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IT Service Management: Top 100 Influencers and Brands

by | Oct 5, 2016 | Influencer Lists,

IT service management describes a strategic approach for designing, planning, delivering, managing and improving the way IT is used within an organization. Some of the best examples of ITSM methods are change management, capacity planning, configuration management, disaster recovery, performance management and availability management. The goal of every IT Service management framework is to ensure that the right processes, people and technology are in place so that an organization can meet its business goals.

The IT service management applications market is expected to reach $2 billion by 2020, compared with $1.6 billion in 2015 at a compound annual growth rate of 4.0%.


We reached out to some of the top influencers on our list to ask them for their views on IT service management. We spoke to Ian Moyse (#1), Lonnie McRorey (#2), Stephan Mann (#4), Claire Agutter (#9),  Stuart Rance (#12) and Jarod Greene (#19) . Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on IT service management.

Onalytica - IoT 2016 Top 100 Influencers and Brands for 2016 - Ian MoyseIan Moyse –  Board Director Eurocloud UK & Cloud Industry Forum

“This market segment is evolving fast and accelerating as businesses have increased pressure to deliver high quality customer service and self service capabilities both to  internal and external customers,  in B2B and B2C environments.  Users expectations of service quality and response is higher than ever before, driven by an environment of apps, online e-commerce and consumable tech. Therefore the enabling tech combined with process and people has to be more efficient and aligned than ever before.”

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Lonnie McRoreyLonnie McRorey – Tech EcoSystem R&D at ArkusNexus
“Users are consuming software at a massive scale than previous years, and the trend is exponentially growing. This means that the IT Department will have to run at greater efficient and optimized levels than ever before. By democratizing IT Service Management, companies will be able to implement ideas and processes across the entire ecosystem, thus (IT) Service Management will be at the nucleus of every successful company. CIO’s are already taking the CEO seat across modern data driven organizations and the engine that will help this new breed of leadership will be a symbiotic (IT) Services Management department that will deliver continuous services across the enterprise while fortifying partner relationships.” 

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Stephen MannStephan Mann – Principal Analyst and Content Director at
“People need to realize, or remember, that ITSM is so much more than IT service desk. Then they need to understand that ITSM is so much more than the processes covered by ITIL, the popular ITSM best practice framework. That instead ITSM is about delivering IT as a service which, in 2016 and beyond, means keeping up with the employee and customer consumer-world-driven expectations of service and support. It’s currently one of the biggest challenges for IT(SM) professionals – understanding what customer experience (CX) is, that it’s relevant inside the organization as well as outside, and what they need to do about it.”

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Claire AgutterClaire Agutter – Founder of ITSM Zone
“2016 has been the year when IT service management has changed beyond all recognition.  Organisations large and small are looking at emerging practices like DevOps and agile service management and asking “can this help us do our job better?” In the next 5 years, I’m expecting to see ITSM continue to evolve to deliver good IT faster and meet business needs.  ITSM experts will need to re-skill and keep learning in order to stay relevant, consultancy models will change and IT departments will converge with the businesses they serve.”

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Stuart RanceStuart Rance – Owner at Optimal Service Management Ltd
“IT service management isn’t really about how you manage IT services, it’s about how you create value by ensuring your customers have great experiences, without having to use resources that you can’t afford”

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Tony PriceTony Price – Director WW IT4IT Strategic Consulting at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
“IT Service Management (ITSM) is a constant. There has been and will always be a need for it, but will the ITSM of today look the same in the next five years? Almost certainly not! The way we deploy, operate and continually improve ITSM has massively changed over the last five years and will continue to do so in the future. Who would have thought that ITSM Software would be utilising real time analytics, big data, social media and robotics, but this is the reality of today!  Change will also be driven by the fact that we live in a world where almost everything is required on demand. Organisations and individuals are simply not prepared to wait as they need to see instant value to remain competitive and “in the game”. Everyone wants everything better faster cheaper and safer and ITSM is no exception. So buckle up as the ride is only just starting and thing will start to move very very fast!”

JarOnalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Jarod Greeneod Greene -Vice President of Product Marketing at Cherwell Software
“The notion that IT doesn’t matter anymore is particularly frustrating because everyone in the business is a technology expert, until something stops performing the way it’s supposed to. This represents a clear call to action for IT leaders, who have to shift from service providers to service brokers, who can ensure the business can connect to technology solutions safely and securely, in ways that empower, and not impair. ITSM provides the framework to accomplish those objectives and the future has never been brighter.”


We were interested in seeing which topics were spoken of the most in the context of IT service management, so we analysed tweets and blogs from the top 100 influencers and brands between 1st January – 3rd October 2016 and counted the number of times various topics were mentioned to create a topic share of voice pie chart:

Onalytica - IT Service Management Top 100 Influencers and Brands Topic Share of Voice
The most popular topic mentioned in tweets and blogs by the top IT service management influencers by a long way was Cloud with a 52% share of voice, illustrating the massive importance of Cloud services within ITSM. Security was the 2nd most popular topic with 24% of all topic mentions among the top ITSM influencers and brands, proving how data security is of paramount importance in the ITSM market. The 3rd most popular topic among the ITSM influencers was Design with a 4% share of voice, illustrating the importance of design in the processes and supporting procedures within ITSM activities. Support also received a 4% share of voice followed by Delivery, Infrastructure, Planning and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) all with a 3% share of all topic mentions. Lastly the topic of Control received a 2% share of all mentions among the top 100 IT service management influencers and brands.


We were very interested in seeing which brand and individuals were leading the discussion around IT service management, so we analysed over 21K tweets from mentioning the key words: “IT Service Management OR ITSM OR ITServiceManagement OR ITOM OR IT Operation Management OR ITOperationManagement”. We then identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. What we discovered was a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation with number one individual Ian Moyse at the centre. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.

Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Network Map 1 (Ian Moyse)

Below you can see another network map created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM) showing the number 3 brand Service Desk Institute at the centre and all the conversations to and from the influencers in their field. If you are interested in learning more about identifying, managing and engaging with influencers click here to get in touch!

 Onalytica - IT Service management TOp 100 Influencers and Brands - Network Map (Service Desk Institute)


We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top influencers in IT service management. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the full report by clicking the download button below.

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RankTwitter HandleNameCompanyInfluencer Score
1@imoyseIan Moyse – FInstSMMEurocloud UK & Cloud Industry Forum100
2@InnovationDevLonnie McRoreyArkusNexus44.89
3@ArkangelScrapArkangelScrapAscendeo France40.23
4@stephenmannStephen MannITSM Tools36.46
5@roomeezonImran Hafeez PanhwarGovernment of Pakistan34.13
6@ITSM_JayneJayne GrollITSM Academy25.47
7@VigilantGuyMatt HooperLandesk25.3
8@dougtedderDoug TedderTedder Consulting25.01
9@ClaireAgutterClaire AgutterITSM Zone23.37
10@barclayraeBarclay RaeBarclay Rae Consulting22.75
11@kaimarkaruKaimar KaruAXELOS19.04
12@StuartRanceStuart RanceOptimal Service Management17.91
13@Joe_the_IT_guyJoe The IT GuySysAid Technologies.15.47
14@OttLegalRebelsMarc R Gagné MAPPGagné Legal Services15.29
15@TonyPriceAtWorkTony PriceHewlett Packard Enterprise15.09
16@EricTTungEric T. TungSocial Media Association of Houston14.95
17@evanderburgEric VanderburgJURINNOV14.83
18@RobertEStroudRobert StroudForrester Research12.54
19@jarodgreeneJarod GreeneCherwell Software12.27
21@jkowallJonah KowallAppDynamics11.07
22@sureshgpSuresh GPTaub Solutions10.66
23@SophieDanbySophie DanbySocommunity Ltd.10.6
24@ITSM_LisaLisa SchwartzITSM Academy10.3
25@SDIOllieOllie O’DonoghueThe Service Desk Institute10
26@JamesWMacintyreJames MacintyrePlus Dane9.54
27@gobbymidgetRebecca BeachDimity Consulting9.45
28@ryanrogilvieRyan OgilvieInter Pipeline9.38
29@MauricioCoronaMauricio Corona, PhDNYCE, BP Gurus9.13
30@JonHall_Jon HallBMC8.94
32@MainvilleDavid MainvilleNavvia7.98
33@patb0512Patrick BolgerHornbill7.69
34@gtsankerGreg SankerOregon Department of Administrative Services7.58
35@IanAitchisonIan AitchisonLandesk7.5
36@TroyDuMoulinTroy DuMoulinPink Elephant7.48
37@EarlBegleyEarl BegleySan Francisco International Airport7.37
38@RoyAtkinsonRoy AtkinsonUBM, Clifton Butterfield, HDI7.35
39@gerardblokdijkgerardblokdijkThe Art of Service7.24
40@vawnsVawns MurphyMicro Focus7.23
41@sandrineaSandrine AvenierEasyVista7.17
42@ChannelSwRob WatsonHPE7.04
43@jimoidutsJim StudioGoogle6.96
44@JulienDriodJulien DRIODAdvertaz6.7
45@Karen_FerrisKaren FerrisMacanta Consulting6.66
46@ShayneHigdonShayne HigdonBMC6.56
47@MarlonMolinaMarlon MolinaIDG Communications6
48@theitskepticRob EnglandTwo Hills Ltd5.9
49@LeifssonElvarElvar LeifssonAmazon Echo5.82
50@syscokid87Mark BradleyHPE5.61



We also looked at all the brands engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top brands talking about IT service management. Below is the top 50, if you want to see who ranks from 50-100 be sure to download the report to get the full top 100 list, and see who are most the influential brands in IT service management.

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RankTwitter HandleNameInfluencer Score
2@adremsoftwareAdRem Software39.09
4@BMCSoftwareBMC Software32.65
7@ITSMZoneITSM Zone26.68
10@Axios_SystemsAxios Systems ⚡25.77
11@GlobalKnowledgeGlobal Knowledge24.93
12@ITBusinessEdgeIT Business Edge22.57
14@CranfordGroupCranford Group21.36
15@AXELOS_GBPAXELOS Best Practice21.22
19@DellSysMgmtDell Systems Mgmt15.35
20@HPE_SoftwareHPE Software15.21
23@AllThingsITSMAll Things ITSM14.32
24@dustcloud_ioDust Cloud13.12
25@ITCrowdsourceIT Crowdsource®12.74
27@VivitWorldwideVivit Worldwide12.38
28@DOESsummitDevOps Enterprise12.36
29@ThinkHDIHDI Team11.63
30@INVICTASoftwareINVICTA Software11.38
31@ITSMAcademyITSM Academy11.2
34@PinkElephantUKPink Elephant UK10.9
35@ciscoDCCisco Data Center10.61
36@DEVOPSINSTDevOps Institute10.59
38@HEAT_SoftwareHEAT Software9.6
40@theopengroupThe Open Group9.39
45@leanplcProduct Lifecycle8.28
47@itnovumit-novum GmbH7.81
48@artofserviceITThe Art of Service7.83
50@IBMServiceMgmtIBM Service Mgmt7.31


At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital HealthDigital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!


Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around IT service management.

The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s relevance (number of tweets on topic) and reach (number of followers). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.

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