With the initial Fintech boom over our shoulders, we’re now starting to see something interesting happening in the market, Fintech’s boom is beginning to come to fruition. Given the $4.7+ trillion valuation Goldman Sachs has given the industry, having your eyes on the prize has rarely been worth more. It’s never been easy to keep up in the finance world and staying on top of the ever-increasing rate of innovation is even harder. However, with our below list, you can do both. Whether you want to keep an eye on Finances bleeding edge, or become the bleeding edge, knowing who’s who and jumping the news queue is easy.
Mapping the Community
We analysed over 5 million (5,190,257) Fintech related posts from 1st Feb 2019 to 31st January 2020. We then identified the top 100 most influential individuals leading the discussion on social media. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation around Fintech, the top influencer Spiros Margaris is at the centre. This map was created using the Onalytica platform. The ranking analyses a variety of personas from industry experts, to social amplifiers and content creators as well as journalists and politicians so there’s quite a mix of influencers that have been identified.
Top 100 Influencers
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influential experts discussing Fintech. Below we have a list of the top 50 influencers discussing Fintech online. If you want to see who ranks from 51 – 100 be sure to download the full report by filling the form in below.

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Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Role | Influencer Score |
1 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | FinServ Professional | 100 |
2 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | FinServ Professional | 78.98 |
3 | @psb_dc | Theodora Lau | Entrepreneur | 57.32 |
4 | @FTPartners | Steve McLaughlin | Entrepreneur | 56.74 |
5 | @BrettKing | Brett King | Entrepreneur | 54.98 |
6 | @cgledhill | Chris Gledhill | FinServ Professional | 51.19 |
7 | @Chris_Skinner | Chris Skinner | Senior Management | 48.66 |
8 | @LendAcademy | Peter Renton | Entrepreneur | 48.59 |
9 | @rshevlin | Ron Shevlin | Analyst | 46.1 |
10 | @AnneBoden | Anne Boden | Entrepreneur | 45.59 |
11 | @daviddoughty | David Doughty | FinServ Professional | 45.44 |
12 | @FinMKTG | Nick Bilodeau | Marketing Professional | 45.03 |
13 | @albertogaruccio | Alberto Garuccio | FinServ Professional | 44.32 |
14 | @leimer | Bradley Leimer | Entrepreneur | 44.21 |
15 | @ccrosswell | Charlotte Crosswell | C-suite | 44.15 |
16 | @davidjmaireles | David Jiménez Maireles | FinServ Professional | 43.44 |
17 | @andi_staub | Andreas Staub | FinServ Professional | 42.89 |
18 | @MikeQuindazzi | Mike Quindazzi | C-suite | 42.32 |
19 | @FGraillot | Florian Graillot | Entrepreneur | 42.29 |
20 | @Xbond49 | Xavier Gomez | Entrepreneur | 41.83 |
21 | @RAlexJimenez | Alex Jiménez | FinServ Professional | 41.35 |
22 | @sbmeunier | Sebastien Meunier | C-suite | 39.41 |
23 | @UrsBolt | Urs Bolt | FinServ Professional | 38.75 |
24 | @SusanneChishti | Susanne Chishti | C-suite | 38.21 |
25 | @mattcharris | Matt Harris | Senior Management | 37.55 |
26 | @Nicolas2Pinto | Nicolas Pinto | Marketing Professional | 37.21 |
27 | @davidbrear | David M. Brear | C-suite | 36.91 |
28 | @Visible_Banking | Christophe Langlois | C-suite | 35.78 |
29 | @TheRudinGroup | April Rudin | Entrepreneur | 35.33 |
30 | @naszub | Nasir Zubairi | C-suite | 34.59 |
31 | @stratorob | Dr. Robin Kiera | Tech Professional | 34.47 |
32 | @jaypalter | Jay Palter | C-suite | 33.74 |
33 | @floriansemle | Florian Semle | Senior Management | 32.95 |
34 | @efipm | Efi Pylarinou | FinServ Professional | 32.54 |
35 | @jblefevre60 | Jean-Baptiste Lefevre | Marketing Professional | 32.41 |
36 | @ScarlettSieber | Scarlett Sieber | C-suite | 31.69 |
37 | @helene_wpli | Helene Li | Entrepreneur | 31.09 |
38 | @WFSULLIVAN3 | Bill Sullivan | C-suite | 30.67 |
39 | @iankar_ | Ian Kar | Entrepreneur | 30.24 |
40 | @amitTwitr | Amit Goel | Entrepreneur | 29.83 |
41 | @OscarWGrut | Oscar Williams-Grut | Journalist | 28.81 |
42 | @sytaylor | Simon Taylor | Entrepreneur | 28.52 |
43 | @maxjcm | John C. Maxwell III | Senior Management | 28.21 |
44 | @JPNicols | JP Nicols | Entrepreneur | 28.18 |
45 | @MichaelKitces | Michael Kitces | Entrepreneur | 27.44 |
46 | @ChrisBrummerDr | Chris Brummer | Academic | 27.01 |
47 | @Damien_CABADI | Damien Cabadi | FinServ Professional | 26.33 |
48 | @Clagett | Bryan Clagett | Senior Management | 25.22 |
49 | @devie_mohan | Devie Mohan | Entrepreneur | 25.2 |
50 | @dinisguarda | Dinis Guarda | Entrepreneur | 25.04 |

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Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking correlates to a strong indication of influence. The individuals listed here are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around the above key topics. Onalytica’s PageRank based methodology is used to extract influential experts on a particular topic and takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives – this allows us to identify Topical Authority (reference) – our priority influence metric. We analyzed topical authority via their social engagement on Twitter and how much influential experts were referenced in association with Fintech on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Forums, Blogs, News and Tumblr content. These calculations also take into account a user’s resonance (topical engagement) relevance (number of posts on topic, and % relevance – the proportion of their social content on the topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines How to identify your target influencers.
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a look on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on Twitter? Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influential experts for your brand. Onalytica’s Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 700K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.