of India | 18.64 |
17 | @jsutt | Jennifer Sutton | JSutton Media | 18.52 |
18 | @akyherb | Fiifi | Pilologh | 18.41 |
19 | @debraruh | Debra Ruh | Rug Global | 17.88 |
20 | @johnpopham | John Popham | johnpopham.com | 16.47 |
21 | @dboudreau | Denis Boudreau | Deque | 16.24 |
22 | @DavidLepofsky | David Lepofsky | AODA Alliance | 14.31 |
23 | @LFLegal | Lainey Feingold | LF Legal | 14.19 |
24 | @roomeezon | Imran Hafeez Panhwar | Government of Pakistan | 14.13 |
25 | @helenmilner | helen milner | Tinder Foundation | 13.99 |
26 | @specific213 | Antumwini Specific | GhanaThink Foundation | 13.8 |
27 | @SinaBahram | Sina Bahram | Prime Access Consulting | 13.19 |
28 | @mgifford | Mike Gifford | OpenConcept Consulting | 13.15 |
29 | @kentcdodds | Kent C. Dodds | PayPal | 13.05 |
30 | @Jennison | Jennison Asuncion | 13.01 | |
31 | @kumadorian | francis kumadoh | Our Ghana Blog | 12.35 |
32 | @General_KELI | 科力 | GhanaThink Foundation | 12.31 |
33 | @cordeliadillon | Cordelia | Dropbox | 12.13 |
34 | @Gina_Wilson_ | Gina Wilson | Carnegie UK Trust | 11.86 |
35 | @mayabenari | Maya Benari | 18F | 11.66 |
36 | @duncanqwame33 | Duncan E.K. Gablah | GhanaThink Foundation | 11.53 |
37 | @rjstein | Rob Stein | Dallas Museum of Art | 11.27 |
38 | @mholzschlag | molly | Vivaldi | 10.76 |
39 | @pauljadam | Paul J. Adam | Desque Systems | 10.56 |
40 | @edaccessible | Eduardo Meza-Etienne | DC Metro BLN | 10.38 |
41 | @jimbyrnewebdev | Jim Byrne | Jim Byrne Accessible Website Design | 10.1 |
42 | @karlgroves | Karl Groves | The Paciello Group | 10.01 |
43 | @Kwasi_Bruce | K. Frank Bruce | GhanaThink Foundation | 9.75 |
44 | @Pvalsfr | Patrick Roubinet | Coca-Cola | 9.72 |
45 | @mpaciello | Mike Paciello | The Paciello Group | 9.71 |
46 | @pfanderson | P. F. Anderson | University of Michigan | 8.96 |
47 | @JakubJedryszek | Jakub Jedryszek | Microsoft | 8.96 |
48 | @osamidan | Idan Osam | Tigo Ghana | 8.93 |
49 | @CEEKTechnology | Christopher McMillan | Charter Communications | 8.74 |
50 | @CCTetteh | Courage C. Tetteh | LIFE-MAC Network Foundation | 8.73 |
We also looked at all the brands engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top brands talking about Digital Inclusion and Accessibility. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in Digital Inclusion and Accessibility.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @whitehouseostp | The White House OSTP | 100 |
2 | @smashingmag | Smashing Magazine | 79.52 |
3 | @w3c_wai | WAI at W3C | 76.19 |
4 | @ChromiumDev | Chrome Developers | 44.45 |
5 | @Jisc | Jisc | 40.77 |
6 | @educationweek | Education Week | 32.51 |
7 | @CarnegieUKTrust | Carnegie UK Trust | 26.79 |
8 | @MSFTEnable | MSFT Accessibility | 25.88 |
9 | @lullabot | Lullabot | 22.45 |
10 | @DisabledGo | DisabledGo | 17.66 |
11 | @NTENorg | NTEN | 16.67 |
12 | @accessible_rr | Accessibility | 16.2 |
13 | @OnSpecEd | On Special Education | 15.71 |
14 | @AAMers | Alliance of Museums | 14.76 |
15 | @DC_Wales | DigiCommunitiesWales | 14.62 |
16 | @MSJE_AIC | Accessible India | 14.52 |
17 | @webaxe | Web Axe | 13.9 |
18 | @TechmumsHQ | #techmums | 12.74 |
19 | @itknowingness | IT Knowingness | 11.96 |
20 | @UserVision | User Vision | 11.29 |
21 | @pluralsight | Pluralsight | 10.45 |
22 | @umatters | Usability Matters | 10.08 |
23 | @VandelayDesign | Vandelay Design | 10.03 |
24 | @govtechnews | Govtech.com | 9.99 |
25 | @IBMAccess | IBM Accessibility | 9.92 |
26 | @EdGameTec | EdTech | 9.85 |
27 | @Disabilitygov | Disability.gov | 9.61 |
28 | @RWD | Responsive Design | 9.44 |
29 | @TechSoup | TechSoup | 8.64 |
30 | @javascriptd | Javascript Digest | 8.51 |
31 | @BeingExample | Being Example | 8.35 |
32 | @MollyWattTalks | Molly Watt Talks | 8.24 |
33 | @eSmart_AMF | eSmart | 7.81 |
34 | @AODAontario | AccessibilityOntario | 7.39 |
35 | @AFB1921 | AFB | 7.36 |
36 | @RNIBRadio | RNIB Connect Radio | 7.35 |
37 | @mediaaccessaus | Media Access Aus | 7.18 |
38 | @people4research | People for Research | 7.11 |
39 | @Gaggle_K12 | Gaggle | 7.08 |
40 | @internetsociety | Internet Society | 6.95 |
41 | @CP_Consortium | Changing Places | 6.78 |
42 | @alannahmadeline | Alannah Madeline Fdn | 6.83 |
43 | @TheSiliconHill | The Silicon Hill | 6.63 |
44 | @think_inclusive | Think Inclusive | 6.63 |
45 | @ONSdigital | ONSdigital | 6.51 |
46 | @Soulecting | Soulfully Connecting | 6.48 |
47 | @acquia | Acquia | 6.3 |
48 | @FrontEndDaily | Front-End Daily | 6.26 |
49 | @cuoredicoppia | CUOREdiCOPPIA | 6.21 |
50 | @euroblind | European Blind Union | 6.06 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around digital inclusion and accessibility.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 Digital Inclusion and Accessibility influencers and brands