We’re back with content marketing! After our initial post on content marketing influencers in last March, we are back with an updated list with even more thought leaders, network maps and insights. At Onalytica we were really excited to see that the content marketing community enjoyed the list we posted earlier this year and we wanted to provide them with a wider view on the online debate around content marketing.
The online debate on content marketing is driven by a huge number of individuals that have true passion for the discipline. People like Joe Pulizzi, Michael Brenner, Heidi Cohen, Jeff Bullas, Gerry Moran, Jay Baer, Ann Handley and many many more all create great content and make for a passionate online discussion on the topic. People are crucial to the content marketing debate but a lot of the discussion is also driven by brands. This is the main reason we have applied our same PageRank based methodology to all the brands out there talking about content marketing. We have tried to create a comprehensive landscape for everybody that is interested in the content marketing community. This list is also a way for people looking to find great thought leaders and influential companies in the online content marketing debate. If you are wondering how we approach influence and influencer marketing, give this article a try!
Below you can see the full network map of the entire debate with 400 twitter users (if you’re interested in this map, we can provide you with a vector PDF, just send us a tweet with your email and we’ll be happy to send it!)
Less talk, more influencers! Check below for the Top 50 Influencers and brands. Be sure to grab the free report that includes 200 thought leaders, 200 brands and their shiny network maps to see how they are all linked together in the debate.

Top 50 Individuals
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 100 |
2 | @GerryMoran | Gerry Moran | 56.56 |
3 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 53.1 |
4 | @JoePulizzi | Joe Pulizzi | 43.9 |
5 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 33.96 |
6 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 32.89 |
7 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 28.35 |
8 | @lieblink | Rebecca Lieb | 27.47 |
9 | @heidicohen | HeidiCohen | 18.65 |
10 | @Robert_Rose | Robert Rose | 17.4 |
11 | @annhandley | Ann Handley | 17.18 |
12 | @noyesjesse | Jesse Noyes | 16.9 |
13 | @ArnieK | Arnie Kuenn | 16.54 |
14 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore #SocBiz | 16.11 |
15 | @dougkessler | Doug Kessler | 14.84 |
16 | @JasonMillerCA | Jason A Miller | 14.43 |
17 | @TrentDyrsmid | Trent Dyrsmid | 13.81 |
18 | @MikeCorak | MikeCorak | 11.6 |
19 | @mnburgess | Mark Burgess | 10.85 |
20 | @TPLDrew | Andrew Davis | 10.5 |
21 | @Steveology | Steve Farnsworth | 10.41 |
22 | @MelonieDodaro | Melonie Dodaro | 10.38 |
23 | @franswaa | frank barry | 9.91 |
24 | @stonetemple | Eric Enge | 9.35 |
25 | @michelelinn | Michele Linn | 9.29 |
26 | @michellemanafy | Michelle Manafy | 8.79 |
27 | @carlijnpostma | Carlijn Postma | 8.73 |
28 | @FeldmanCreative | Barry Feldman | 8.2 |
29 | @larrykim | Larry Kim | 8.11 |
30 | @fusionspark | Russell Sparkman | 8.02 |
31 | @mike_allton | Mike Allton | 7.99 |
32 | @SFerika | Erika Heald | 7.68 |
33 | @martinjonesaz | Martin Jones | 7.37 |
34 | @PamDidner | Pam Didner | 7.32 |
35 | @Britopian | Michael Brito | 7.32 |
36 | @wxynot | DD Nadeau | 7.29 |
37 | @gurdeepd | Gurdeep Dhillon | 7.2 |
38 | @TheSalesLion | Marcus Sheridan | 7.12 |
39 | @scottabel | Scott Abel | 6.77 |
40 | @crestodina | Andy Crestodina | 6.29 |
41 | @madlemmingz | Ashley Faulkes | 6.24 |
42 | @tobymurdock | Toby Murdock | 6.07 |
43 | @jchernov | Joe Chernov | 5.83 |
44 | @JeffSheehan | Jeff Sheehan | 5.41 |
45 | @maggiejonezzz | Maggie Jones | 5.34 |
46 | @kimgarst | Kim Garst ツ | 5.25 |
47 | @irfanahmad1989 | Irfan Ahmad | 4.72 |
48 | @DholakiyaPratik | Pratik Dholakiya | 4.68 |
49 | @tedbirk94 | Ted Birkhahn | 4.67 |
50 | @cmcphillips | Cathy McPhillips | 4.62 |
Top 50 Brands
The Top 50 brands is composed of excellent content marketing firms (NewsCred, Curata, Kapost, Toprank and many more) and also filled with content creators and curators such as SocialMedia2Day, Inc and Social Media Examiner. Be sure to grab the full top 200 (free!) to see where you or your competitor rank in the online #contentmarketing debate!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @CMIContent | Content Marketing | 100 |
2 | @Econsultancy | Econsultancy | 37.44 |
3 | @kapost | Kapost | 36.96 |
4 | @newscred | NewsCred | 29.74 |
5 | @socialmedia2day | Social Media Today | 27.33 |
6 | @Marketingland | Marketing Land | 25.66 |
7 | @toprank | TopRankMarketing.com | 24.95 |
8 | @CoSchedule | CoSchedule App | 19.98 |
9 | @Inc | Inc. | 19.95 |
10 | @scoopit | Scoop.it | 14.41 |
11 | @SMExaminer | SocialMediaExaminer | 14.41 |
12 | @marketo | Marketo | 14.01 |
13 | @King_Content | King Content | 11.65 |
14 | @GrowWithOrganic | The Organic Agency | 10.79 |
15 | @GetCurata | Curata | 10.24 |
16 | @RivalIQ | Rival IQ | 10.11 |
17 | @CMO_com | CMO.com | 9.88 |
18 | @M2Bespoke | M2 Bespoke | 9.65 |
19 | @Uberflip | Uberflip | 9.57 |
20 | @LinkedInMktg | LinkedIn Marketing | 8.45 |
21 | @TrackMaven | TrackMaven | 8.42 |
22 | @YSmallBusiness | Yahoo Small Business | 8.39 |
23 | @trapit | Trapit | 8.3 |
24 | @relevance | Relevance | 8.14 |
25 | @skyword | Skyword | 7.39 |
26 | @sengineland | Search Engine Land | 7.1 |
27 | @canva | Canva | 6.79 |
28 | @Outbrain | Outbrain | 6.61 |
29 | @ethology | ethology | 6.4 |
30 | @AMA_Marketing | AMA | 6.04 |
31 | @onespot | OneSpot | 5.86 |
32 | @fusionmex | Fusion Experience | 5.68 |
33 | @eB2B_inbound | eB2B_Inbound | 5.37 |
34 | @iAcquire | iAcquire | 5.36 |
35 | @scribblelive | ScribbleLive | 5.35 |
36 | @ioninteractive | ion interactive | 5.29 |
37 | @altimetergroup | altimetergroup | 5.1 |
38 | @sejournal | SearchEngine Journal | 4.88 |
39 | @BuzzSumo | BuzzSumo | 4.78 |
40 | @FathomOnline | Fathom | 4.5 |
41 | @readz | Readz | 4.41 |
42 | @MSocialBusiness | Max. Social Business | 4.39 |
43 | @Peppercomm | Peppercomm | 4.36 |
44 | @CoimbatoreSMO | Coimbatore Social | 4.15 |
45 | @Vocus | Vocus | 4.1 |
46 | @Brafton | Brafton | 4.06 |
47 | @Onboardly | Onboardly | 3.97 |
48 | @semrush | SEMrush | 3.97 |
49 | @MahlabMedia | Mahlab Media | 3.9 |
50 | @orbiteers | Orbit Media | 3.89 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as B2BMarketing, IoT, Wearable tech …) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers and you can get a free demo at any time, right here.
Download this free report which reveals the top 200 brands and influencers in the 2014 content marketing landscape