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The Top 100 #ContentMarketing Thought Leaders

by | Mar 26, 2014 | Influencer Lists,

From content shock to content schlock, content marketing has come under increasing scrutiny in 2014, as the market oscillates between banal “me-too” tips and reactionary treatises against content marketing. Like the golden child who has been praised too deeply and for too long by a teacher, the other kids have snapped and are beating the shit out of him every lunchtime to make up for it.

Of course, this should come as little surprise to most of the (great) marketing minds on this list, who have for the most part been steering a realistic and informed path through the gauntlet of content marketing extremes, perhaps reminding us all to focus less on whether content marketing is the second coming of Christ or not and just to do it well and move on with our lives.

As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking below is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The people listed below are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion within the context of content marketing (specifically, in this case, the #contentmarketing hashtag) but whether they are the right people to engage with for your content-marketing-based influencer engagement programme is an entirely different thing (the answer is probably not – lists can be a great starting point for gauging influence, but it’s all about building relationships and this is certainly not a spam invitation).

The Top Content Marketing Thought Leaders on Twitter

How did we work this out? The quick version is we ran PageRank analysis on the network of people talking about the #contentmarketing Twitter hashtag (we’ve looked at around 6 months’ worth of data) to find the relative influence of the people involved in the conversation. Oh, and if you want to see more than 50 (how’s about the top 100?), you can press the big green button below and get a lovely PDF with the full list and a hip network map to print out and pin up on your wall next to all of your top influencer posters (just me?).

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RankTwitter HandleNamePageRank (Normalised)
1@jeffbullasJeff Bullas100
2@BrennerMichaelMichael Brenner22.56
3@JoePulizziJoe Pulizzi16.41
4@jaybaerJay Baer11.64
5@ChadPollittChad Pollitt8.49
6@Robert_RoseRobert Rose8.17
7@heidicohenHeidi Cohen7.88
8@TPLDrewAndrew Davis6.64
9@crestodinaAndy Crestodina4.09
10@GerryMoranGerry Moran3.68
11@ArnieKArnie Kuenn3.36
12@mike_alltonMike Allton2.91
13@corhospesCor Hospes2.9
14@PamDidnerPam Didner2.54
15@annhandleyAnn Handley2.45
16@markwschaeferMark Schaefer2.42
17@JasonMillerCAJason Miller2.33
18@FeldmanCreativeBarry Feldman2.26
19@TrentDyrsmidTrent Dyrsmid2.03
20@GlenGilmoreGlen Gilmore1.99
21@NenadSenicNenad Senic1.98
22@ardath421Ardath Albee1.92
23@fusionsparkRussell Sparkman1.87
24@leeoddenLee Odden1.82
25@PamMktgNutPam Moore1.77
26@TheSalesLionMarcus Sheridan1.75
27@ahavalAhava Leibtag1.72
28@PatrickHayslettPatrick Hayslett1.69
29@SteveologySteve Farnsworth1.65
30@rskin11Ryan Skinner1.64
31@cahidalgoCarlos Hidalgo1.59
32@SFerikaErika Heald1.56
33@Jay_zoJay Acunzo1.49
34@dougkesslerDoug Kessler1.49
35@guilhemGuilhem Bertholet1.46
36@meanoianoIan Stanley1.45
37@amandamaksAmanda Maksymiw1.45
38@paulroetzerPaul Roetzer1.44
39@ducttapeJohn Jantsch1.43
40@michaelgerardMichael Gerard1.43
41@MildenhallJonathan Mildenhall1.41
42@lieblinkRebecca Lieb1.39
43@ShellyKramerShelly Kramer1.37
44@SarahSkerikSarah Skerik1.3
45@franswaaFrank Barry1.28
46@kimgarstKim Garst1.28
47@jchernovJoe Chernov1.18
48@kevinrcainKevin Cain1.15
49@scottabelScott Abel1.15
50@BrianHonigmanBrian Honigman1.13


Go ahead, download the full top 100, complete with network map:

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Content Marketing

Top Thought Leaders

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