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Interview with Kevin L. Jackson

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Interviews,

Kevin L. Jackson

Kevin L. Jackson

CEO and Founder of GovCloud Network

Key Topics:Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, 5G
Location:Metro Washington, DC, USA

Kevin L. Jackson is a globally recognized cybersecurity and cloud computing expert. Cited as a “Top 5G Influencer” and “Top 20 Tech Blogger”, he provides digital transformation, education and social media services to global firms, educational institutions, and national governments. Authored books include “Architecting Cloud Computing Solutions”, “Practical Cloud Security”, and “Cloud Computing for the Business of Government”. Corporate positions have included Vice President, JP Morgan Chase and Global Sales Executive, IBM. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 1994 as an Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer and has supported digital transformation projects for NATO and the US Intelligence Community.

How did you get to become an expert in your key topics?

I majored in Aerospace Engineering at the US Naval Academy. When I graduated became a Naval Aviator flying E-2/C-2 aircraft. Later transitioned to Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer working on Low Earth Orbit satellites for the US Intelligence Community supporting global military operations. Earned MS in Computer Engineering and International Relations before accepting an early retirement in 1994. Entered the business world as a CTO for SENTEL Corporation and managing a Space Shuttle payload processing (New Horizons Pluto Mission) project for NASA. Other positions included Vice President Global IT Projects at JP Morgan Chase, Global Sales Executive for IBM and Director Cloud Computing for SAIC (formerly Engility).

What topic areas are you most passionate about?

Organizational Digital Transformation because it requires innovative business/mission models that leverage cloud computing and 5G telecommunications services in a secure manner.

Which influencers influence you within those key topics?

Dez Blanchfield, Shira Rubinoff, Andy Purdy, Dr. Lyron H. Andrews, Melvin Greer

Outside of your key topics who else influences you?

Lisa H. Jackson, my wife, on dealing with people and work/life balance.
Barack Obama on poise, statesmanship, communications and vision.
General Colin Powell on blending professional focus and personal honor.

What are your passions outside of work?

Space exploration, International travel

How would you describe your offline influence?

My offline activities greatly inform my online viewpoint. Daily interactions with consulting clients and education institutions keep me abreast of the changing marketplace. The research I do for publications and online courses keep me ahead of the curve. Speaking engagement give me the opportunity to test any new hypothesis with knowledgeable audiences.

If a brand wanted to work with you, what offline / online activities would you be most interested in?

Product/service innovation, speaking opportunities, video interviews, webinars/podcasts.

What brands have you worked with?

AT&T, IBM, Bosch, Ericsson, Huawei, Microsoft, Commvault, Broadcom, Citrix, SAP, Barclays, Fidelity Investments, General Motors, Whirlpool, Société Générale, Cisco and many others.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

You can send me a message on Twitter or LinkedIn.