Fintech is an economic industry composed of companies that use technology to make financial services more efficient. Fintech companies are generally startups trying to disintermediate incumbent financial systems and challenge traditional corporations that are less reliant on software.
Fintech funding in 2015 hit $19.1bn (up from $10bn in 2014), and the sector will exceed last year’s total by 36 percent if companies continue to raise money at the same rate as in the first quarter of 2016, according to a report from KPMG International and CB Insights.
We reached out to some of the top influencers on our list to ask them for their views on fintech. We spoke to Spiros Margaris (#1), Jim Marous (#5), Oscar A Jofre (#7), Sebastien Meunier (#9) and David Brear (#10). Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on Fintech!
Spiros Margaris – Founder of Margaris Advisory
“I strongly believe that the future of the financial technology (fintech) industry is as promising as ever, regardless of Britain’s decision to exit the European Union (Brexit) or any other stock market corrections to come. That does not mean that many start-ups will not disappear, be bought or merge with other companies along the way, but the fintech industry is here to stay. Besides, there will always be new entrepreneurs developing innovative start-ups that will change the financial industry for the better and positively disrupt the status quo. Of course, the Brexit situation will have serious consequences for many entrepreneurs but it also will help strong fintech start-ups in the United Kingdom and around the world to refocus and adjust to new situations. The saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” applies very much to the start-ups in this industry. The future of fintech is still unknown, thrilling and potentially wonderful. The industry offers possibilities we cannot currently imagine. We are living in very exciting times, when almost anything is possible if we work hard enough.”
Jim Marous – Owner of the Digital Banking Report and Co-Publisher of The Financial Brand
“While the partnership between Fintech and legacy banking organizations was the most mentioned trend in our ‘2016 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions’ report, I believe the most important component of digital banking transformation is to simplify and personalize the customer journey, removing friction and utilizing data to contextualize the banking experience. The consumer is no longer satisfied with firms that make buying or using a service difficult. The consumer wants their financial institution to be integrated into their daily lives and be easy to access, providing real-time advice that illustrates that their bank knows them, is looking out for them, and will reward them. The digital consumer is becoming impatient with financial organizations who know less about their goals and behavior than their online retailer. As legacy financial institutions decide between purchasing or partnering with fintech start-ups, developing digital capabilities internally or creating a platform for others to build digital banking solutions, it is time to move from hype to action.”
Oscar A Jofre – Founder of KoreConX
“Alternative Finance, and equity crowdfunding in particular has had an interesting year within the Fintech sector. The excitement of the launch of Title III crowdfunding in the US was swiftly followed by the need for corrections. Reports showed huge market growth globally, especially in Asia, and while the UK has led the way internationally, Brexit puts that in jeopardy. But I think that alternative finance is borderless. I think markets are global, and for better or worse, what happens in one affects another. It’s a strike against isolationism, and a move towards a more integrated, egalitarian global economic future.”
Sebastien Meunier – Management Consultant at Chappuis Halder & Co.
“Delivering successful Fintech innovation in large Financial Institutions is less about Business or Technology expertise and more about Culture and Mindset. Besides, the innovation impulsion should come from the top management.”
David Brear – Co-Founder and CEO of 11:FS
“FinTech and Banking are at the precipice of signifiant and serious change. For decades, through limited competition and competitor direction, banks have had the ability to do nothing but this is no longer the case. New technology breaking through, whether that be AI, Chat Bots, Blockchain or new ways to develop core banking engines, are all having significant and serious movements in what the art of the possible is for banking. This coupled with new regulations, governmental pressure and a swathe of new FinTech companies taking advantage of these changes, means that banks need to act today to exist tomorrow.”
It’s interesting to note that the most popular topic among the fintech influencers was Blockchain with a 28% share of voice, proving that the use of blockchain technology is leading the discussion and driving the most conversations among the top fintech influencers. Bitcoin was the 2nd most popular debate driver with 27%, followed by mentions of Startups with a 22% share of voice. Payments received an 7% share of voice, followed by Brexit with a 5% share of voice. Other frequently mentioned topics among the top influencers included Regulation / Policy, Customer Experiences, Mobile Payments, E-Commerce and IBM which all received a similar share of voice (ranging from 2-3%).
We were very interested in seeing which fintech influencers and brands were leading the online discussion, so we analysed 1.2M+ tweets over the last 3 months mentioning the keyword: “fintech”. We then identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. What we discovered was a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation with the number 1 influencer Spiros Margaris at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
Below you can see another network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) showing the number 5 brand Innovate Finance at the center and all the conversations to and from the influencers in their field. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers in fintech. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Company | Influencer Score |
1 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | Margaris Advisory | 79.95 |
2 | @cgledhill | Chris Gledhill | Secco Bank | 56.54 |
3 | @eileentso | Eileen Burbidge | Passion Capital | 51.27 |
4 | @FGraillot | Florian Graillot | AXA Strategic Ventures | 38.93 |
5 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | Digital Banking Report | 31.95 |
6 | @kingofpayments | Christopher Danvers | American Airlines Federal Credit Union | 30.66 |
7 | @oscarjofre | Oscar A Jofre Jr. | KoreConX | 30.22 |
8 | @obussmann | Oliver Bussmann | Level39 | 29.41 |
9 | @sbmeunier | Sebastien Meunier | Chappuis Halder & Co. | 28.74 |
10 | @davidbrear | David M. Brear | 11:FS | 22.36 |
11 | @CathyBessant | Cathy Bessant | Bank of America | 22.02 |
12 | @HBaldwinMP | Harriett Baldwin | Conservative Party | 21.47 |
13 | @leimer | Bradley Leimer | Santander | 19.61 |
14 | @robertoglezcano | Roberto A. González | San Pablo University | 19.35 |
15 | @Minh_Q_Tran | Minh Q. Tran | AXA Ventures | 19.25 |
16 | @OscarWGrut | Oscar Williams-Grut | Business Insider | 18.6 |
17 | @bernardmoon | Bernard Moon | SparkLabs Global Ventures | 18.43 |
18 | @Chris_Skinner | Chris Skinner | The Finanser | 17.64 |
19 | @rshevlin | Ron Shevlin | Cornerstone Advisors | 17.44 |
20 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | FehrAdvice & Partners AG | 17.2 |
21 | @ITredux | Theo Priestley | ITredux | 17.09 |
22 | @annairrera | Anna Irrera | Financial News | 16.46 |
23 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | Salesforce | 15.69 |
24 | @devie_mohan | Devie Mohan | Turya Collective | 15.47 |
25 | @andrewrsorkin | Andrew Ross Sorkin | The New York Times | 15.35 |
26 | @FinTechSummary | Alex Nech | FinTech Summary | 13.95 |
27 | @brettking | Brett King | Breaking Banks Radio | 13.56 |
28 | @WFSULLIVAN3 | Bill Sullivan | Capgemini | 13.24 |
29 | @SimonCocking | Simon Cocking | Irish Tech News | 12.46 |
30 | @davidjmaireles | David J. Maireles | Raisin GmbH | 12.27 |
31 | @howardlindzon | Howard Lindzon | Social Leverage | 12.03 |
32 | @johnrampton | John Rampton | | 11.9 |
33 | @Huynguyentrieu | Huy Nguyen Trieu | Citi | 11.84 |
34 | @SusanneChishti | Susanne Chishti | Fintech Circle | 11.72 |
35 | @JoshConstine | Josh Constine | TechCrunch | 11.05 |
36 | @jzaler | Jason Zaler | PwC | 11.05 |
37 | @RAlexJimenez | Alex Jiménez | Zions Bancorporation | 10.9 |
38 | @davemcclure | Dave McClure | 500 Startups | 10.83 |
39 | @Sam_L_Shead | Sam Shead | Business Insider | 10.71 |
40 | @amitTwitr | Amit Goel | Lets Talk Payments | 10.58 |
41 | @Zeth_Fintech | Zeth Couceiro | OPUS | 10.38 |
42 | @Barba_AB | Robert Barba | American banker | 10.32 |
43 | @dtapscott | Don Tapscott | The Tapscott Group | 10.05 |
44 | @_bmturner_ | Matt Turner | Business Insider | 9.89 |
45 | @JonMarino | Jon Marino | CNBC | 9.86 |
46 | @GCGodfrey | Gemma Godfrey | | 9.43 |
47 | @PeterJeung | Peter Jeung | ICK International | 9.36 |
48 | @BarkowConsult | Peter Barkow | Barkow Consulting | 9.08 |
49 | @sytaylor | Simon Taylor | 11:FS | 8.44 |
50 | @MichaelKitces | MichaelKitces | Nerd’s Eye View | 8.3 |
In the top 100 brands we can find a great selection of industry resources and news publications such as TechCrunch, CBInsights and 60 minutes, as well as industry heavyweights like Citi, KMPG and The World Economic Forum. Below is the top 50, be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in fintech.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @TechCrunch | TechCrunch | 100 |
2 | @CBinsights | CB Insights | 56.96 |
3 | @60Minutes | 60 Minutes | 55.57 |
4 | @Citi | Citi | 41.19 |
5 | @InnFin | Innovate Finance | 40.29 |
6 | @KPMG | KPMG | 39.71 |
7 | @wef | World Economic Forum | 39.13 |
8 | @fintechna | FINTECHNA | 37.08 |
9 | @Finextra | Finextra | 35.67 |
10 | @FT | Financial Times | 34.6 |
11 | @StartUpRealTime | StartUpNews | 30.21 |
12 | @Accenture | Accenture | 29.32 |
13 | @BankingTechno | Banking Technology | 29.17 |
14 | @tech_eu | | 29.09 |
15 | @businessinsider | Business Insider | 28.33 |
16 | @FinTechProfiles | FinTech|VBProfiles | 26.91 |
17 | @CNBC | CNBC | 26.02 |
18 | @PwC_UK | PwC UK | 24.96 |
19 | @bankofengland | Bank of England | 24.71 |
20 | @sbcFinTech | Sbootcamp FinTech | 23.36 |
21 | @FINTECHCircle | FINTECH Circle | 22.99 |
22 | @LetsTalkPaymnts | Let’s Talk Payments | 22.73 |
23 | @AmerBanker | American Banker | 21.73 |
24 | @money2020 | Money20/20 | 20.32 |
25 | @Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur | 19.77 |
26 | @bitcoinagile | BitcoinAgile | 18.57 |
27 | @Inc | Inc. | 18.04 |
28 | @hmtreasury | HM Treasury | 18.02 |
29 | @Breakingviews | ReutersBreakingviews | 17.44 |
30 | @FinTechLab | FinTech Lab | 17.44 |
31 | @SoFi | SoFi | 16.76 |
32 | @TheFCA | FCA | 16.66 |
33 | @RichtopiaCom | Richtopia | 16.22 |
34 | @nextbank | Next Bank | 16.07 |
35 | @nytimesbusiness | NYT Business | 15.29 |
36 | @TechCityNews | Tech City News | 14.42 |
37 | @FinancialBrand | The Financial Brand | 14.04 |
38 | @siliconrepublic | SiliconRepublic | 13.87 |
39 | @Partnership4NYC | Partnership for NYC | 13.67 |
40 | @coindesk | CoinDesk | 13.17 |
41 | @Benzinga | | 12.99 |
42 | @getmondo | Mondo | 12.9 |
43 | @HollandFinTech | Holland FinTech | 12.47 |
44 | @villagecapital | Village Capital | 12.27 |
45 | @number26 | NUMBER26 | 12.16 |
46 | @techstars | techstars | 12.06 |
47 | @500Startups | 500 Startups | 12.06 |
48 | @TheFINTECHBook | The FINTECH Book | 11.99 |
49 | @FintechCH | Fintech Switzerland | 11.7 |
50 | @LBGDigi | LBG Digital | 11.59 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion in digital transformation.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take ito account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 Fintech 2016 influencers and brands